Notes in Innate immunity / Humoral immunity (BD)

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Published 09/02/2024 Innate immunity is mediated by {{c1::Phagocytes}}n and {{c1::Natural Killer cells}}
Published 09/02/2024 The initiation of the innate system results is the release of {{c1::Lytic Enzymes}} and {{c1::Cytokines}}
Published 09/02/2024 The tissues involved in innate immunity are {{c1::skin}} and {{c1::mucous}} membranes
Published 09/02/2024 Innate immunity {{c1::lack }} specificity 
Published 09/02/2024 In innate immunity the receptors for recognizing "danger" antigens are known as {{c1::pattern recognition receptors ( PRRs) }}
Published 09/02/2024 {{c1::neutrophils }} are the most abundant white blood cells in the blood and are continuously circulated throughout the body
Published 09/02/2024 Macrophages are primarily found in {{c1::tissues}}
Published 09/02/2024 Dendritic cells are primarily found in {{c1::tissues }} outside of the blood 
Published 09/02/2024 Natural killer cells are found in the {{c1::blood }} and {{c1::spleen}}
Published 09/02/2024 In innate immunity natural killer cells provide {{c1::rapid}}response to viral infected cells and tumors
Published 09/02/2024 NK cells kill target cells through the release of {{c1::cytotoxic}} granules 
Published 09/02/2024 In innate immunity immune cells have {{c1::Pattern Recognition Receptors ( PRRs}}that are inherited in our {{c1::germline}}
Published 09/02/2024 An example of PRRs are {{c1::Toll-like receptors ( TLR ) }}
Published 09/02/2024 {{c1::Toll-Like receptors (TLRS)}} are found in the surface of macrophages, dendritic cells, and neutrophils
Published 09/02/2024 {{c1::Microbes }} have Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns ( PAMPs) 
Published 09/02/2024 in innate immunity {{c1::Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns (PAMPS) }} are considered to be danger signals 
Published 09/02/2024 PRRs are embedded in the {{c1::cell membrane}} and {{c1::cytoplasm}}. They are responsible for detecting {{c1::pathogens…
Published 09/02/2024 Humans, othermammals, animals and plants all have {{c1::Toll-like receptors( TLRs) }}
Published 09/02/2024 PRRs target commonalities amongst {{c1::prokaryotes}} and {{c1::viruses}}
Published 09/02/2024 {{c1::Inflammation }} occurs when TLRs recognize foreign antigen 
Published 09/02/2024 The process of inflammation can result in {{c1::heat}}, {{c1::redness}}, {{c1::swelling}} pain,  and {{c1::loss}} of function…
Published 09/02/2024 The inflammation process involves bringing {{c1::cells}} and {{c1::fluids }} to a targeted area 
Published 09/02/2024 {{c1::Cytokines }} causes and regulates inflammation 
Published 09/02/2024 Cytokines are small proteins released by {{c1::Macrophages }} and {{c1:: polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNS)  }}
Published 09/02/2024 Certain cytokines promote and amplify {{c1::inflammation}} these include IL-1 , IL-6, TNF- alpha and chemokines 
Published 09/02/2024 Inflammation can result in more {{c1::cells}} coming to the area and {{c1::fever}}
Published 09/02/2024 Natural Killer Cells {{c1::decrease}} in numbers as we age
Published 09/02/2024 Natural Killer cells {{c1::direct}} and {{c1::indirect }} kill stressed cells 
Published 09/02/2024 when Natural Killer cells recognize a stressed cells they release {{c1::perforin}} and {{c1::granzymes}} to directly kill cells 
Published 09/02/2024 {{c1::Macrophages}} produce IL-12, which stimulates NK cells to produce IFN-gamma, enhancing the immune response and promoting the {{c1::indirect}} ki…
Published 09/02/2024 Vascular tissue responds to stimuli such as pathogens by recognizing {{c1::PAMPs}} which triggers an inflammatory response 
Published 09/02/2024 During the inflammatory process {{c1::Plasma}}and leukocytes move from the{{c1::blood}} into the area of stimulus to help remove the pathogen and init…
Published 09/02/2024 During inflammation cells roll along the vessel walls as {{c1::chemokine}} are produced to help direct them to the site of injury or infection.
Published 09/02/2024 In the inflammatory process{{c1::cytokines}} are produced by various immune cells to facilitate communication and coordinate the immune response.
Published 09/02/2024 In response to chemokines and cytokines, cell surface {{c1::receptors}} change to promote adhesion and migration to the site of inflammation&nbsp…
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