Notes in 04 Basic Renal Physiology and Cardiac Development Lecture

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Published 09/20/2023 {{c1::Aldosterone}} is a hormone that increases renal Na+ reabsorption, thereby restoring ECF volume and blood volume to normal
Published 09/20/2023 Aldosterone increases {{c1::Na+}} and H2O reabsorption at the distal tubules and collecting duct
Published 09/20/2023 Ventricular septal defect (VSD) results in a(n) {{c1::left}}-to-{{c1::right}} shunt
Published 09/20/2023 How is a large ventricular septal defect treated? {{c1::Surgical closure}}
Published 09/20/2023 Atrial septal defect (ASD) results in a(n) {{c1::left}}-to-{{c1::right}} shunt
Published 09/20/2023 Atrial septal defect may be distinguished from a patent foramen ovale in that the septa are {{c1::missing tissue}} rather than unfused
Published 09/20/2023 The embryonic {{c1::truncus arteriosus}} gives rise to the {{c2::ascending aorta}} and {{c2::pulmonary trunk}}
Published 09/20/2023 The embryonic {{c1::bulbus cordis}} gives rise to the {{c3::smooth}} parts (outflow tracks) of the left and right {{c2::ventricles}}
Published 09/20/2023 The embryonic {{c1::primitive atria}} gives rise to the {{c2::trabeculated}} parts of the left and right {{c3::atria}}
Published 09/20/2023 The embryonic {{c1::primitive ventricle}} gives rise to the {{c3::trabeculated}} parts of the left and right {{c2::ventricles}}
Published 09/20/2023 The embryonic {{c1::primitive pulmonary vein}} gives rise to the {{c2::smooth}} part of the {{c3::left atrium}}
Published 09/20/2023 The embryonic {{c1::right horn of sinus venosus}} gives rise to the {{c2::smooth}} part of the {{c3::right atrium}}
Published 09/20/2023 The embryonic {{c1::left horn of sinus venosus}} gives rise to the {{c2::coronary sinus}}
Published 09/20/2023 The embryonic {{c1::right common cardinal vein}} and {{c1::right anterior cardinal vein}} give rise to the {{c2::superior vena cava}}
Published 09/20/2023 The embryonic {{c1::endocardial cushion}} gives rise to the atrial septum and membranous interventricular septum
Published 09/20/2023 The embryonic {{c1::endocardial cushion}} gives rise to the AV and semilunar valves
Published 09/20/2023 The {{c1::heart}} is the first functional organ to develop in vertebrate embryos
Published 09/20/2023 The primary heart tube {{c1::loops}} to establish left-right polarity beginning in week 4 of gestation
Published 09/20/2023 In the first step of atrial partitioning, the {{c1::septum primum}} grows toward the endocardial cushions, forming a narrow {{c2::ostium primum}}
Published 09/20/2023 In the second step of atrial partitioning, the {{c1::ostium secundum}} forms in place of the ostium primum
Published 09/20/2023 In the third step of atrial partitioning, the sinus venosus is "pulled" into the developing right atrium, forming the {{c1::septum secundum}}
Published 09/20/2023 In the fourth step of atrial partitioning, the septum secundum expands and covers most of the foramen secundum, leaving the residual {{c1::foramen ova…
Published 09/20/2023 The remaining portion of the septum primum, following foramen ovale formation, forms the {{c1::valve of foramen ovale}}
Published 09/20/2023 Shortly after birth, the septum secundum and septum primum fuse to form the {{c1::atrial septum}}
Published 09/20/2023 The foramen ovale usually closes shortly after birth because of increased {{c1::left atrial}} pressure
Published 09/20/2023 In the first step of ventricular partitioning, the {{c1::muscular}} interventricular septum develops and forms the {{c2::interventricular foramen}}
Published 09/20/2023 In the second step of ventricular partitioning, the aorticopulmonary septum rotates and fuses with the muscular interventricular septum to form t…
Published 09/20/2023 In the third step of ventricular partitioning, growth of {{c1::endocardial cushions}} separates atria from ventricles
Published 09/20/2023 Ventricular septal defects usually occur in the {{c1::membranous}} portion of the interventricular septum
Published 09/20/2023 The mitral and tricuspid valves are derived from the fused {{c1::endocardial cushions}} of the common AV canal
Published 09/20/2023 What is the embryonic origin of endocardial cushion cells? {{c1::Neural crest cells and lateral plate mesoderm::2}}
Published 09/20/2023 From the umbilical vein, blood is conducted into the {{c1::IVC}} via the {{c2::ductus venosus}}, which bypasses {{c3::hepatic}} circulation
Published 09/20/2023 Most of the deoxygenated blood from the fetal SVC is conducted to the {{c1::descending aorta}} via the {{c2::ductus arteriosus}}, which bypasses the {…
Published 09/20/2023 Once the foramen ovale has closed, it is re-named the {{c1::fossa ovalis}}
Published 09/20/2023 Aldosterone increases {{c1::K+}} and {{c1::H+}} secretion at the distal tubules and collecting duct
Published 09/20/2023 The functional units of the kidney are {{c1::nephrons}}, which consist of a(n) {{c2::glomerulus}} and a(n) {{c3::renal tubule}}
Published 09/20/2023 {{c2::Glomerular}} capillaries are surrounded by {{c1::Bowman's capsule (space)}}, which is continuous with the first portion of the nephron
Published 09/20/2023 Following Bowman's capsule, glomerular filtrate enters the {{c1::proximal convoluted tubule}}
Published 09/20/2023 Following the proximal convoluted tubule, glomerular filtrate enters the {{c1::proximal straight tubule}}
Published 09/20/2023 Following the proximal straight tubule, glomerular filtrate enters the {{c1::thin descending limb (loop of Henle)}}
Published 09/20/2023 Following the thin descending limb, glomerular filtrate enters the {{c1::thin ascending limb (loop of Henle)}}
Published 09/20/2023 Following the thin ascending limb, the glomerular filtrate enters the {{c1::thick ascending limb (loop of Henle)}}
Published 09/20/2023 The thin descending limb, thin ascending limb, and thick ascending limb of the kidney form the {{c1::loop of Henle}}
Published 09/20/2023 Following the thick ascending limb (loop of Henle), glomerular filtrate enters the {{c1::distal convoluted tubule}}
Published 09/20/2023 Following the distal convoluted tubule, glomerular filtrate enters the {{c2::collecting ducts}}
Published 09/20/2023 The glomerular filtration barrier is responsible for filtering the plasma according to the properties of a compounds {{c1::size}} and {{c1::net charge…
Published 09/20/2023 One component of the glomerular filtration barrier is a(n) {{c2::endothelial}} cell layer with large {{c1::fenestrations}}
Published 09/20/2023 One component of the glomerular filtration barrier is a(n) {{c1::basement}} membrane
Published 09/20/2023 One component of the glomerular filtration barrier is a layer of {{c3::epithelial}} cells, called {{c1::podocytes}}, which attach to the basement memb…
Published 09/20/2023 Does the basement membrane of the glomerular filtration barrier normally permit plasma proteins? {{c1::No}}
Published 09/20/2023 Fluid exits PCT cells and enters the peritubular capillaries via the process of {{c1::reabsorption}}
Published 09/21/2023 Glucose is reabsorbed in the {{c2::early PCT::region of the kidney}} by {{c1::Na+/glucose (SGLT)}} cotransporters
Published 09/20/2023 H+ is secreted into the lumen of the early PCT via the {{c2::Na+-H+}} exchanger, where it combines with filtered {{c1::HCO3-}}, forming H2CO3
Published 09/20/2023 The H+ inside the cells of the early PCT (from H2CO3) is {{c1::re-secreted (into the lumen)}} by the Na+-H+ exchanger
Published 09/20/2023 In the late PCT, Na+ reabsorption may occur through the {{c1::Na+-H+}} exchange
Published 09/20/2023 How is Na+ pumped out of the cell of the proximal tubule and into the blood? {{c1::Na+-K+-ATPase pump}}
Published 09/20/2023 Na+ is reabsorbed in the {{c2::thick ascending limb (of Henle)}} via the {{c1::Na+-K+-2Cl-}} cotransporter in the luminal membrane
Published 09/20/2023 In addition to Na+, what two other ions are reabsorbed through the lumen of the thick ascending limb? {{c1::K+, Cl- (Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransporter)}}
Published 09/20/2023 What type of transport mechanism is Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransporter? {{c1::Secondary active transport}}
Published 09/20/2023 How is Na+ extruded out of the cell of the thick ascending limb and into the blood? {{c1::Na+-K+-ATPase pump}}
Published 09/20/2023 Loop diuretics attach to the {{c2::Cl-}}-binding site of the {{c1::Na+-K+-2Cl-}} cotransporter
Published 09/20/2023 Na+ is reabsorbed in the {{c2::early DCT}} via the {{c1::Na+-Cl-}} cotransporter in the luminal membrane
Published 09/20/2023 In addition to Na+, what other ion is reabsorbed through the lumen of the early DCT? {{c1::Cl- (Na+-Cl- cotransporter)}}
Published 09/20/2023 How is Na+ extruded out of the cell of the early DCT and into the blood? {{c1::Na+-K+-ATPase pump}}
Published 09/20/2023 Thiazide diuretics attach to the {{c2::Cl-}}-binding site of the {{c1::Na+-Cl-}} cotransporter
Published 09/25/2023 Na+ is reabsorbed in the principal cells of the late DCT and collecting duct via the {{c1::epithelial Na+}} channels in the luminal membrane
Published 09/20/2023 How is Na+ extruded out of the cells of the late DCT & collecting duct and into the blood? {{c1::Na+-K+-ATPase pump}}
Published 09/20/2023 Aldosterone leads to {{c1::increased}} epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) activity
Published 09/20/2023 How does insulin cause K+ to shift into cells?{{c1::Increased Na+-K+ ATPase}}
Published 09/20/2023 What type of transport mechanism is the H+-K+ ATPase? {{c1::Primary active transport}}
Published 09/20/2023 Hyperaldosteronism {{c2::increases}} K+ secretion and causes {{c2::hypo}}-kalemia
Published 09/20/2023 Hypoaldosteronism {{c2::decreases}} K+ secretion and causes {{c2::hyper}}-kalemia
Published 09/20/2023 Increased Na+ delivery to principal cells (e.g. thiazide and loop diuretics) causes {{c1::increased}} K+ secretion
Published 09/20/2023 In the presence of {{c2::ADH}}, {{c1::aquaporin 2}} channels are inserted in the luminal membrane of {{c3::principal}} cells of the late distal tubule…
Published 09/20/2023 {{c2::Acetazolamide}} is a diuretic that inhibits the enzyme {{c1::carbonic anhydrase}}
Published 09/20/2023 Acetazolamide primarily prevents reabsorption of {{c1::HCO3-}}
Published 09/20/2023 Acetazolamide causes urine {{c1::alkalinization::pH}}
Published 09/20/2023 In addition to HCO3-, acetazolamide also prevents the reabsorption of {{c1::Na+}} and H2O
Published 09/20/2023 What effect may acetazolamide have on serum K+ levels?{{c1::Decreased (hypokalemia)}}
Published 09/20/2023 Aldosterone upregulates {{c1::ENaCs}} on the apical membrane of the principal cells, increasing Na+ reabsorption
Published 09/20/2023 3 Key Functions of Nephron:1. {{c1::Excretion}}2. {{c1::Reclaiming fluid/solutes}}3. {{c1::Fine-tuning filtrate}}
Published 09/20/2023 The proximal convoluted tubules contain {{c1::microvilli::apical surface structure}} which increase the surface area to improve absorption.
Published 09/20/2023 {{c1::Slit diaphragms}} are the spaces in the glomerular filtration barrier between the foot processes of podocytes. 
Published 09/20/2023 If albumin is present in urine, this indicates there is damage to the {{c1::glomerular filtration barrier::part of nephron}}.
Published 09/20/2023 In addition to size and charge, {{c1::transcapillary pressure}} also affects filtration of molecules via the glomerular filtration barrier.
Published 09/20/2023 In response to severe bleeding, glomerular filtration is {{c1::decreased::increased/decreased}}.
Published 09/20/2023 Glomerular filtration is decreased due to severe bleeding because cardiac output is {{c1::lower::higher/lower}}, resulting in {{c1::lower::higher/lowe…
Published 09/20/2023 Aquaporin-1 channels are present largely in the {{c1::PCT::region on nephron}} and are hormone-{{c2::independent::independent/dependent}}.
Published 09/20/2023 {{c1::GLUT2::GLUT?}} is the glucose transporter present in the PCT of the nephron.
Published 09/20/2023 In the renal tubule, 70% of water is reabsorbed in the {{c1::PCT}}, 20% in the {{c1::thin LoH}}, and 1-9% in the {{c1::collecting duct}}.
Published 09/20/2023 {{c1::ADH::ADH/aldosterone}} is released from the hypothalamus/pituitary while {{c1::aldosterone::ADH/aldosterone}} is released from the adrenal gland…
Published 09/20/2023 Lack of ADH results in decreased water reabsorption --> {{c1::large::large/small}} volume of dilute urine
Published 09/21/2023 Net loss of pure water due to lack of ADH while maintaining normal absorption of Na+ leads to {{c1::hyper::hyper/hypo}}natremia.
Published 09/20/2023 Which segment of the nephron is most vulnerable to injury (damage) due to prolonged severe bleeding?{{c1::PCT}}
Published 09/20/2023 The normal looping of the primitive heart tube forms a {{c1::D::D/L}}-loop.
Published 09/20/2023 A ventricular septal defect (VSD) has an overall effect of too {{c1::much::much/little}} blood being sent to the {{c2::lungs::organ}}.
Published 09/20/2023 Which ventricle of the heart generates more pressure?{{c1::left}}
Published 09/20/2023 In patients with VSD (ventricular septal defect), during systole blood flows from {{c1::left to right::right to left/left to right}} across the VSD.
Published 09/20/2023 Formation of the primary heart field occurs during week {{c1::3::#}}.
Published 09/20/2023 Formation of the paired endocardial heart tubes occurs during week {{c1::3::#}}.
Published 09/20/2023 Body folding occurs during week {{c1::3::#}} of development.
Published 09/20/2023 Formation of the primitive heart tube occurs during week {{c1::3::#}} of development.
Published 09/20/2023 Looping of the primitive heart tube occurs during week {{c1::4::#}} of development.
Published 09/20/2023 Cardiac septation occurs during weeks {{c1::5-9::#}} of development.
Published 09/20/2023 In patients with ASD (atrial septal defect), right atrial and ventricular dilation is a result of abnormal blood shunting from the {{c1::left atrium t…
Published 09/20/2023 62d7562c796e4bca8b3d7d9ab1e8d89f-ao-1
Published 09/20/2023 62d7562c796e4bca8b3d7d9ab1e8d89f-ao-2
Published 09/20/2023 62d7562c796e4bca8b3d7d9ab1e8d89f-ao-3
Published 09/20/2023 62d7562c796e4bca8b3d7d9ab1e8d89f-ao-4
Published 09/20/2023 62d7562c796e4bca8b3d7d9ab1e8d89f-ao-5
Published 09/20/2023 Abnormal blood flow between left and right heart structures is known as a {{c1::shunt.}}
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