Notes in AAPA Head and Neck

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Published 10/29/2024 how to estimated the LN lv If it is not possible to assess the levels of lymph nodes
Published 10/29/2024 6 lvs of neck w/ sublevels pic
Published 10/29/2024 superselective neck dissection defined by?
Published 10/29/2024 which type of cancers should include ENE status in the report?
Published 10/29/2024 regional LN for hypopharynx includes?
Published 10/29/2024 regional LN for oropharynx includes?
Published 10/29/2024 regional LN for nasopharynx includes?
Published 10/29/2024 which locations tend to give rise to a metastatic cervical carcinoma with an unknown primary (MCCUP) as a _____ neck mass?
Published 10/29/2024 SCC, the most common histologic type of cervical neck metastasis, often derives from?
Published 10/29/2024 what is the single most impt prognostic factor in aerodigestive cancer?
Published 10/29/2024 which factor is associated w/ decrease in dx-specific survival & overall survival?
Published 10/29/2024 the most significant prognostic factors for tumors of the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and hypopharynx?
Published 10/29/2024 pharynx anatomy pic
Published 10/29/2024 NUT gene translocation can be detected through?
Published 10/29/2024 most reliable detection method for EBV?
Published 10/29/2024 which virus is associated w/ non-keratinizing types of nasopharyngeal carcinomas?
Published 10/29/2024 what method is used to predict the presence of HNSCC?
Published 10/29/2024 which LN lv involves a more extensive radiographic protocol to identify the primary tumor location and carries a more unfavorable prognosis?
Published 10/29/2024 Lymph nodes greater than 3 cm (N2) likely represent?
Published 10/29/2024 SND:central compartment neck dissection includes LN at which LV?
Published 10/29/2024 SND:Lateral neck dissection includes LN at which lv?
Published 10/29/2024 SND:posterolateral neck dissection includes LN at which lv?
Published 10/29/2024 SND:supraomohyoid neck dissection includes LN at which lv?
Published 10/29/2024 Measurement of the metastatic focus in the lymph node is based on the?
Published 10/29/2024 Macroscopic positive LN:- what to do if ENE is seen? is not seen?
Published 10/29/2024 Involvement of buccinator, prevascular facial, submandibular, upper jugular, and (occasionally) retropharyngeal nodes may occur with?
Published 10/29/2024 clearance of ( close margin): - oral cavity ?- maxilla?
Published 10/29/2024 -reporting of surgical margins should include? -what should be noted in the report because it carries a significant risk for subsequent local recurren…
Published 10/29/2024 nasal cavity paranasal sinuses T-stage pic
Published 10/29/2024 what method to use for mucosal melanoma bx?
Published 10/29/2024 where does oropharyngeal carcinomas ( HPV16 +) arise from? type?
Published 10/29/2024 which condition of salivary gland cancers is rare in low grade tumors but is considerably higher in high grade tumors?
Published 10/29/2024 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma:- tends to affect which structure?- spreads to ?
Published 10/29/2024 How can the cross-sectional diameter of the largest lymph node metastasis (not the lymph node itself) is measured?
Published 10/29/2024 - Measurement of a metastatic focus in lymph nodes is based on?
Published 10/29/2024 what designation is used for indicating metastasis above the lower border of cricoid? - metastasis below the lower border of cricoid?
Published 10/29/2024 regional disseminations tends to progress from _____ to ____?
Published 10/29/2024 what is the single most significant predictor of poor prognosis in head and neck cancer of virtually all sites
Published 10/29/2024 what are the indicators for neck dissection - radiation therapy & poor survival?
Published 10/29/2024 3 types of margins?
Published 10/29/2024 Major salivary glands pic
Published 10/29/2024 how to identify a pleomorphic adenoma may undergo malignant change as carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma?
Published 10/29/2024 how to distinguish Mammary analogue secretory carcinoma from zymogen-poor acinic cell carcinoma, low-grade cribriform cystadenocarcinoma, mucoepidermo…
Published 10/29/2024 how to differentiate hyalinizing cell carcinoma from clear cell mucoepidermoid carcinoma & SCC w/ clear cell change?
Published 10/29/2024 MYB overexpression is used for?
Published 10/29/2024 what method is used to differentiate mucoepidermoid carcinoma variants from aggressive salivary gland carcinomas?
Published 10/29/2024 what is the most common malignant salivary gland carcinoma? affect what gland?
Published 10/29/2024 Salivary duct carcinomas frequently express?
Published 10/29/2024 which method can be used to identify salivary duct, mucoepidermoid carcinomas, adenoid cystic carcinomas and adenocarcinomas?
Published 10/29/2024 Extranodal extension, a predictor of regional relapse and a criterion for postoperative radiotherapy is indicated by?Radical neck dissection # of ln? …
Published 10/29/2024 Lymph nodes over 3 cm in greatest dimension may represent?
Published 10/29/2024 Involvement of internodal fat resulting in loss of the normal oval-to-round nodal shape suggests?
Published 10/29/2024 regional LN: anterior oral tongue?
Published 10/29/2024 regional LN: lip includes?
Published 10/29/2024 An ideal therapeutic margin is?a close margins are defined as ___mm & __ mm w/ respect to glottis larynxwhat is the single most impt prognostic factor…
Published 10/29/2024 Tumor or carcinoma in situ/high-grade dysplasia with close margins is a predictor of?
Published 10/29/2024 how to take section if:-the tumor macroscopically approximates a margin to - the tumor is relatively distant from a margin? - bone margin? - gingival …
Published 10/29/2024 lip & oral T-stage pic
Published 10/29/2024 which involvement is clinical significance bc it carries more unfavorable prognosis?what is the most significant prognostic factor?
Published 10/29/2024 how to measure endophytic tumors?
Published 10/29/2024 how to measure ulcerated tumors?
Published 10/29/2024 how to measure exophytic tumors?
Published 10/29/2024 sagittal view of oral cavity
Published 10/29/2024 anterior view of oral cavity
Published 10/29/2024 which will help confirm a mucosal melanoma diagnosis?
Published 10/29/2024 what is now a mainstay of HPVHNSCC of the head and neck with its high sensitivity and high specificity?
Published 10/29/2024 which method has lower specificity than PCR but enables visualization of tumor cells and localization of positivity
Published 10/29/2024 Which method has high sensitivity, but lower specificity, giving rise to false positives?
Published 10/29/2024 what type of HPV is involved in oropharyngeal carcinoma?These carcinomas arise predominantly from?type?
Published 10/29/2024 Def of:- selective neck dissection:? - superselective neck dissection?- Modified radical neck dissection?
Published 10/29/2024 how many LN to include in? - radical neck dissection?- modified radical neck dissection?- Selective neck dissection
Published 10/29/2024 A 6 cm mass consisting of multiple matted nodes is considered?
Published 10/29/2024 If a single mass of less than 3 cm positive lymph nodes consists of several matted nodes, the N stage is considered pN___?
Published 10/29/2024 Extranodal extension, a predictor of regional relapse and a criterion for postoperative radiotherapy, is indicated by__close margins are ___mm; & __mm…
Published 10/29/2024 The presence of matting is an indication of?
Published 10/29/2024 which premalignant lesion are are commonly associated with ominous histopathologic alterations, including severe dysplasia, CIS or invasive carcinoma?…
Published 10/29/2024 The clinical appearance of premalignant or "incipient" lesions of the mucosal surface of the upper aerodi-gestive tract include?
Published 10/29/2024 laryngectomies:mucosal margins include (3)?
Published 10/29/2024 laryngectomies:- how to submit if tumor is less than or equal to 5 mm from the margin? - more than 5mm? - soft tissue margins?
Published 10/29/2024 laryngectomies:how to take section for:- Circumferential inferior tracheal ring? - Mucosal margins
Published 10/29/2024 mucosal melanoma tend to arise in?
Published 10/29/2024 paraglottic space is impt route of?
Published 10/29/2024 the supraglottic tumor often speads to neck nodes via?
Published 10/29/2024 transglottic cancer: pre-epiglottic space & paraglottic space? pic
Published 10/29/2024 transglottic pic
Published 10/29/2024 transglottic cancer:- how does ventricular lesion spread?- lesion invades?
Published 10/29/2024 subglottic pic
Published 10/29/2024 subglottic pic?
Published 10/29/2024 Subglottic cancer: - vocal cord lesions extending? have a tendency for ___invasion- what type of node is involved?
Published 10/29/2024 subglottic cancer:- involves?- how does primary tumor spread? which one is more common?
Published 10/29/2024 pic glottic:
Published 10/29/2024 Glottic cancer: - Anterior commissure lesions invade cartilage through? superior to? inferiorly to?- nodal metastasis occur in?
Published 10/29/2024 Glottic cancer:- thyroid cartilage invasion is common in? - Extralaryngeal spread occurs? ( anterior midline thru? laterally thru?)
Published 10/29/2024 Glottic cancer: - involves which structures? - Glottic lesion with mobile cord indicates?- Glottic lesion with fixed cord indicates?
Published 10/29/2024 pic supraglottic
Published 10/29/2024 pic supraglottic
Published 10/29/2024 Supraglottic cancer:- Arytenoid and aryepiglottic fold lesions usually extend to? - Thyroid cartilage involvement occurs via- Lymph node metastases oc…
Published 10/29/2024 Supraglottic cancer:- suprahyoid epiglottic tumors tend to spread to?- infrahyoid epiglottic tumors tend to invade? - False cord tumors?- ventricle tu…
Published 10/29/2024 Supraglottic cancer:- localize? spread?- involves which structures?- tumor behavior?- where is exophytic tumors tend to remain?- where is ulcerative t…
Published 10/29/2024 For staging purposes, laryngeal cancer is divided into?For indicating tumor location, laryngeal carcinoma is divided into?
Published 10/29/2024 pic
Published 10/29/2024 pic
Published 10/29/2024 o Larynx, transglottic
Published 10/29/2024 o Larynx, subglottis:
Published 10/29/2024 Larynx, glottis includes?
Published 10/29/2024 Larynx, supraglottic includes?
Published 10/29/2024 what is the connection between HPV w/ Laryngeal carcinoma?
Published 10/29/2024 what is frequently overexpressed in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) - predictive value independent of treatment & and adverselyinfluences ove…
Published 10/29/2024 what type of mutation in HNSCC that present in dysplastic lesions & residual cancer cells?
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