Notes in 06 Pulmonary Diagnostics & Pulmonary Infection

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Published 09/03/2024 What is one criterion that meets acceptability for spirometry? 
Published 09/03/2024 Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV1) is predicated on what factors? (x3) 
Published 09/03/2024 Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV1) measures of severity of airflow {{c1::obstruction}}
Published 09/03/2024 Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) is used to determine {{c1::restriction}}
Published 09/03/2024 FEV1/FVC ratio < LLN means {{c1::obstruction}}
Published 09/03/2024 In a flow volume loop for obstructive patterns, the {{c1::expiration}} curve goes down abruptly
Published 09/03/2024 One example of an obstructive pattern is {{c1::COPD}}
Published 09/03/2024 We compare FVC, FEV1, and the ratio of those two to which value?
Published 09/03/2024 The {{c1::z-score}} is a statistical concept based on the normal distribution curve that helps use determine SEVERITY of pulmonary disease 
Published 09/03/2024 For {{c1::Bronchodilator Responsiveness}}, the patient inhales albuterol and repeats testing after 15 minutes
Published 09/03/2024 A positive response for bronchodilator responsiveness requires a magnitude of change of at least what?
Published 09/03/2024 A flattening of expiratory limb on spirometry is caused by {{c1::variable intrathoracic obstruction}}
Published 09/03/2024 Examples of variable intrathoracic obstruction include {{c1::tracheomalacia, malignant tumors}}
Published 09/03/2024 Variable extra thoracic obstruction presents as a flat {{c1::inspiratory limb}}
Published 09/03/2024 One example of a cause of variable extra thoracic obstruction is {{c1::glottic strictures}}
Published 09/03/2024 Fixed airway obstruction is when {{c1::both inspiratory and expiratory loops}} is/are flattened
Published 09/03/2024 Causes of fixed airway obstruction include:
Published 09/03/2024 Tidal volume is {{c1::the amount of air that moves in or out of the lungs with each normal respiratory cycle}}
Published 09/03/2024 Inspiratory Capacity is {{c1::TV+IRV}} 
Published 09/03/2024 Vital Capacity = {{c1::TV+IRV+ERV}} 
Published 09/03/2024 Functional Residual Capacity = {{c1::ERV +RV}}
Published 09/03/2024 Total Lung Capacity = {{c1::IRV+TV+ERV+RV}}  
Published 09/03/2024 3897bf7c2cd049c9b9992fde807addb0-oa-1
Published 09/03/2024 3897bf7c2cd049c9b9992fde807addb0-oa-2
Published 09/03/2024 3897bf7c2cd049c9b9992fde807addb0-oa-3
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Published 09/03/2024 3897bf7c2cd049c9b9992fde807addb0-oa-5
Published 09/03/2024 3897bf7c2cd049c9b9992fde807addb0-oa-6
Published 09/03/2024 3897bf7c2cd049c9b9992fde807addb0-oa-7
Published 09/03/2024 3897bf7c2cd049c9b9992fde807addb0-oa-8
Published 09/03/2024 The {{c1::Plethysmography (Body Box)}} is the best way to determine lung volume 
Published 09/03/2024 Plethysmography (Body Box) utilizes the physics formula {{c1::PV=PV}} 
Published 09/03/2024 Small lung volumes are caused by {{c1::decreased}} compliance of lung and/or chest wall compliance  
Published 09/03/2024 One example of a disease causing small lung volume (FRC, TLC < LLN) is...
Published 09/03/2024 Large lung volumes are caused by {{c1::increased}} compliance in lung (stiffness and elastic recoil) 
Published 09/03/2024 The only example provided of a disease causing large lung volumes is {{c1::emphysema}}
Published 09/03/2024 Restrictive diseases are broken down into two categories: {{c1::parenchymal}} and {{c2::extra-parenchymal}}
Published 09/03/2024 Diffusion Capacity (DLCO) measures {{c1::transfer of gas across the membranes}} 
Published 09/03/2024 Normal spirometry but low DLCO indicates something wrong with the {{c1:: capillaries}} 
Published 09/03/2024 Abnormal spirometry and low DLCO could point to either {{c1::restrictive}} or {{c2::obstructive}} pattern
Published 09/03/2024 Lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) can be classified by what? (x4)
Published 09/03/2024 Indicative of what type of pneumonia?
Published 09/03/2024 What bacterium causes lobar pneumonia?
Published 09/03/2024 What feature can you see in this image?
Published 09/03/2024 What acronym can you use to determine if you can let a patient w/ pneumonia go from the hospital?
Published 09/03/2024 What physical exam findings are characteristically associated with lobar pneumonia? (x4)
Published 09/03/2024 What is bronchophony?
Published 09/03/2024 What is egophony?
Published 09/03/2024 What is whispered pectoriloquy?
Published 09/03/2024 What causes coarse crackles (rales)? 
Published 09/03/2024 What is the treatment for CAP (pneumonia) for patients without co-morbidities in an outpatient setting?
Published 09/03/2024 What do you treat CAP w/ for someone w/ comorbidites in an outpatient setting?
Published 09/03/2024 What do you treat CAP w/o for someone w/ comorbidites in an inpatient setting?
Published 09/03/2024 What do you treat CAP w/ for someone w/ comorbidites in an inpatient setting?
Published 09/03/2024 Treatment of CAP: If MRSA risk factors present, add... 
Published 09/03/2024 Treatment of CAP: If Pseudomonas risk factors present, add...
Published 09/03/2024 What type of pneumonia matches this CXR?
Published 09/03/2024 What organisms cause bronchopneumonia?
Published 09/03/2024 How would you typically qualify bronchopneumonia?
Published 09/03/2024 What type of pneumonia matches this CXR?
Published 09/03/2024 What is one example of an organism that would cause interstitial pneumonia in a very sick patient?
Published 09/03/2024 What type of pattern matches this CT scan?
Published 09/03/2024 What is one example of an opportunistic lung infection most notably seen in patients w/ AIDS?
Published 09/03/2024 What's happening here?
Published 09/03/2024 What pattern is seen here?
Published 09/03/2024 What bacteria causes miliary patterns?
Published 09/03/2024 Pneumonia is the infection of the {{c1::lung parenchyma}} at the {{c2::alveolar}} level 
Published 10/10/2023 {{c2::Pneumocystis}} pneumonia is a(n) {{c1::AIDS}}-defining illness that presents with a CD4+ count {{c1::< 200 cells/mm3}}
Published 10/10/2023 e956e05f7f6b467fa682e544647d6b05-oa-1
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