Notes in Biochemistry

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Published 03/18/2024 Where does the nutrient rich blood come into the liver from
Published 03/18/2024 Where does oxygen rich blood come into the liver from
Published 03/18/2024 What are the three main excretory organs?
Published 03/18/2024 What is the typical glomerular hydrostatic pressure?
Published 03/18/2024 What is the typical colloid osmotic (oncotic) pressure?
Published 03/18/2024 What is the typical hydrostatic pressure?
Published 03/18/2024 What is the net filtration pressure in a glomerulus?
Published 03/18/2024 What is the anatomical position of the kidney?
Published 03/18/2024 What gland is found atop of the kidney?
Published 03/18/2024 Why is the right kidney lower than the left kidney?
Published 03/18/2024 What are the three regions of the kidney?
Published 03/18/2024 Which kidney region is most superficial (closest to surface)?
Published 03/18/2024 What does the kidney cortex look like?
Published 03/18/2024 Which kidney region is continuous with the ureter?
Published 03/18/2024 What is the liver lobule 'triad' composed of?
Published 03/18/2024 Does blood flow from the triad towards the central vein?
Published 03/18/2024 Do the Hepatocytes radiate outwards from the central vein?
Published 03/18/2024 What is glucose converted to once it is removed from the bloodstream?
Published 03/18/2024 Where is the location of the kidney medulla?
Published 03/18/2024 What muscular motion is used by the walls of the pelvis and ureter to propel urine?
Published 03/18/2024 How many capillary beds does a nephron have?
Published 03/18/2024 What is the name of the external structural layer that surrounds the glomerular capsule
Published 03/18/2024 What does the visceral layer contain within the glomerular capsule?
Published 03/18/2024 Which enzyme phosphorylates glucose into glucose-6-phosphate?
Published 03/18/2024 What membrane do the foot processes of podocytes come into contact with, within the glomerulus?
Published 03/18/2024 What happens to excess amino acids in the body?
Published 03/18/2024 Where are filtration slits located within the glomerulus, and what purpose do they have?
Published 03/21/2024 Why does the body store energy as glycogen rather than free glucose?
Published 03/18/2024 What is the name of the blood vessel that feeds into a glomerulus?
Published 03/18/2024 What is the name of the blood vessel that blood exits the glomerulus by?
Published 03/18/2024 Where is the juxtoglomerular apparatus located?
Published 03/18/2024 What cells populations make up the juxtoglomerular apparatus?
Published 03/18/2024 What line the arteriole walls as it connects to the glomerulus and what do they do?
Published 03/18/2024 Where are macula densa cells found?
Published 03/18/2024 What do macula densa cells do?
Published 03/18/2024 Which enzyme converts glucose-6-phosphate into glucose-1-phosphate?
Published 03/18/2024 What molecule is responsible for activating glucose for glycogen synthesis?
Published 03/18/2024 What functions does the kidney do?
Published 03/18/2024 What are the products when glucose-1-phosphate reacts with UTP?
Published 03/18/2024 How does UDP-Glucose react with Glycogen residues?
Published 03/18/2024 What is the main enzyme used in glycogen synthesis?
Published 03/18/2024 What does a nephron consist of?
Published 03/18/2024 What are the 2 types of nephron?
Published 03/18/2024 Where in the glycogen chain does synthesis and breakdown occur?
Published 03/18/2024 Where are cortical nephrons located?
Published 03/18/2024 Where are Juxtamedullary nephrons located?
Published 03/18/2024 What process are juxtamedullary nephrons involved in?
Published 03/18/2024 Which enzyme breaks off a glucose molecule from the glycogen chain?
Published 03/18/2024 Is glomerular filtration an active or passive process?
Published 03/18/2024 What causes filtrate to move into the capsular space?
Published 03/18/2024 Why does glucose-6-phosphatase not work with the whole glycogen chain
Published 03/18/2024 Can plasma proteins move out of capillaries and into the capsular space?
Published 03/18/2024 Is filtrate free of proteins?
Published 03/18/2024 What is the definition of glomerular filtration rate?
Published 03/18/2024 What is glomerular filtration rate in healthy adults?
Published 03/18/2024 What happens to the first few branched units?
Published 03/18/2024 When does filtrate solute reclamation begin to occur within kidneys?
Published 03/18/2024 What happens to the remaining glucose unit of the branch?
Published 03/18/2024 What are the 2 main pathways that solutes can leave the filtrate and enter tubular capillaries
Published 03/18/2024 What are the steps of the transcellular pathway for solute extraction within the nephron
Published 03/18/2024 What types of solute are always completely reabsorbed within the nephron?
Published 04/08/2024 What filtrate substances (broad) have their reabsorbtion regulated within the nephron?
Published 03/18/2024 Glycogen chain + glucose phosphorylase = ?
Published 03/18/2024 What mechanism removes unwanted substances from blood plasma and into the nephron?
Published 03/18/2024 Which enzyme is responsible for making glucose-6-phosphate from glucose-1-phosphate?
Published 03/18/2024 Which enzyme hydrolyses glucose-6-phosphate to form free glucose?
Published 03/18/2024 What types of filtrates are removed through tubular secretion
Published 03/18/2024 Why can liver glycogen be broken down into glucose for the body, but muscle glycogen cannot?
Published 03/18/2024 How much glucose is processed by the kidneys daily?
Published 03/18/2024 How much glucose is excreted per day?
Published 03/18/2024 Where is filtrate glucose reabsorbed?
Published 03/18/2024 What types of glucose transporters are there?
Published 03/18/2024 How do sodium glucose co-transporters work?
Published 03/18/2024 Why is the sodium concentration gradient so high across the nephron membrane?
Published 03/18/2024 Which enzyme is stimulated when the demand for ATP is high?
Published 03/18/2024 Which enzyme is inhibited whilst glycogen breakdown is occuring?
Published 03/18/2024 Which molecules, when in high concentration, promote the enzyme glycogen synthase?
Published 03/18/2024 Why is branched glycogen metabolically advantageous?
Published 03/18/2024 What is gluconeogenesis?
Published 03/18/2024 What are the two SGLTs and why are they different?
Published 03/18/2024 Which enzyme converts pyruvate into oxaloacetate?
Published 03/18/2024 Which enzyme would have to be inhibited for gluconeogenesis to occur?
Published 03/18/2024 Which enzyme is responsible for converting oxaloacetate into phosphoenolpyruvate?
Published 03/18/2024 What blood concentration of glucose needs to be exceeded for an individual to get glucosuria?
Published 03/18/2024 What is formed when fat is metabolised?
Published 03/18/2024 What does the oxidation of free fatty acids provide the substrates for?
Published 03/18/2024 What is the first step of Free fatty acid metabolism?
Published 03/18/2024 Which enzyme is responsible for forming fatty acyl-CoA?
Published 03/18/2024 What are the 4 steps of beta-oxidation?
Published 03/18/2024 How many times is a the fatty acyl-CoA beta oxidised?
Published 03/18/2024 What happens to Butyryl-CoA in beta oxidation?
Published 03/18/2024 What is ketogenesis?
Published 03/18/2024 Three main ketone bodies?
Published 03/18/2024 Why might a patient with unmanaged diabetes have a fruity smell to their breath?
Published 03/18/2024 What is the brain's primary fuel source during stavation?
Published 04/30/2024 Why does the body do gluconeogenesis or ketogenesis 
Published 03/18/2024 How does the ketone body, acetoacetate, turn into acetyl-CoA?
Published 04/30/2024 Why can't the liver use ketone bodies for fuel?
Published 03/18/2024 What happens when high amounts of ketone bodies are present in the liver?
Published 04/30/2024 What can the liver do with acetyl-CoA?
Published 03/18/2024 Is there an amino acid store in the body?
Published 04/08/2024 What are the fates for the amino acid components?
Published 04/30/2024 Why is glomerular filtration regulated?
Published 04/30/2024 Within which limb of the nephron can macula densa cells be found?
Published 04/08/2024 What happens once bilirubin is conjugated? 
Published 03/18/2024 Carbon dioxide combines with water in tubule cells to form what?
Published 03/18/2024 How does the triacylglycerol content differ between the muscle fibre types?
Published 03/18/2024 Why do Type 1 and Type 2A muscle fibres have good blood supply and myoglobin
Published 03/18/2024 How does muscle glycogen differ from liver glycogen?
Published 03/18/2024 Liver glycogen is broken down in response to low blood glucose levels in blood, what causes muscle glycogen breakdown to start?
Published 03/18/2024 What is formed when Type 2B muscle fibres undergo anaerobic glycolysis?
Published 03/18/2024 What is the fate of lactate?
Published 03/18/2024 What enzyme is responsible for recycling lactate from muscle?
Published 04/30/2024 Why can the muscle not take glucose from the blood?
Published 03/18/2024 Muscle does not start with enough ATP for exercise initially, what molecule provides initial means for ATP generation?
Published 03/18/2024 What does Phosphocreatine do to create ATP?
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