Notes in Protein and Lipid Metabolism Prework

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Published 09/10/2023 What is the rate-limiting enzyme of the urea cycle? {{c1::Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I}}
Published 09/10/2023 Arginine may be broken down into {{c1::ornithine}} and {{c1::urea}} via the enzyme {{c3::arginase}}
Published 09/10/2023 Our kidney cannot deal with {{c1::ammonia}}, so the {{c2::liver}} has to come to the resue
Published 09/10/2023 When amino acids are metabolized, the {{c1::nitrogen}} is formed into {{c2::ammonia}}
Published 09/10/2023 The urea cycle converts ammonia into {{c1::urea}}
Published 09/10/2023 After the urea cycle, the urea is shunted to the {{c1::kidney}} where it is expelled from the body
Published 09/10/2023 There are 2 ways that ammonia can get to the liver{{c1::Glutamine synthetase}} adds ammonia to glutamate, forming glutamine which then travels through…
Published 09/10/2023 Ammonia enters the liver cell as {{c1::glutamate}}, regardless of the pathway that it takes to get to the hepatocytes
Published 09/10/2023 Glutamate in liver cells can encounter {{c2::glutamate dehydrogenase}}, converting it into {{c1::alpha ketoglutarate + ammonia }}
Published 09/10/2023 Glutamate has another option in the liver, it can encounter {{c2::AST}}, forming {{c1::aspartate and alpha-ketoglutarate}}
Published 09/10/2023 {{c1::Aspartate}} is the only amino acid that can enter the urea cycle
Published 09/10/2023 The first 2 steps of the urea cycle takes place in the {{c1::mitochondria}}, and the rest happen in the {{c2::cytoplasm}}
Published 09/13/2023 The inputs of the urea cycle are {{c1::ammonia}}, {{c1::CO2}}, and {{c1::2 ATP molecules}}
Published 09/10/2023 In the first step of the urea cycle, {{c1::CPS1}} converts 2 ATP + CO2 + Ammonia -> {{c2::carbamoyl phosphate}}
Published 09/10/2023 {{c1::N-acetylglutamate}} allosterically activates {{c2::CPS1}}, modifying the physical shape of the enzyme so it can process ammonia more efficiently
Published 09/13/2023 N-acetylglutamate is made by {{c1::N-acetylglutamate synthetase::enzyme}}
Published 09/10/2023 In the second step of the urea cycle, {{c1::ornithine transcarbamoylase}} combines ornithine with carbamoyl phosphate to form {{c2::citruline}}, relea…
Published 09/14/2023 Deficiency of {{c1::ornithine transcabamoylase}} is the most common genetic cause of hyperammonemia
Published 09/10/2023 In the 3rd step of urea cycle, argininosuccinate synthetase combines {{c1::aspartate}} + {{c1::citrulline}} + {{c1::ATP}} to form argininosuccinate
Published 09/18/2023 The enzyme argininosuccinate lyase breaks up argininosuccinate into {{c1::fumarate}} + {{c1::arginine}}
Published 09/10/2023 The fumarate that is formed in the urea cycle gets transformed into {{c1::malate}} -> {{c1::oxaloacetate}} -> {{c2::aspartate}} 
Published 09/10/2023 The arginine that is generated in the urea cycle is broken down by arginase to make {{c1::urea}} + {{c1::ornithine}}
Published 09/10/2023 {{c1::Small, non-polar}} molecules are able to diffuse rapidly through the cell membrane while {{c2::small, polar}} molecules can cross slower
Published 09/10/2023 {{c1::Large, nonpolar}} molecules (like vitamin A) are able to cross the cell membrane slowly while {{c2::large, polar}} or {{c2::charged}} molecules …
Published 09/10/2023 Large, polar molecules or charged molecules use {{c1::transport proteins}} to get across the cell membrane
Published 09/10/2023 There are 2 forms of bulk transport: {{c1::endocytosis}} and {{c1::exocytosis}}
Published 09/10/2023 {{c1::Phagocytosis}} is a type of endocytosis where WBCs extends pseudopods around the material/cell to engulf it, forming the {{c2::phagosome}} 
Published 09/10/2023 In phagocytosis, an electron pump uses ATP to pump H+ into the phagosome, {{c1::lowering}} the pH
Published 09/10/2023 The phagosome and the lysosome fuse to form the {{c1::phagolysosome}}
Published 09/10/2023 After phagocytosis, the lysosome heads to the cell membrane to expel the contents into the {{c1::extracellular space}}
Published 09/10/2023 Pinocytosis is a type of endocytosis that is {{c1::non-specific}} and takes in {{c1::solutes}}Then, the {{c2::motor proteins (kinesin and dynein)}} ca…
Published 09/10/2023 {{c1::Receptor mediated endocytosis}} is when special receptors in pits on the cell membrane bind their ligand, causing the edges to come together and…
Published 09/10/2023 After the vesicle pinches off in receptor mediated endocytosis, the clathrin returns to the {{c1::cell membrane}}
Published 09/10/2023 In receptor mediated endocytosis, the vesicle merges with the {{c1::endosome}} which is at low pH, causing the LDL to separate from the {{c2::LDL rece…
Published 09/10/2023 In LDL receptor mediated endocytosis, 2 vesicles form from the endosome. The one with the {{c1::LDL}} goes to the lysosome for digestion and the one w…
Published 09/10/2023 {{c1::Exocytosis}} starts in the golgi and packages the products from the rough and smooth ER into secretory vesicles which are transported by {{c2::m…
Published 09/10/2023 2b117dbc79da47e7b28e1e309b0f9d49-oa-1
Published 09/10/2023 2b117dbc79da47e7b28e1e309b0f9d49-oa-2
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Published 09/10/2023 2b117dbc79da47e7b28e1e309b0f9d49-oa-6
Published 09/10/2023 796afdae7fde432f9852a8304ae0cefb-oa-1
Published 09/10/2023 796afdae7fde432f9852a8304ae0cefb-oa-2
Published 09/10/2023 796afdae7fde432f9852a8304ae0cefb-oa-3
Published 09/10/2023 796afdae7fde432f9852a8304ae0cefb-oa-4
Published 09/10/2023 796afdae7fde432f9852a8304ae0cefb-oa-5
Published 09/10/2023 796afdae7fde432f9852a8304ae0cefb-oa-6
Published 09/10/2023 796afdae7fde432f9852a8304ae0cefb-oa-7
Published 09/10/2023 6ef18adc625e4af7858e7dbc52dd0e0d-oa-1
Published 09/13/2023 6ef18adc625e4af7858e7dbc52dd0e0d-oa-2
Published 09/10/2023 6ef18adc625e4af7858e7dbc52dd0e0d-oa-3
Published 09/10/2023 6ef18adc625e4af7858e7dbc52dd0e0d-oa-4
Published 09/10/2023 6ef18adc625e4af7858e7dbc52dd0e0d-oa-5
Published 09/10/2023 6ef18adc625e4af7858e7dbc52dd0e0d-oa-6
Published 09/10/2023 Net reaction of glycolysis:{{c1::1 glucose}} -> {{c2::2 ATP}} + {{c2::2 NADH}} + {{c2::2 pyruvate}}
Published 09/13/2023 Glycolysis happens in the {{c1::cytoplasm::cellular organelle}}
Published 09/10/2023 In response to high blood glucose, the {{c1::pancreatic beta-}}cells secrete insulin
Published 09/10/2023 Glucose uses {{c1::GLUT transporters}} to get into the cell
Published 09/10/2023 Glucose is prevented from diffusing out of the cell by {{c1::kinases}} which phosphorylate them
Published 09/10/2023 {{c1::Hexokinase}} is in all cells and {{c2::glucokinase}} is induced in the presence of insulin (only in the liver cells and pancreatic beta cells)
Published 09/18/2023 The first step of glycolysis is {{c1::irreversible::reversible or irreversible}}{{c2::Glucose}} + {{c2::ATP}} -> {{c3::G6P}} + {{c3::ADP}} via {{c4…
Published 09/10/2023 a0803874ca524fa6aef49c63b3f6c0fb-oa-1
Published 09/10/2023 a0803874ca524fa6aef49c63b3f6c0fb-oa-2
Published 09/10/2023 a0803874ca524fa6aef49c63b3f6c0fb-oa-3
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Published 09/10/2023 a0803874ca524fa6aef49c63b3f6c0fb-oa-7
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Published 09/10/2023 a0803874ca524fa6aef49c63b3f6c0fb-oa-9
Published 09/10/2023 a0803874ca524fa6aef49c63b3f6c0fb-oa-10
Published 09/10/2023 a0803874ca524fa6aef49c63b3f6c0fb-oa-11
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Published 09/10/2023 a0803874ca524fa6aef49c63b3f6c0fb-oa-13
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Published 09/10/2023 a0803874ca524fa6aef49c63b3f6c0fb-oa-15
Published 09/10/2023 a0803874ca524fa6aef49c63b3f6c0fb-oa-16
Published 09/10/2023 a0803874ca524fa6aef49c63b3f6c0fb-oa-17
Published 09/10/2023 a0803874ca524fa6aef49c63b3f6c0fb-oa-18
Published 09/10/2023 a0803874ca524fa6aef49c63b3f6c0fb-oa-19
Published 09/10/2023 a0803874ca524fa6aef49c63b3f6c0fb-oa-20
Published 09/10/2023 a0803874ca524fa6aef49c63b3f6c0fb-oa-21
Published 09/10/2023 a0803874ca524fa6aef49c63b3f6c0fb-oa-22
Published 09/10/2023 a0803874ca524fa6aef49c63b3f6c0fb-oa-23
Published 09/10/2023 a0803874ca524fa6aef49c63b3f6c0fb-oa-24
Published 09/10/2023 The 2nd irreversible step in glycolysis is when F6P is converted into F-1,6-BP by {{c1::PFK1}}
Published 09/10/2023 The rate limiting step of glycolysis is formation of {{c1::F-1,6-BP}} by {{c1::PFK1}}
Published 09/10/2023 {{c1::PFK2}} can phosphorylate F6P into F-2,6-BP
Published 09/10/2023 The 3rd irreversible step of glycolysis is the conversion of {{c1::PEP}} to {{c1::pyruvate}} by {{c2::pyruvate kinase}}
Published 09/10/2023 All of the energy that our body uses is originally derived from the {{c1::sun}}
Published 09/10/2023 {{c1::Sun energy}} -> {{c2::glucose from plants (photosynthesis)}} -> {{c3::humans eat it}} -> {{c4::ATP is formed in our cells (cellular res…
Published 09/10/2023 In the light reactions in photosynthesis, light energy removes an H+ from O2, forming {{c1::ATP}} and {{c1::NADPH}} 
Published 09/13/2023 In the calvin cycle, {{c1::CO2}} + {{c1::NADPH}} + {{c1::ATP}} -> {{c2::Glucose}} 
Published 09/10/2023 In the TCA cycle, {{c1::NADH}} and {{c1::FADH2}} are made which are high energy electron carriers used in the electron transport chain to generate {{c…
Published 09/10/2023 The products of {{c1::photosynthesis}} are the reactants of {{c1::cellular respiration}} and vice versa
Published 09/10/2023 The body's energy mainly comes from {{c1::carbohydrates}}, {{c1::fats}}, and {{c1::proteins}}, basically in that order 
Published 09/18/2023 Ketone bodies are produced by the {{c1::liver mitochondria::organ and cellular compartment}} using Acetyl CoA during pathological states like {{c2::ty…
Published 09/10/2023 Ketone bodies get converted back into {{c1::Acetyl CoA}} at which point they can enter the mitochondria and produce ATP
Published 09/10/2023 At 12 hours of fasting, your blood glucose levels are low, so {{c1::glucagon}} is secreted to stimulate {{c2::glycogenolysis}} 
Published 09/10/2023 At 24 hours into fasting, your body runs out of glycogen, so it starts {{c1::gluconeogenesis}} in order to make new glucose molecules from amino acidd…
Published 09/10/2023 Around 1-3 days into fasting, your body runs out of substrates for gluconeogenesis, so it breaks down {{c1::fatty acids}} into acetyl CoA through beta…
Published 09/10/2023 Brain cells only use {{c1::glucose}} or {{c1::ketone bodies}} for energy 
Published 09/10/2023 The step with {{c1::HMG-CoA synthase}} is the rate limiting step of ketone synthesis
Published 09/10/2023 05c042d71306485486b5d92e2692e120-oa-1
Published 09/10/2023 05c042d71306485486b5d92e2692e120-oa-2
Published 09/10/2023 05c042d71306485486b5d92e2692e120-oa-3
Published 09/12/2023 05c042d71306485486b5d92e2692e120-oa-4
Published 09/10/2023 05c042d71306485486b5d92e2692e120-oa-5
Published 09/10/2023 05c042d71306485486b5d92e2692e120-oa-6
Published 09/10/2023 05c042d71306485486b5d92e2692e120-oa-7
Published 09/13/2023 05c042d71306485486b5d92e2692e120-oa-8
Published 09/10/2023 05c042d71306485486b5d92e2692e120-oa-9
Published 09/10/2023 05c042d71306485486b5d92e2692e120-oa-10
Published 09/10/2023 The 3 ketone bodies are {{c1::acetoacetate}}, {{c2::acetone}}, and {{c3::beta-hydroxybutyrate}}
Published 09/10/2023 {{c1::Acetone}} is metabolically useless to cells, so it is exhaled from the lungs, giving the breath a sweet smell like in diabetic ketoacidosis&nbsp…
Published 09/10/2023 Ketone bodies are acidic molecules that can lower the {{c1::blood pH}}, causing {{c2::metabolic acidosis}}
Published 09/13/2023 {{c1::Beta-hydroxybutyrate::ketone body}} and {{c1::acetoacetate::ketone body}} can diffuse into the mitochondria of {{c2::peripheral tissues}} where …
Published 09/10/2023 {{c1::RBCs}} can't use ketone bodies because they don't have mitochondria
Published 09/10/2023 c2e34db3f01d4dc78d4fb85cf58c8224-oa-1
Published 09/10/2023 c2e34db3f01d4dc78d4fb85cf58c8224-oa-2
Published 09/10/2023 c2e34db3f01d4dc78d4fb85cf58c8224-oa-3
Published 09/10/2023 c2e34db3f01d4dc78d4fb85cf58c8224-oa-4
Published 09/10/2023 c2e34db3f01d4dc78d4fb85cf58c8224-oa-5
Published 09/10/2023 c2e34db3f01d4dc78d4fb85cf58c8224-oa-6
Published 09/10/2023 c2e34db3f01d4dc78d4fb85cf58c8224-oa-7
Published 09/10/2023 c2e34db3f01d4dc78d4fb85cf58c8224-oa-8
Published 09/13/2023 c2e34db3f01d4dc78d4fb85cf58c8224-oa-9
Published 09/10/2023 c2e34db3f01d4dc78d4fb85cf58c8224-oa-10
Published 09/10/2023 Liver cells don't have {{c1::thioporase}}, so they can't use ketone bodies for energy
Published 09/10/2023 {{c1::Triglycerides}} are the main storage form of fats
Published 09/13/2023 In fatty acid synthesis, we are trying to make {{c1::palmitoyl-CoA::final product}} from acetyl CoA molecules, and this process occurs in {{c2::liver}…
Published 09/13/2023 Pyruvate from glycolysis moves into the mitochondria where it is converted into acetyl CoA by {{c1::pyruvate dehydrogenase}}
Published 09/18/2023 Fatty acid synthesis occurs in the {{c1::cytoplasm::cellular organelle}}
Published 09/10/2023 617e4d600efd41f78b01ce89ef2a3218-oa-1
Published 09/10/2023 617e4d600efd41f78b01ce89ef2a3218-oa-2
Published 09/13/2023 617e4d600efd41f78b01ce89ef2a3218-oa-3
Published 09/10/2023 617e4d600efd41f78b01ce89ef2a3218-oa-4
Published 09/10/2023 617e4d600efd41f78b01ce89ef2a3218-oa-5
Published 09/10/2023 617e4d600efd41f78b01ce89ef2a3218-oa-6
Published 09/10/2023 617e4d600efd41f78b01ce89ef2a3218-oa-7
Published 09/10/2023 617e4d600efd41f78b01ce89ef2a3218-oa-8
Published 09/10/2023 NADPH can be made from {{c1::malic enzyme}} during the citrate shuttle or from the {{c1::pentose phosphate pathway }}
Published 09/17/2023 FATTY ACID SYNTHESISAcetyl CoA carboxylase has 3 cofactors{{c1::ATP}}{{c1::Biotin (vitamin B7)}}{{c1::Carbon dioxide}}
Published 09/10/2023 The rate limiting step of fatty acid synthesis is the conversion of {{c2::acetyl CoA}} into {{c2::malonyl CoA}} by {{c1::acetyl CoA carboxylase}}
Published 09/13/2023 Insulin {{c1::removes::removes or adds}} a phosphate group from acetyl CoA carboxylase, {{c2::increasing}} its activity
Published 09/10/2023 Glucagon {{c2::adds}} a phosphate group to acetyl CoA carboxylase, {{c1::decreasing}} its activity
Published 09/12/2023 {{c1::Citrate}} allosterically {{c2::increases}} the activity of acetyl CoA carboxylase, while {{c1::fatty acids}} allosterically {{c2::inhibits}} it&…
Published 09/10/2023 c9ec39125c464297914d11d68f75544b-oa-1
Published 09/10/2023 c9ec39125c464297914d11d68f75544b-oa-2
Published 09/13/2023 c9ec39125c464297914d11d68f75544b-oa-3
Published 09/10/2023 c9ec39125c464297914d11d68f75544b-oa-4
Published 09/10/2023 c9ec39125c464297914d11d68f75544b-oa-5
Published 09/10/2023 c9ec39125c464297914d11d68f75544b-oa-6
Published 09/10/2023 c9ec39125c464297914d11d68f75544b-oa-7
Published 09/10/2023 Per cycle of fatty acid synthesis, we need {{c1::1 acetyl CoA}} -> {{c1::malonyl coA}} and 2 {{c2::NADPH}} molecules
Published 09/10/2023 Triglycerides are stored in the {{c1::liver}} and {{c1::fat}} cells
Published 09/13/2023 Insulin binds to insulin receptor which causes {{c1::GLUT4}} to translocate to the cell membrane and allow glucose to move into the cell
Published 09/10/2023 Insulin activates {{c1::Glucose uptake::glucose}}{{c1::Glycogenesis::glycogen}}{{c1::Glycolysis (when glycogen storage capacity is reached)::glucose v…
Published 09/13/2023 Insulin inhibits{{c1::Glyogenolysis::glycogen}}{{c1::Gluconeogenesis::glucose}}{{c1::Lipolysis::fats}}{{c1::Proteolysis::protein}}
Published 09/10/2023 {{c1::Type I diabetes mellitus}} comes from T cells attacking the pancreas due to decreased {{c2::self tolerance}}
Published 09/10/2023 {{c1::Type 2 diabetes}} is caused by insulin resistance
Published 09/10/2023 Insulin is administered {{c1::subcutaneously}} because they can be broken down in the GI tract
Published 09/10/2023 Rapid acting and short acting insulins are used for {{c1::bolus insulin regimen}}
Published 09/10/2023 Intermediate acting, long acting, and ultra long lasting insulins are used for {{c1::basal insulin regimen}}
Published 09/13/2023 {{c1::Sliding scale regimen::type of insulin regimen}} is done when a person's glucose levels could fluctuate rapidly
Published 09/10/2023 {{c1::Basal bolus regimen}} is where basal insulin is used to maintain fasting blood glucose levels and bolus insulin is taken before meals
Published 09/10/2023 Rapid acting insulins are preferred for treating {{c1::diabetic ketoacidosis}}
Published 09/13/2023 {{c1::Short acting insulin}} is the only insulin that can be given both subcutaneously and IV
Published 09/13/2023 The main side effect of insulin therapy is {{c1::hypoglycemia::main one}}, {{c1::hypokalemia}}, and {{c2::lipid dystrophy}}
Published 09/10/2023 Different types of insulinRapid acting: {{c1::aspart}}, {{c1::glulisine}}, {{c1::lispro}}Short acting: {{c2::regular insulin}}Intermediate acting: {{c…
Published 09/10/2023 Insulins onset of actionRapid acting: {{c1::less than 30 minutes}}Short acting: {{c1::30 minutes}}Intermediate acting: {{c2::between 1 and 2 hours}}Lo…
Published 09/10/2023 Peak effect time of insulinsRapid acting: {{c2::~1 hour}}Short acting: {{c2::2-3 hours}}Intermediate acting: {{c2::4 hours}}Long acting: {{c1::none}}U…
Published 09/10/2023 After you eat, when glucose is broken down into ATP, the K+ channels {{c1::close}}, {{c1::increasing}} the K+ concentration in the cell causing {{c2::…
Published 09/10/2023 Sulfonylureas cause K+ channels to close, {{c1::increasing}} insulin production. They also {{c2::decrease}} gluconeogenesis and {{c2::increase}} perip…
Published 09/10/2023 {{c1::Meglitinides}} work the same way as sulfonylureas, but they are more fast acting 
Published 09/18/2023 {{c1::Incretins::category of hormones}} stimulate insulin release after a meal
Published 09/10/2023 {{c1::DPP-4 inhibitors}} inhibit DPP-4 from inactivating GLP-1, which allows GLP-1 to exert its effects for longer
Published 09/14/2023 Sulfonylureas:Names; {{c1::glyburide}}, {{c1::glipizide}}, {{c1::glimepiride}}Mechanism: {{c4::block ATP-sensitive K+ channel}}Side effects: {{c2::wei…
Published 09/10/2023 Meglitinides:Names: {{c1::end in -glinide}}Mechanism: {{c2::block K+ pump}}Side effects; {{c3::weight gain}}, {{c3::hypoglycemia}}
Published 09/10/2023 GLP-1 receptor agonistsNames: {{c3::end in -tide}}Mechanism: {{c1::increase insulin secretion}} and {{c1::decrease glucagon release}}Side effects: {{c…
Published 09/13/2023 DPP-4 inhibitorsName: {{c1::end in -gliptin}}Mechanism: {{c2::inhibit DPP-4 from breaking down GLP-1}}Side effects: {{c3::headache}}, {{c3::nasopharyn…
Published 09/25/2023 OTC Deficiency in the Urea Cycle leads to increased levels of {{c1::Carbamoyl Phosphate}}
Status Last Update Fields