Notes in Neonatal Jaundice

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Published 10/08/2024 Jaundice describes the condition of abnormally high levels of {{c1::bilirubin}} in the blood. Red blood cells contain {{c1::u…
Published 10/08/2024 What is neonatal jaundice? How does it come about?There is a high concentration of {{c1::red blood cells}} in the fetus and neonate. Th…
Published 10/08/2024 The causes of neonatal jaundice can be divided into increased production of billi and decreased clearance of billi. Increased production: (4){{c1…
Published 10/08/2024 In premature babies, the process of physiological jaundice is exaggerated due to the immature liver. This increases the risk of complication…
Published 10/08/2024 Babies that are breastfed are more likely to have neonatal jaundice: Why?{{c1::Components of breast milk inhibit the ability of the liver to process t…
Published 10/08/2024 Haemolytic disease of the newborn is a cause of haemolysis and jaundice in the neonate. It is caused by {{c1::incom…
Published 10/08/2024 Explain how Rhesus incompatibility can cause haemolytic disease of the newborn. {{c1::When a woman that is rhesus D negative becom…
Published 10/08/2024 Jaundice is “prolonged” when it lasts longer than would be expected in physiological jaundice. This is:More than {{c1::14 days}} in full term babiesMo…
Published 10/08/2024 Investigations for prolonged newborn jaundice:{{c1::Full blood count}} and {{c1::blood film}} for {{c2::polycythaemia or anaemia}}{{c1::Conj…
Published 10/08/2024 In jaundiced neonates, total bilirubin levels are monitored and plotted on {{c1::treatment threshold charts}}. These charts are specific for the …
Published 10/08/2024 {{c1::Phototherapy}} is usually adequate to correct neonatal jaundice. Extremely high levels may require an {{c1::exchange transfusion}}. Th…
Published 10/08/2024 Treating prolonged neonatal jaundice:Phototherapy converts unconjugated bilirubin into isomers that can be excreted in the bile an…
Published 10/08/2024 Kernicterus:Bilirubin can cross the blood-brain barrier. Excessive bilirubin causes direct damage to the central nervous system. Kernicterus…
Published 10/08/2024 Define neonatal jaundice: {{c1::This is a yellow discolouration of the skin, sclera and mucous membranes due to accumulation of bilirubin in the …
Published 10/08/2024 Neonatal jaundice in the first 24h of life is typically due to {{c1::severe haemolysis e.g. Rhesus incompatibility}} 
Published 10/08/2024 How do you prevent Rhesus disease?{{c1::Identify the Rh negative mothers at: booking visit, 28 weeks and 34 weeks of gestation}}{{c1::Prevent sensitis…
Published 10/08/2024 What is Erythroblastosis foetalis/fetal hydrops?{{c1::This is severe, generalised, oedema, ascites and pleural effusions at birth due to haemolytic di…
Published 10/08/2024 Erythroblastosis foetalis/fetal hydrops: Clinical signs (4){{c1::Moderate-severe early-onset jaundice Hepatosplenomegaly Heart failure thus …
Published 10/08/2024 Erythroblastosis foetalis/fetal hydrops: Diagnosis (4){{c1::Blood type & antibody of mum & infantCoombs testReticulocytosisBilirubin level}}&n…
Published 10/08/2024 Haemolytic disease of the newborn/Rheusus disease: Management (4){{c1::ResuscitationTake: Cord bloods: Bili, Hb, Blood & Rh type, Coombs testTake:…
Published 10/08/2024 Iso-immune haemolytic anemia is when {{c1::there is an incompatiblity between the baby's and mothers ABO groups. e.g. Mum is O and baby is A/B}}
Published 10/08/2024 Iso-immune haemolytic anaemia post-natal management: {{c1::Adequate hydration}}.{{c1::Phototherapy +/- exchange transfusion}} 
Published 10/08/2024 Polycythemia is defined as a haematocrit >{{c1::65}}%
Published 10/08/2024 Causes of neonatal polycythemia: (3){{c1::Chronic intrauterine hypoxiaExcessive transfusion of red blood cells e.g. delayed cord clampingDiabetic moth…
Published 10/08/2024 Clinical features of neonatal polycythemia:Neurological (2): {{c1::lethargy, cerebral vessel thrombosis}}Cardioresp (2): {{c2::TTN, persistent foetal …
Published 10/08/2024 The chronic sequelae of a bilirubin encephalopathy: the classic tetrad{{c2::Motor}}: {{c1::cerebral palsy/motor delay}}{{c2::Cochlear}}: {{c1::Sensori…
Published 10/08/2024 A sepsis workup in a neonate includes: 4 categories{{c1::Bloods: FBC, cultures, CRPUrinalysis & cultureLumbar punctureImaging: CXR/US}}
Published 10/08/2024 3 complications of a neonatal exchange transfusion:{{c1::ThrombocytopeniaPortal vein thrombosisElectrolyte imbalacne}} 
Published 10/08/2024 Two causes for conjugated hyperbilirubinemia include {{c1::biliary atresia}} and {{c1::neonatal hepatitis (infectious or metabolic cause)}}
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