Notes in 02 Intro to Medical Toxicology

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Published 06/19/2024 One possible adverse effect of class II antiarrhythmics (β-blockers) is {{c1::heart block}} due to decreased conduction through the AV node
Published 06/19/2024 Digitalis toxicity may induce {{c1::arrhythmias}}, such as premature ventricular contractions
Published 06/19/2024 Inhibition of the SA node by non-dihydropyridine CCBs can cause {{c1::bradycardia}}
Published 06/19/2024 Dihydropyridine CCBs may cause reflex {{c1::tachycardia::HR}}
Published 06/19/2024 {{c1::Fomepizole}} inhibits the enzyme {{c2::alcohol dehydrogenase}}
Published 06/19/2024 The effects of {{c1::cholinergic}} toxicity may be remembered with the mnemonic "DUMBBELSS": {{c1::Diarrhea::D}}{{c1::Urination::U}}{{c1::Miosis::M}}{…
Published 06/19/2024 {{c1::Atropine}} is found in belladona flowers and {{c2::jimson weed}}, which are natural antimuscarinic alkaloids
Published 06/19/2024 One adverse effect of antimuscarinics (e.g. atropine) is {{c1::tachycardia::HR}}
Published 06/19/2024 One adverse effect of anti-muscarinics is {{c1::hyperthermia}}, especially in {{c2::infants}}
Published 06/19/2024 Antimuscarinics cause hyperthermia due to inhibition of {{c1::sweat glands}} via antagonism of {{c2::M3}} receptors
Published 06/19/2024 Adverse effects of antimuscarinics include {{c2::dry}} {{c1::eyes}} and {{c1::mouth}}
Published 06/19/2024 One adverse effect of antimuscarinics is dry, {{c1::flushed}} skin
Published 06/19/2024 Adverse effects of antimuscarinics on the eye and its muscles (not including glands) include {{c1::mydriasis}} and {{c2::cycloplegia}}
Published 06/19/2024 One adverse effect of antimuscarinics is {{c1::urinary retention}}, especially in males with prostatic hyperplasia
Published 06/19/2024 β-blockers may cause {{c1::bradycardia::HR}} as a direct adverse effect
Published 06/19/2024 Cardiac toxicity (e.g. prolonged QRS interval, arrhythmia) secondary to tricyclic antidepressant toxicity is prevented or treated with the administrat…
Published 06/19/2024 {{c1::Physostigmine}} is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor that may be used to treat {{c2::anticholinergic}} toxicity
Published 06/19/2024 {{c1::Organophosphates}} are a type of {{c3::acetylcholinesterase}} inhibitor found in many {{c2::insecticides}}
Published 06/19/2024 Treating an organophosphate poisoning is two fold: - {{c1::Atropine}}, which inhibits all subtypes of {{c1::muscarinic receptors}}- {{c2::Pralidoxime}…
Published 06/19/2024 What acid-base disorders are associated with aspirin (salicylate) toxicity? Early: {{c1::pure respiratory alkalosis}}Late (> 12 hours): {{c1::mixed…
Published 06/19/2024 What is the likely cause of bradycardia, AV block, and diffuse wheezing in a CAD patient that has attempted suicide? {{c1::β-blocker overdose}}
Published 06/19/2024 Isoniazid promotes the excretion of {{c1::pyridoxine (vitamin B6)}}, therefore resulting in deficiency and peripheral neuropathy
Published 06/19/2024 What is the next step in management for a patient that presents after ingesting twenty acetaminophen tablets two hours ago? Physical exam and laborato…
Published 06/19/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a patient that presents with confusion and blurry vision after overdosing on an unknown medication? Physical examinati…
Published 06/19/2024 Sodium bicarbonate alleviates the cardiotoxicity associated with TCA overdose by decreasing TCAs ability to bind {{c1::fast-acting Na+ channels}}
Published 06/19/2024 What is the likely ingested substance in a patient that attempted suicide by overdose that presents with hypotension, seizures, mydriasis, dry, flushe…
Published 06/19/2024 Acetaminophen toxicity results from overproduction of the toxic metabolite {{c1::NAPQI}}, which leads to hepatic necrosis; treated with {{c1::N-acetyl…
Published 06/19/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a farmer that presents to the hospital with agitation, vomiting, and watery eyes? Physical exam reveals 1 mm pupils bi…
Published 06/19/2024 What is the first thing you do in a trauma setting?{{c1::ABCS → airway, breathing, circulation, shock}}
Published 06/19/2024 The effects of cholinergic toxicity may be remembered with the mnemonic {{c1::DUMBBELSS}}
Published 06/19/2024 The causes of high anion gap metabolic acidosis may be remembered with the mnemonic {{c1::MUDPILES}}
Published 06/23/2024 Acetaminophen toxicity results from overproduction of the toxic metabolite {{c1::NAPQI}}, which leads to hepatic necrosis
Published 06/23/2024 Common causes of high anion gap (> 12 mEq/L) metabolic acidosis may be remembered with the mnemonic "MUDPILES": M: {{c1::Methanol}}U: {{c2::Uremia}…
Published 06/23/2024 What is the recommended treatment for a patient with suspected sideroblastic anemia after initiating RIPE therapy for tuberculosis?{{c1::Pyridoxine (v…
Published 06/23/2024 Treatment of salicylate intoxication includes alkalinization of the urine with {{c1::sodium bicarbonate}}
Published 06/23/2024 {{c1::Fomepizole}} is used as an antidote for {{c2::methanol}} or {{c2::ethylene glycol}} poisoning
Published 06/23/2024 {{c1::Flumazenil}} is a competitive antagonist at the {{c2::benzodiazepine}} GABA receptor, which is used to treat overdose or reverse sedative effect…
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