Notes in 01b Septic Arthritis and Osteomyelitis

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Published 01/30/2024 {{c1::Septic Arthritis}}, most commonly of the {{c1::knee}} is a musculoskeletal complication of Neisseria {{c2::gonorrhoeae}} infection
Published 01/30/2024 One consequence of autosplenectomy in sickle cell disease is increased risk of {{c1::osteomyelitis}} due to {{c2::Salmonella paratyphi}} infection
Published 01/30/2024 Septic arthritis is an invasion of the synovial membrane which produces a yellow, turbid synovial fluid with high neutrophils. This is most commonly f…
Published 01/30/2024 What cause of osteomyelitis is more common in sexually active young adults? {{c1::Neisseria gonorrhoeae (rare; septic arthritis more common)}}
Published 01/30/2024 What cause of osteomyelitis is more common in IV drug users and diabetics? {{c1::Pseudomonas}}
Published 01/30/2024 What cause of osteomyelitis is more common in dog and cat bites? {{c1::Pasteurella multocida}}
Published 01/30/2024 What cause of osteomyelitis is more common in prosthetic joint replacement? {{c1::Staphylococcus epidermidis}}
Published 01/30/2024 In addition to MRI, diagnosis of osteomyelitis may be made with {{c1::blood culture}}
Published 01/30/2024 What MSK pathology presents with bone pain and systemic signs of infection (e.g. fever, leukocytosis)?{{c1::Osteomyelitis}}
Published 01/30/2024 Osteomyelitis may be seen on X-ray as a(n) {{c1::lytic}} focus (sequestrum) surrounded by sclerosis (involucrum)
Published 01/30/2024 Septic arthritis classically presents as a single red, swollen, and painful joint; usually the {{c1::knee}}
Published 01/30/2024 What cause of arthritis presents with purulent synovial fluid (WBC > 50,000/mm3)?{{c1::Septic (infectious) arthritis}}
Published 01/30/2024 What is the treatment of MRSA osteomyelitis?{{c1::Vancomycin}}
Published 01/30/2024 What two groups are susceptible to osteomyelitis from Pseudomonas?{{c1::IVDU, Diabetics}}
Published 01/30/2024 What drugs are used to treat Salmonella osteomyelitis?{{c1::Fluoroquinolones}}
Published 01/30/2024 {{c1::Haemophilus influenzae}} is a gram negative coccobacillus that causes septic arthritis in {{c2::sickle cell (asplenic)}} patients
Published 01/30/2024 What procedure is both diagnostic and therapeutic for septic arthritis?{{c1::Arthrocentesis (to drain synovial fluid)}}
Published 01/30/2024 Where does osteomyelitis most commonly occur in adults?{{c1::Vertebral bodies}}
Published 01/30/2024 What is the most reliable sign for vertebral osteomyelitis?{{c1::Tenderness to percussion over the spinous process of the involved vertebrae}}
Published 01/30/2024 {{c1::Osteomyelitis::Osteomyelitis/Septic arthritis}} = bacteremia that seeds the bone (esp. metaphysis in children){{c1::Septic arthritis::Osteomyeli…
Published 01/30/2024 Osteomyelitis in adults = {{c1::contiguous::hematogenous/contiguous}} spreadOsteomyelitis in kids = {{c1::hematogenous::hematogenous/contiguous}} spre…
Published 01/30/2024 Osteomyelitis should be empirically treated with IV {{c1::vancomycin}} and IV {{c1::antipseudomonal agent}}
Published 01/30/2024 Septic arthritis not responding to vancomycin is managed with {{c1::adding ceftriaxone::next step}}
Published 01/30/2024 Persistent pain / swelling / chronic wound with sinus tract formation is suggestive of {{c1::chronic osteomyelitis::diagnosis}}
Published 01/30/2024 {{c1::Septic arthritis}} should be suspected in children with acute onset of fever and joint pain and swelling
Published 01/30/2024 This sagittal foot MRI shows {{c1::osteomyelitis}}{{c1::::}}
Published 01/30/2024 Bacterial infection of the bone is called {{c1::osteomyelitis}} and best visualized on {{c2::MRI}}
Published 01/30/2024 In children, osteomyelitis tends to affect the {{c1::long::long/short}} bones and {{c2::lower::upper/lower}} extremities
Published 01/30/2024 Osteomyelitis is most likely due to {{c2::contiguous::hematogenous/contiguous}} spread if it occurs < {{c1::1 month::time}} after a surgery
Published 01/30/2024 What cause of osteomyelitis is more common in puncture wounds through sneakers?{{c1::Pseudomonas aeruginosa}}
Published 01/30/2024 Osteomyelitis is most likely due to {{c2::hematogenous::hematogenous/contiguous}} spread if patient appears acutely ill
Published 01/30/2024 Septic arthritis of the {{c1::hip}} is a surgical emergency
Published 01/30/2024 Septic arthritis is associated with osteomyelitis in children age {{c1::0}} - {{c1::1 year}}
Published 01/30/2024 What is the recommended antibiotic for septic arthritis in sexually active young adults?{{c1::ceftriaxone + azithromycin}}
Published 01/30/2024 Treatment of septic arthritis includes antibiotics + {{c1::drainage}}
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