Notes in 03 Fungi and Antifungals

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Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Mucormycosis}} is an opportunistic fungal infection that is mostly seen in ketoacidotic diabetic and leukemic patients
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Mucormycosis}} is an opportunistic fungal infection that presents with headache, facial pain, and a black necrotic eschar on the face
Published 06/13/2024 Which obstructive lung disease may be caused by allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis? {{c1::Bronchiectasis}}
Published 06/13/2024 What is a common cause of fungal meningitis in an HIV+ individual? {{c1::Cryptococcus species}}
Published 06/13/2024 What infectious cause of esophagitis presents as white pseudomembranes? {{c1::Candida}}
Published 06/13/2024 Infectious esophagitis is typically seen in {{c1::immunocompromised}} patients
Published 06/13/2024 Myeloperoxidase deficiency is associated with increased risk for {{c1::Candida}} infection, however, most patients are asymptomatic
Published 06/13/2024 Which immunodeficiency is associated with an absent cutaneous reaction to Candida antigens due to T-cell dysfunction? {{c1::Chronic mucocutaneous cand…
Published 06/13/2024 Which immunodeficiency is associated with an absent in vitro T-cell proliferation in response to Candida antigens due to T-cell dysfunction? {{c1::Chr…
Published 06/13/2024 Which fungus causes histoplasmosis?{{c1::Histoplasma Capsulatum}}
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Histoplasma Capsulatum::Which fungus}} is associated with {{c2::bat}} and {{c2::bird}} droppings, therefore spelunkers who explore caves are at …
Published 06/13/2024 {{c2::Histoplasma::Which fungus}} is endemic to the {{c1::central}} and {{c1::midwestern}} United States
Published 06/13/2024 Transmission of Histoplasma occurs through the {{c1::respiratory}} tract
Published 06/13/2024 {{c2::Histoplasma::Which fungus}} will characteristically present on histology as {{c1::macrophages}} with {{c1::oval}} bodies
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Serum}} and {{c1::Urine}} rapid antigen tests can also be used to detect {{c2::Histoplasma::which fungus}}
Published 06/13/2024 Histoplasma are {{c1::smaller than::larger than/smaller than/the same size as}} RBCs
Published 06/13/2024 Histoplasma is {{c1::dimorphic}}, meaning the temperature of its surroundings determines the form of the fungus
Published 06/13/2024 Histoplasma, Blastomycosis and most* other systemic fungi are found in the {{c1::mold}} form in soil and the {{c1::yeast*}} form in the body
Published 06/13/2024 Chronic {{c1::Histoplasmosis::fungal infection}} can look similar to {{c2::TB}}, with cavitary lesions in the upper lobes of the lungs and {{c2::calci…
Published 06/13/2024 Dissemination of {{c2::Histoplasmosis::which fungus}} in immunocompromised patients to the {{c3::liver}} and {{c3::spleen}} results in {{c1::hepatospl…
Published 06/13/2024 Local, mild infections of Histoplasmosis are treated with {{c1::-azole::what suffix}} drugs, e.g. {{c1::fluconazole}}, {{c1::itraconazole}}
Published 06/13/2024 Great lakes and Ohio river valley are buzzwords for which fungus?{{c1::Blastomycosis}}
Published 06/13/2024 Mississippi river valley and Ohio river valley are buzzwords for which fungus?{{c1::Histoplasmosis}}
Published 06/13/2024 Blastomycosis is a(n) {{c1::dimorphic}} fungus that changes form with different temperatures
Published 06/13/2024 Transmission of Blastomycosis occurs via {{c1::inhalation}} of {{c1::aerosol}}-ized spores
Published 06/13/2024 Once inside the body, {{c2::blastomycosis::Which fungus}} in the {{c3::yeast}} form replicates via {{c1::broad}} {{c1::based}} {{c1::budding}}
Published 06/13/2024 A(n) {{c2::patchy alveolar}} infiltrate is characteristic of {{c1::Blastomycosis::which fungus}} on CXR, along with {{c3::lesions}} or cavities i…
Published 06/13/2024 Blastomycosis commonly occurs near the Great Lakes and also in the eastern and {{c1::southern}} US as well
Published 06/13/2024 Dissemination of {{c1::Blastomycosis::what fungal infection}} from the lungs is most likely to occur in the {{c2::skin}} and {{c2::bones}}
Published 06/13/2024 Chronic {{c2::Blastomycosis::which fungus}} may cause {{c1::Osteomyelitis::what bone pathology}}
Published 06/13/2024 Besides histoplasmosis, which other fungus can be detected through urine antigen testing?{{c1::Blastomycosis}}
Published 06/13/2024 Local, mild infections of Blastomycosis are treated with {{c1::-azole::what suffix}} drugs, e.g. {{c1::itraconazole}}
Published 06/13/2024 Coccidioidomycosis is a(n) {{c1::dimorphic}} fungus, as its form changes based on the temperature of its environment
Published 06/13/2024 Coccidioidomycosis spherules of endospores are {{c1::larger than::larger than/smaller than/the same size as}} RBCs
Published 06/13/2024 The clinical manifestation of {{c3::Coccidioidomycosis::what fungal infection}} is similar to acute pneumonia; {{c2::cough}}, {{c2::fever}} and {{c1::…
Published 06/13/2024 A(n) {{c3::clear}} CXR with possible {{c3::lesions}} or cavities in the lungs is characteristic of {{c1::Coccidioidomycosis::which fungus}}
Published 06/13/2024 Infection of {{c3::coccidioidomycosis::which fungus}} occurs commonly in the {{c1::skin}} and {{c1::lungs}}, with dissemination to {{c2::bone}} and {{…
Published 06/13/2024 A(n) {{c1::KOH}} stain or {{c2::culture}} gives physicians a definitive diagnosis in histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis (fungal in…
Published 06/13/2024 Serology with Ig{{c2::M}} antibodies to histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis (systemic fungi) signifies recent infection
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Paracoccidioidomycosis::which fungus}} has a geographical distribution localized to {{c2::South America}}
Published 06/13/2024 Which fungal infection is characterized by a yeast form with multiple buds that radiate out from a central vacuole?{{c1::Paracoccidioidomycosis}}
Published 06/13/2024 Paracoccidioidomycosis is a(n) {{c1::dimorphic}} fungus that changes form with different temperatures
Published 06/13/2024 Paracoccidioidomycosis are {{c1::larger than::larger than/smaller than/the same size as}} RBCs
Published 06/13/2024 Transmission of paracoccidioidomycosis occurs via {{c1::respiratory droplets}}
Published 06/13/2024 Dissemination of {{c2::paracoccidioidomycosis::which fungus}} can result in cervical, axillary, and inguinal {{c1::lymphadenopathy}}
Published 06/13/2024 Progression of {{c2::paracoccidioidomycosis::which fungal infection}} can result in spreading from cervical lymph nodes to the {{c1::lungs}}, causing …
Published 06/13/2024 Mucosal {{c2::ulcers}} in the upper {{c3::respiratory}} tract and {{c3::mouth}} is characteristic of {{c1::Paracoccidioidomycosis::which fungal infect…
Published 06/13/2024 Mucocutaneous lesions and lymphadenopathy should point you towards which fungal infection?{{c1::Paracoccidioidomycosis}}
Published 06/13/2024 Local, mild infections of Paracoccidioidomycosis are treated with {{c1::-azole::what suffix}} drugs, e.g. {{c1::itraconazole}}
Published 06/13/2024 Systemic (disseminated) infections of paracoccidioidomycosis are treated with {{c1::Amphotericin B}}
Published 06/13/2024 Local, mild infections of Coccidioidomycosis are treated with {{c1::-azole::what suffix}} drugs, i.e. {{c1::itraconazole or fluconazole}}
Published 06/13/2024 A(n) {{c1::Sporothrix schenckii}} infection is called {{c2::Sporotrichosis}}
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Sporothrix schenckii}} is classically contracted via cuts from {{c2::rose thorns}}, as well as tree bark, bushes, and plants
Published 06/13/2024 Branching hyphae similar to that of rose bushes are classically seen in {{c1::Sporothrix schenckii::which fungus?}}
Published 06/13/2024 The yeast of {{c1::Sporothrix schenckii::which fungus}} takes on a(n) {{c2::cigar}} shape under microscope
Published 06/13/2024 {{c2::Sporothrix schenckii::which fungus}} spreads in a(n) {{c1::ascend}}-ing pattern along the path of {{c1::lymphatic}} drainage
Published 06/13/2024 Sporothrix schenckii will result in a local {{c1::pustule}}, or ulcer, at the site of trauma and first entry
Published 06/13/2024 Sporotrichosis diagnosis is confirmed via {{c1::culture}} or {{c1::biopsy}}
Published 06/13/2024 A biopsy of a patient with {{c1::sporotrichosis (sporothrix schenckii)::what fungal infection}} will reveal {{c2::granulomas}} consisting of histiocyt…
Published 06/13/2024 What is the drug of choice for treatment of Sporotrichosis/Sporothrix schenckii infection?{{c1::Itraconazole}}
Published 06/13/2024 What is the solution of choice for treatment of Sporotrichosis/Sporothrix schenckii infection?{{c1::SSKI (saturated solution of potassium iodide)}}
Published 06/13/2024 Ascending {{c1::lymphangitis}} and {{c1::cigar}}-shaped yeast are classic manifestations of {{c3::Sporothrix schenckii infection/sporotrichosis::what …
Published 06/13/2024 Cutaneous involvement in {{c1::blastomycosis::which fungus}} commonly manifests as a verrucous lesion with irregular borders that may mimic {{c2::squa…
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Candida albicans::Which fungus}} is the most common cause of opportunistic mycoses
Published 06/13/2024 Candida albicans is {{c1::dimorphic**}}, meaning it assumes different forms depending on the temperature of its environment
Published 06/13/2024 {{c3::Candida albicans::which fungus}} forms {{c2::pseudohyphae}} and budding {{c2::yeast}} at 20 degrees C (cold)and {{c1::germ tubes (hyphae)}} at 3…
Published 06/13/2024 Candida albicans is normal flora of the {{c1::GI}} tract, including the {{c1::oral}} cavity
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Candida albicans::which fungus}} causes {{c2::diaper}} rash due to the heat and humidity within a baby's {{c2::diaper}}
Published 06/13/2024 {{c3::Oral::which location of the body}} {{c2::candidiasis::fungal infection}} is seen in the immuno-{{c1::compromised}} or those using oral {{c1::ste…
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Candida albicans::Candida albicans or Leukoplakia}} results in white patches in the oral cavity that can be scraped away
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::KOH}} is used to prep oral scrapings when attempting to diagnose oral candidiasis
Published 06/13/2024 What is the CD4+ count threshold for the development of candidal esophagitis?{{c1::< 100*}}
Published 06/13/2024 Candidal {{c1::endocarditis::what pathology}} is commonly seen in {{c2::IV drug users::what demographic}}
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Candida albicans::which fungus}} is commonly found growing on heroinIV injection of the drug can therefore lead to {{c1::candidal endocarditis}}
Published 06/13/2024 IV drug users are at an increased risk of causing candidal endocarditis, most commonly of the {{c1::tricuspid}} valve
Published 06/13/2024 Systemic (disseminated) infections of {{c3::Candida albicans}} are treated with {{c1::Amphotericin B}} and {{c2::Caspofungin}}
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Aspergillus::which fungus}} has {{c2::acute (<45°)}}-{{c2::angle}} branching hyphae with {{c3::septations}}
Published 06/13/2024 How is Aspergillus transmitted?{{c1::Inhalation}}
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA)}} is a type {{c2::I}} hypersensitivity reaction caused by Aspergillus fumigatus
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA)}} is a result of inhalation of the Aspergillus fumigatus fungus and presents with wheezing, …
Published 06/13/2024 Blood tests of patients with Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis will show {{c1::in}}creased Ig{{c1::E}}
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Aspergillomas}} are solid balls of fungus present in the lungs that result from {{c2::Aspergillus fumigatus}} infection
Published 06/13/2024 Aspergillomas are associated with {{c1::Tuberculosis}} or {{c2::Klebsiella}}, as both pathologies have pre-existing cavities within the lungs
Published 06/13/2024 When a patient with Aspergillomas takes an upright chest X-ray, the fungal balls will be in the {{c1::inferior}} part of the lobes, as they are {…
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Angioinvasive aspergillosis::Which complication of Aspergillus fumigatus}} invades {{c2::blood vessels}}, disseminating rapidly throughout the b…
Published 06/13/2024 Angioinvasive aspergillosis will present with fever, cough and {{c1::hemoptysis}}
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Angioinvasive aspergillosis::Which complication of Aspergillus fumigatus}} disseminates upon reaching the blood vessels, resulting in {{c2::kidn…
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Angioinvasive aspergillosis::Which complication of Aspergillus fumigatus}} disseminates upon reaching the blood vessels, resulting in {{c2:…
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Angioinvasive aspergillosis::Which complication of Aspergillus fumigatus}} disseminates upon reaching the blood vessels, resulting in {{c2::ring…
Published 06/13/2024 Which fungal complication can present with ring enhancing lesions on CT scan?{{c1::Angioinvasive aspergillosis}}
Published 06/13/2024 Both {{c1::Mucormycosis and Aspergillus fumigatus::which two fungal infections}} can spread to the {{c2::paranasal}} sinuses and result in necrosis ar…
Published 06/13/2024 Local, mild infections of {{c2::Aspergillus fumigatus::which fungus}} are treated with {{c1::-azole::what suffix}} drugs (e.g. {{c1::Voriconazole}}) o…
Published 06/13/2024 In addition to medical treatment, {{c1::aspergillomas::which complication of Aspergillus fumigatus}} will need to be surgically removed
Published 06/13/2024 Which fungus is encapsulated?{{c1::Cryptococcus neoformans}}
Published 06/13/2024 Oral thrush of the mouth that appears as a white exudate on mucous membranes is due to {{c1::candida albicans::which fungus}}
Published 06/13/2024 Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis is an IgE-mediated type I hypersensitivity reaction that is most often seen in individuals suffering from {{c1…
Published 06/13/2024 Increased levels of IgE in {{c3::Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis::which manifestation of Aspergillus infection}} leads to {{c1::eosinophilia::…
Published 06/13/2024 Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis can be treated with {{c1::corticosteroids}} to reduce Ig{{c1::E}} response
Published 06/13/2024 The Cryptococcus capsule is made up of repeating {{c1::polysaccharide capsular antigens}}
Published 06/13/2024 The repeating polysaccharide capsular antigens of the Cryptococci capsule are the main virulence factor of the fungus, making it {{c1::anti-phagocytic…
Published 06/13/2024 {{c2::Cryptococcus::which fungus}} is found mainly in {{c1::pigeon}} droppings and {{c1::soil}}
Published 06/13/2024 Cryptococci enter the body via {{c1::inhalation}}, therefore the primary infection resides in the {{c1::lungs}}
Published 06/13/2024 Which fungus is urease-positive?{{c1::Cryptococcus neoformans}}
Published 06/13/2024 Cryptococcus is a(n) {{c1::opportunistic}} infection, with most symptoms occurring in immuno-compromised patients (e.g. {{c1::HIV}}+ patients, those w…
Published 06/13/2024 {{c2::Cryptococcus}} is the most common cause of fungal {{c1::meningitis}}
Published 06/13/2024 The 3 most common symptoms of {{c1::Cryptococcal::which fungal}} infection are{{c2::Fever}}{{c3::Pneumonia (recall lungs are primary site of infection…
Published 06/13/2024 {{c2::Bronchopulmonary}} washings can be used to diagnose {{c1::Cryptococcal::which fungal}} infection
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::India ink}} stains and outlines the heavy capsule that surrounds {{c2::Cryptococci}} fungi, giving it a unique "{{c1::halo}}" appearance
Published 06/13/2024 {{c2::Latex agglutination}} test is used to detect the {{c1::polysaccharide}} capsular antigen present in {{c1::Cryptococci::which fungus}}
Published 06/13/2024 Gross pathology of {{c1::Cryptococcus}} infection appears as "{{c2::soap-bubble}}" lesions in the {{c2::gray}} matter of the brain
Published 06/13/2024 Treatment of Cryptococcal meningitis consists of a joint therapy of {{c2::Amphotericin B}} and {{c2::Flucytosine}} followed by maintenance therapy wit…
Published 06/13/2024 Cryptococcal meningoencephalitis has a(n) {{c1::indolent}} course that occurs over a period of one to two weeks. The most common symptoms are fever, m…
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Immuno-compromised (e.g. those on glucocorticoids, HIV+/AIDS)}} and {{c2::diabetic}} patients are especially susceptible to Mucormycosis infecti…
Published 06/13/2024 Transmission of mucormycosis infection occurs via {{c1::spore inhalation}}
Published 06/13/2024 What is the most common predisposing factor to mucormycosis?{{c1::Diabetic ketoacidosis}}
Published 06/13/2024 After inhalation of {{c3::Mucormycosis}}, the fungi have a predilection to proliferate in {{c1::blood vessel}} walls, especially where there is excess…
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Mucormycosis::Which fungi's}} hyphae are {{c2::non-septated::septated or non-septated}} with {{c2::wide-angled (90°)}} branching
Published 06/13/2024 Mucormycosis will penetrate the {{c1::cribriform plate}} of the skull, entering the {{c1::brain}}
Published 06/13/2024 After penetrating the cribriform plate, mucormycosis continues to proliferate in the blood vessels, causing {{c1::necrosis}} of tissues
Published 06/13/2024 Surgical excision of {{c1::necrotic}} tissues is an important step in the treatment of Mucormycosis
Published 06/13/2024 What is the pharmacological treatment of Mucormycosis?{{c1::Amphotericin B}}
Published 06/13/2024 Patients with {{c1::Mucormycosis::which fungal infection}} can present with {{c3::rhinocerebral}} and {{c2::frontal}} lobe abscesses
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Pneumocystis jirovecii}} is a fungus responsible for causing Pneumocystic {{c2::pneumonia}}
Published 06/13/2024 Pneumocystis jirovecii has a(n) {{c1::respiratory}} transmission
Published 06/13/2024 When should you start prophylaxis for Pneumocystis jirovecii?{{c1::CD4+ count < 200}}
Published 06/13/2024 Pneumocystis pneumonia is a(n) {{c1::interstitial (atypical)}} pneumonia
Published 06/13/2024 Does Pneumocystis pneumonia have a productive cough?{{c1::No}}
Published 06/13/2024 Does Pneumocystis pneumonia show consolidations on chest xray?{{c1::No}}
Published 06/13/2024 Pneumocystis pneumonia can present with a "{{c2::ground-glass}}" appearance on chest xray
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Pneumocystis pneumonia::which opportunistic infection}} causes interstitial pneumonia with a ground-glass appearance on chest xray
Published 06/13/2024 The bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) sample is stained with {{c2::methenamine silver}} to identify the fungus Pneumocystis jirovecii in Pneumocystis Pneum…
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX)}} can be used in prophylaxis and treatment of pneumocystis pneumonia in patients without sulfa drug alle…
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Pentamidine}} can be used in prophylaxis and treatment of pneumocystis pneumonia in patients with sulfa drug allergies
Published 06/14/2024 Pneumocystis jirovecii, formerly Pneumocystis carinii, is an opportunistic fungi that appears as {{c1::cysts}} containing dark {{c1::oval}} bodies on …
Published 06/13/2024 The India Ink stain is mostly used to identify the fungus {{c1::Cryptococcus neoformans}}
Published 06/13/2024 Candida vulvovaginitis is common in patients with {{c1::diabetes}} and patients who use {{c3::antibiotics}} and {{c2::oral contraceptives}}
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::T}} cell deficient patients are more likely to get superficial Candida infections
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Neutropenic::Specific}} patients are more likely to have disseminated candidiasis (hematogenous)
Published 06/13/2024 What is the recommended treatment for sporotrichosis?{{c1::Oral itraconazole (3 - 6 months)}}
Published 06/13/2024 What is the recommended treatment for patients with disseminated histoplasmosis?{{c1::IV Amphotericin B (1-2 weeks), followed by oral itraconazole (&g…
Published 06/13/2024 What is the recommended treatment for mucormycosis?{{c1::surgical debridement, liposomal amphotericin B, and elimination of promoting factors}}
Published 06/13/2024 Which phase of the cell cycle does 5-fluorouracil act at?{{c1::S phase}}
Published 06/13/2024 Administration of 5-fluorouracil results in a build-up of {{c1::dUMP}} in cells
Published 06/13/2024 Which two fungi are catalase positive?{{c1::Candida and Aspergillus}}
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Aspergillus}} is a species of opportunistic fungus that presents as septated hyphae branching at acute angles
Published 06/13/2024 Bronchoalveolar lavage of {{c3::Pneumocystis jirovecii}} infection will reveal "{{c2::disc}}-shaped {{c2::yeast}}" or {{c1::cysts}} containing dark {{…
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Echinocandins}} are a class of antifungals that inhibit the enzyme {{c2::1,3-β-glucan synthase}}
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Polyenes (e.g. nystatin, amphotericin B)}} are a class of antifungals that bind {{c2::ergosterol}}, creating {{c2::pores}} in the fungal cell me…
Published 06/13/2024 {{c2::Flucytosine (5-FC)}} is metabolized to {{c1::5-fluorouracil (5-FU)}} in {{c1::fungal}} cells
Published 06/13/2024 Which enzyme converts Flucytosine to 5-fluorouracil?{{c1::Cytosine deaminase}}
Published 06/13/2024 What class of antifungals inhibit cell wall synthesis?{{c1::Echinocandins}}
Published 06/13/2024 Ergosterol is a component of the fungal cell {{c1::membrane}}
Published 06/13/2024 Polyenes result in leakage of {{c1::electrolytes}} from the cell
Published 06/13/2024 How is amphotericin B administered?{{c1::IV}}
Published 06/13/2024 Acute toxicities of amphotericin B administration include fever, chills, headache and {{c1::hypo}}-tension
Published 06/13/2024 How is amphotericin B administered for fungal CNS infections?{{c1::Intrathecally}}
Published 06/13/2024 Intrathecal administration of amphotericin B can result in {{c1::seizures}} and other CNS side effects
Published 06/13/2024 How is Amphotericin B associated nephrotoxicity prevented?{{c1::Hydration w/ IV saline}}
Published 06/13/2024 Amphotericin B related renal toxicity results in {{c1::anemia}} due to decreased {{c2::erythropoietin}} production
Published 06/13/2024 What is the standard treatment of Cryptococcal meningitis?{{c1::Amphotericin B and Flucytosine}}
Published 06/13/2024 Which antifungal agent inhibits fungal protein synthesis?{{c1::Flucytosine}}
Published 06/13/2024 Adverse effects of the antifungal {{c1::voriconazole}} includes {{c2::blurry}} vision, changes in {{c2::color vision}}, and flashes of light
Published 06/13/2024 Which azole is used to treat invasive aspergillosis?{{c1::Voriconazole}}
Published 06/13/2024 Which oral azole is used in the treatment of mucocutaneous candidiasis?{{c1::Fluconazole}}
Published 06/13/2024 What drug is used in the chronic maintenance therapy of Cryptococcal meningitis?{{c1::Fluconazole}}
Published 06/13/2024 Which antifungal is used to treat local infections of dimorphic fungi?{{c1::Itraconazole}}
Published 06/13/2024 What is the treatment for local histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, and coccidioidomycosis infections?{{c1::Itraconazole}}
Published 06/13/2024 Terbinafine is used to treat superficial {{c1::dermatophyte}} infections
Published 06/13/2024 What class of drugs inhibit squalene epoxidase?{{c1::Allylamines (e.g. terbinafine)}}
Published 06/13/2024 The allylamine {{c2::terbinafine}} is associated with {{c1::hepato}}-toxicity
Published 06/13/2024 What drug class does Caspofungin belong to?{{c1::Echinocandins}}
Published 06/13/2024 The antifungal class echinocandins can be recognized via the suffix {{c1::-fungin (e.g. caspofungin)}}
Published 06/13/2024 Echinocandins are administered {{c1::IV}} for systemic candidiasis
Published 06/13/2024 What class of antifungals treat invasive aspergillosis that is refractory to voriconazole?{{c1::Echinocandins}}
Published 06/13/2024 Which antifungal prevents candidiasis in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplant?{{c1::Micafungin}}
Published 06/13/2024 Specific indications for {{c5::caspofungin}} include RACE:R{{c1::efractory aspergillosis}}A{{c2::zole-resistant Candida}}C{{c3::andidemia}}Empiric tre…
Published 06/13/2024 Which step ([A] - [F]) of Fungal homeostasis do Echinocandins impact?{{c1::[A]}}
Published 06/13/2024 Echinocandins are primarily indicated for {{c1::invasive}} infections of Aspergillosis and Candida
Published 06/13/2024 Echinocandins cause flushing and GI upset by stimulating {{c1::Histamine}} release
Published 06/13/2024 Which step ([A] - [F]) of Fungal homeostasis does Flucytosine impact?{{c1::[C]}}
Published 06/13/2024 Flucytosine is primarily used for {{c1::cryptococcal}} meningitis
Published 06/13/2024 Amphotericin B is given for serious {{c1::systemic}} fungal infections
Published 06/13/2024 When Amphotericin B is used for Meningitis it is given {{c1::intrathecally}}
Published 06/13/2024 Amphotericin B increases the renal tubule permeability, resulting in {{c1::K+}} and {{c2::Mg2+}} wasting
Published 06/13/2024 Upon {{c1::IV}} infusion of Amphotericin B, patients can present with fever and chills, hypotension, and headache
Published 06/13/2024 At the infusion site of the IV, Amphotericin B can cause a(n) {{c1::thrombophlebitis}}
Published 06/13/2024 Amphotericin B causes a dose-dependent / slow-accumulated Type {{c1::1}} Renal Tubular Acidosis
Published 06/13/2024 Amphotericin B causes a dose-dependent / slow-accumulated reversible {{c1::nephro}}toxicity
Published 06/13/2024 Which step ([A] - [F]) of Fungal homeostasis does Terbinafine impact?{{c1::[E]}}
Published 06/13/2024 Terbinafine is mainly used to treat {{c1::dermatophytoses}}
Published 06/13/2024 Terbinafine is associated with side effects of GI upset, headaches, hepatotoxicity, and {{c1::taste::type of sensation}} disturbance
Published 06/13/2024 Azoles work by inhibiting {{c1::cytochrome P450}} enzymes in the Fungi
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Itracon}}azole is used for systemic infections with {{c2::dimorphic}} fungi
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Voricon}}azole is used for Invasive Aspergillosis and Candida Esophagitis in AIDS patients
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Isavucon}}azole is used for serious Aspergillus and Mucor infections
Published 06/13/2024 {{c1::Voriconazole}} is an antifungal that can produce blurred vision and changes in color vision
Published 06/13/2024 Candidemia has an increased prevalence in patients with {{c2::neutropenia::blood complication}} 
Published 06/13/2024 Which fungus can grow in old lung cavities (e.g. TB, Klebsiella, etc)?{{c1::Aspergillus (aspergillomas)}}
Published 06/13/2024 What cause of vaginitis is characterized by a thick, white discharge and vaginal inflammation?{{c1::Candida vaginitis (Candida albicans infection)}}
Published 06/13/2024 What is the recommended treatment for Candida vaginitis?{{c1::Oral fluconazole}}
Status Last Update Fields