Notes in 09 Second and third trimester measurements

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Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Second and third trimester measurementsThe {{c1::biparietal}} diameter is measured from the {{c2::outer edge of the skull}} …
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Second and third trimester measurementsThe {{c1::occipital frontal}} diameter is measured from the {{c2::middle of the frontal sk…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Second and third trimester measurementsThe abdominal diameter is measured from {{c1::outer skin-to-skin}} in AP and transverse pl…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Second and third trimester measurementsThe femur length is most accurately measured when the femur is closest to the transducer a…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Second and third trimester measurements3 ways to assess amniotic fluid volume:1.) subjectively2.) {{c1::deepest vertical pocket o…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Second and third trimester measurementsAmniotic fluid index (AFI) between {{c2::16}}-{{c2::42}} weeks is measured by summing the …
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Second and third trimester measurements{{c2::Oligo}}-hydramnios is defined by AFI ≤{{c1::6.3cm (≤2.5th percentile)}}
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Second and third trimester measurements{{c2::Poly}}-hydramnios is defined by AFI ≥{{c1::19.2cm (≥97.5th percentile)}}
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Second and third trimester measurementsA {{c1::thickened nuchal fold}} is the most sensitive and specific ultrasound finding to s…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Second and third trimester measurementsMeasurement of nuchal fold is only performed between {{c1::16}}-{{c1::20}} weeks
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Second and third trimester measurementsA nuchal fold <{{c1::5 mm}} is considered normal
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Second and third trimester measurementsA nuchal fold ≥{{c1::6 mm}} is considered a major marker for Trisomy 21
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Second and third trimester measurementsA very thick nuchal fold may represent a {{c1::cystic hygroma}}, associated with {{c2…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Second and third trimester measurementsThe biparietal diameter and the occpital frontal diameter are measured in a plane at …
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Second and third trimester measurementsWhen measuring the fetal abdominal diameter, it is best if the anterior-posterior axis of …
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Second and third trimester measurementsWhen measuring the fetal abdominal diameter, there should be within {{c1::1}} cm…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Second and third trimester measurementsThe corrected biparietal diameter (BPD) incorporates the {{c1::occipital frontal diameter …
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Second and third trimester measurementsAmniotic fluid index (AFI) varies with {{c1::gestational age}}, and in general, an AFI bet…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Second and third trimester measurementsThe nuchal fold is measured in the {{c2::axial}} plane at the level of the {{c1::posterior…
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Second and third trimester measurementsA nuchal fold between {{c1::5}}-{{c1::5.9}} mm is considered borderline
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Evaluation of the cervix in 2nd and 3rd trimestersCervical length measurement using transvaginal ultrasound may cause false …
Published 05/01/2023 Obstetrical Imaging: Evaluation of the cervix in 2nd and 3rd trimestersCervical funneling is usually accompanied by {{c1::shortened (&l…
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