Notes in MGY377 Lec 3

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Published 09/23/2023 The {{c1::phage MS2 coat protein}} was the first protein coding gene sequenced by the lab of Walter Fiers. 
Published 09/23/2023 The first viral genome to be sequenced was {{c1::MS2}}, sequenced by the lab of Walter Fiers. 
Published 09/23/2023 The first bacterial genome to be sequenced was {{c1::Haemophilus influenzae}}.
Published 09/23/2023 The first genomes sequenced (both viruses) in 1976 and 1977 were the {{c2::MS2 phage}} and {{c1::Phi-X174 phage}} by Fred Sanger
Published 09/23/2023 How was the first generation "old-school" sequencing performed? 
Published 09/23/2023 Using the first generation "old-school" sequencing method, you can get approximately ~{{c1::1000}} nt of sequence per reaction
Published 09/23/2023 What is the Sanger Method? 
Published 09/23/2023 How do you make a DNA primer (to begin sequencing) if you don't know the sequence of the DNA? (2 solutions) 
Published 09/23/2023 What is the "shotgun-cloning" method for sequencing bacterial genome? 
Published 09/23/2023 Limitations to the whole genome shotgun-cloning method?
Published 09/23/2023 Next gen sequencing is dominated by {{c1::"Illumina"}} style sequencing which is much cheaper 
Published 09/23/2023 Describe the steps to next gen sequencing
Published 09/23/2023 How do you prepare the DNA sample for next-gen/illumina sequencing? 
Published 09/23/2023 What is barcoding/indexing in next gen sequencing?
Published 09/23/2023 How do the prepared DNA fragments stick to the surface of a flow cell (the slide) in next gen sequencing? 
Published 09/23/2023 How does cluster generation work in next gen sequencing? 
Published 09/23/2023 Why is cluster generation necessary in next gen sequencing?
Published 09/23/2023 What is metagenomics?
Published 09/23/2023 In metagenomics if you want to isolate bacteria from anything else (fungi, etc.) in the sample, what method would you use for sequencing? 
Published 09/23/2023 In next gen sequencing, the fluorophores stuck to the nucleotides are "{{c1::reversible terminators}}".  After the base is read the&nbs…
Published 09/23/2023 What does 16S metagenomics allow us to see? 
Published 09/23/2023 0862dbae865443bb93ab0d66d0ab5a3e-oa-1
Published 09/23/2023 0862dbae865443bb93ab0d66d0ab5a3e-oa-2
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