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Published 11/28/2024 Cold bloodedRely on water or moist environment External fertilization
Published 11/28/2024 Fertilization type in frogs
Published 11/28/2024 These amphibians retained their aquatic morphology permanently
Published 11/28/2024 Terrestial amphibians have thin skin that lose water rapidly and require cool habitats, meaning they are ____
Published 11/28/2024 "Apoda"- limbless amphibians- distinct eyes but almost blind so they rely on sense tentacles - Look like snakes
Published 11/28/2024 Order gymnophiona old name
Published 11/28/2024 Gymnophionians are almost blind despite their small distinct eyes, what do they rely on?
Published 11/28/2024 Order gymnophonia nutrition
Published 11/28/2024 In order gymnophiona, the male has an organ that introduces sperm to the female body, what is this organ?
Published 11/28/2024 Salamanders order
Published 11/28/2024 Urodela old name
Published 11/28/2024 describe limbs in salamanders
Published 11/28/2024 Type of fertilization in salamanders
Published 11/28/2024 Respiration in salamanders
Published 11/28/2024 Did salamanders have gills?
Published 11/28/2024 A persistent phylogenetic trend in some amphibians where descendents retain pre adult features of ancestors as they reach adulthood
Published 11/28/2024 Paedomorphosis in salamanders
Published 11/28/2024 Describe egg laying in amphibians 
Published 11/28/2024 Describe egg laying in completely terrestial amphibians 
Published 11/28/2024 Describe egg laying in aquatic amphibians 
Published 11/28/2024 Anura old name
Published 11/28/2024 Frogs and toads 
Published 11/28/2024 The largest order- live near water source- skin is water permeable
Published 11/28/2024 This is the tailed larval stage in frogs and toads
Published 11/28/2024 this is the tailless jumping adult stage in frogs and toads
Published 11/28/2024 This family contains common frogs, temperate, and tropical regions 
Published 11/28/2024 This family of frogs includes tree frogs that live in damp forest floors 
Published 11/28/2024 This family includes toads with thicker skin and prominent warts 
Published 11/28/2024 Where do bullfrogs and green frogs chill near?
Published 11/28/2024 Where do frogs hibernate? and when?
Published 11/28/2024 External fertilization mating behavior where the male straddles the female's back 
Published 11/28/2024 Male tongues in frogs 
Published 11/28/2024 How are life processes in frogs sustained during hibernation?
Published 11/28/2024 Do frogs have freezing protection?
Published 11/28/2024 Different ways of repelling predators in frogs
Published 11/28/2024 The substance in frog skin that is water repellant and fibrous 
Published 11/28/2024 Describe the skin in frogs
Published 11/28/2024 Which frogs have higher deposits of keratin
Published 11/28/2024 Skin is shed in frogs (yes?)
Published 11/28/2024 Skin composition in toads
Published 11/28/2024 Epidermis produces integumentary glands, there are two, what are they?
Published 11/28/2024 One of the integumentary glands in the amphibian skin that secrete protective waterproofing 
Published 11/28/2024 One of the integumentary glands in amphibian skin that produce a whitish water poison that is irritating to predators 
Published 11/28/2024 what do mucuous glands secrete?
Published 11/28/2024 what do large granular glands produce?
Published 11/28/2024 Specialized pigment cells
Published 11/28/2024 Chromatophores that are in the upper region of dermis that are yellow, orange, or red pigments
Published 11/28/2024 Silvery light reflecting pigments that act like tiny mirrors, and are in the middle region of the skin
Published 11/28/2024 these two chromatophores help to produce the bright colors of most tropical frogs
Published 11/28/2024 The chromatophores in order (upper to lower)
Published 11/28/2024 These are chromatophores in the lower region of the dermis and contain the black and brown melanin 
Published 11/28/2024 This carries the pigments around (chromatophore pigment cells)
Published 11/28/2024 The shiny effect produced by iridophores 
Published 11/28/2024 Many frogs can adjust their color to match their background and thus to ____ themselves
Published 11/28/2024 Skin provides this kind of respiration
Published 11/28/2024 This type of respiration is provided by the mouth 
Published 11/28/2024 This type of respiration is only present in the adults
Published 11/28/2024 What are lungs supplied by?
Published 11/28/2024 Describe buccal breathing
Published 11/28/2024 Describe the flow of blood in amphibians
Published 11/28/2024 This is hte mechanism in amphibian respiration in which they forcefully take in oxygen inside their body 
Published 11/28/2024 Amphibian circulatory system type
Published 11/28/2024 The singular pressure pump of blood in amphibians 
Published 11/28/2024 How many chambers does the amphibian heart have?
Published 11/28/2024 Frogs and toads depend more heavily than do salamanders on lung breathing (yes?)
Published 11/28/2024 __________ is lost through the skin__________ is absorbed through the lungs __________ are supplied by pulmonary arteries
Published 11/28/2024 A modification in the amphibian heart that pseudo seperates the singular ventricle 
Published 11/28/2024 What are frog teeth for?
Published 11/28/2024 The end of a tongue that has sticky secretion that adheres to prey
Published 11/28/2024 Tadpoles mode of digestion
Published 11/28/2024 Amhibians are mostly ______ (feeding behavior) 
Published 11/28/2024 describe the digestive tract of a carnivorous amphibians 
Published 11/28/2024 The three parts of the frogs brain
Published 11/28/2024 Hearing and balance
Published 11/28/2024 vision
Published 11/28/2024 olfaction
Published 11/28/2024 used for processing sound
Published 11/28/2024 System that is only found in fish, larvae (tadpoles), and aquatic adults. It is pressure sensitive for detecting changes in the water environment or e…
Published 11/28/2024 The frog ear is most sensitive to?
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