Notes in Arterial Blood Gases, Control of Respiration and Respiratory Adaptation at Altitude LECTURE 6

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Published 01/07/2025 What is hypoxaemia?
Published 01/07/2025 What is Hypercapnoea?
Published 01/07/2025 What are 'nuclei in the brain'?
Published 01/07/2025 How do you calculate Minute Ventilation?
Published 01/07/2025 What is an:AnionCation
Published 01/07/2025 What is Dyspnea?
Published 01/07/2025 What is sleep apnoea?
Published 01/07/2025 What is pulmonary Emboli?
Published 01/07/2025 What is the area involved in voluntary control of breathing? 
Published 01/07/2025 Where are the main respiratory centres located?
Published 01/07/2025 What are the two groups of neurons in the medulla?
Published 01/07/2025 What are the areas in the brain involved in the control of breathing/ventilation?
Published 01/07/2025 Where do the peripheral chemoreceptors live?What is the function of peripheral chemoreceptors?Which peripheral chemoreceptor contributes the most to b…
Published 01/07/2025 Blood flows directly in to the brain, what is the thing they need to cross?
Published 01/07/2025 How is normal, involuntary breathing conducted?(2)
Published 01/07/2025 How can respiratory rates be changed from inputs in the cerebral cortex and hypothalamus?
Published 01/07/2025 The cerebral cortex/hypothalamus transmit messages to the medulla, which nerves do they do this via?
Published 01/07/2025 What are the inputs into from the cerebral cortex that can change respiratory rate?(4)
Published 01/07/2025 What is the function of the dorsal respiratory group?
Published 01/07/2025 What is the function of the ventral respiratory group?
Published 01/07/2025 Where is the pacemaker (central pattern generator) located?
Published 01/07/2025 What is the role of the pacemaker - what does it initiate?
Published 01/07/2025 What is the role of the pneumotaxic centre?
Published 01/07/2025 What is the role of the Apneustic centre?
Published 01/07/2025 What is a condition in the brain (blood supply) that can affect breathing?
Published 01/07/2025 What do central chemoreceptors detect?
Published 01/07/2025 What type of chemoreceptor does not respond to O2?
Published 01/07/2025 What do peripheral chemoreceptors detect?
Published 01/07/2025 bc135dd21c8f403e9b396a1874741b71-ao-1
Published 01/07/2025 Where are the central chemoreceptors located?
Published 01/07/2025 What is the Blood brain barrier?
Published 01/07/2025 Describe the permeability of the Blood Brain Barrier (2)
Published 01/07/2025 What determines the pH of Cerebrospinal fluid?
Published 01/07/2025 How does blood pH affect pH of CSF?(2)what does a small change in PCO2 lead to?
Published 01/07/2025 Describe the sensitivity of central chemoreceptorswhat are they very sensitive to and what are they not as sensitive to?
Published 01/07/2025 What is the relationship between CO2 in CSF & Minute ventilation?
Published 01/07/2025 What kPa of CO2 leads to suppression of central chemoreceptors? What does this also lead to? how does the body adjust to this?
Published 01/07/2025 How does metabolic acidosis/alkalosis affect the CO2-ventilation curve?
Published 01/07/2025 What is the carotid body - which receptors does it contain?location?
Published 01/07/2025 What types of cells does the carotid body contain?
Published 01/07/2025 What innervates the carotid body?
Published 01/07/2025 Where are aortic bodies located?
Published 01/07/2025 What are aortic bodies innervated by?
Published 01/07/2025 Describe the blood flow to the carotid/aortic bodiesHow/what do they respond to?
Published 01/07/2025 What are the factors that increase minute ventilation?
Published 01/07/2025 What alters sensitivity to PO2?
Published 01/07/2025 How do our central chemoreceptors adapt to hypercapnoea?Give an example
Published 01/07/2025 If central chemoreceptors become less sensitive to PaCO2, what could this result in?(2)
Published 01/07/2025 7ddc36cab9ee454dbbc62c5af8fc9cff-ao-1
Published 01/07/2025 What does chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) cause? (2)
Published 01/07/2025 What gradually happens to CSF pH in relation to PCO2? Why?
Published 01/07/2025 What is the hypoxic drive?
Published 01/07/2025 What happens if hypoxic drive is suppressed by giving too much oxygen?
Published 01/07/2025 What are the different types of receptors in the lungs?(4)
Published 01/07/2025 Describe stretch receptors-Location, which muscle-triggered by?-supply, nerve- result of stimulation
Published 01/07/2025 Describe irritant receptors (3)- Location- stimulated by?- supplied by which nerve?
Published 01/07/2025 Describe Juxtapulmonary receptors (3)- location- stimulation- result?
Published 01/07/2025 Describe Proprioreceptors- location?- action via?- stimulation result?
Published 01/07/2025 What are opioids?
Published 01/07/2025 What are the side effects of opioid consumption?
Published 01/07/2025 What do opioids do?
Published 01/07/2025 Where do we take an arterial blood gas measurement from?
Published 01/07/2025 What types of activity does an arterial blood gas measurement tell us?
Published 01/07/2025 What is the definition of respiratory failure in terms of ABG measurement?
Published 01/07/2025 How do we know whether respiratory failure is type 1 or type 2?
Published 01/07/2025 Describe respiratory acidosisHow would this affect minute ventilation & respiratory rate?
Published 01/07/2025 How do we approach an ABG interpretation? in terms of looking for respiratory failure (7)what differentiates acute and chronic type 2 RF?what does hig…
Published 01/07/2025 What are the causes of type 1 Respiratory failure?
Published 01/07/2025 What are the causes of type 2 respiratory failure?(5)
Published 01/07/2025 What are the differences between acute (3) vs chronic (2) type 2 respiratory failure?what is active in chronic type 2 RF?
Published 01/07/2025 Describe the adjustments to ventilation when pH decrease
Published 01/07/2025 What are the adjustments in retention/excretion in the kidneys when pH decrease?
Published 01/07/2025 How long does respiratory compensation take?
Published 01/07/2025 How long does metabolic compensation take?
Published 01/07/2025 What is the anion gap?
Published 01/07/2025 What are the primary measured Cations in blood?
Published 01/07/2025 What are the primary measured anions in blood?
Published 01/07/2025 Metabolic Acidosis results in an {{c1::increase}} in H+ and {{c1::reduced}} pH due to a {{c1::non-respiratory}} cause The PaCO2 will be {{c1::normal}}…
Published 01/07/2025 Why does high anion gap metabolic acidosis occur?
Published 01/07/2025 What is Kussumaul breathing?
Published 01/07/2025 What is normal anion gap metabolic acidosis?
Published 01/07/2025 What are the causes of normal anion gap metabolic acidosis? (3)
Published 01/07/2025 What is base excess?
Published 01/07/2025 What is base deficit?
Published 01/07/2025 bef8820cbabd40e585b40f46b5bdfe4b-ao-1
Published 01/07/2025 What type of hypoxia may occur at high altitudes?
Published 01/07/2025 How does hypoxaemic hypoxia affect the Hb-O2 dissociation curve?What are the reasons for this?
Published 01/07/2025 How does hypoxaemic hypoxia affect levels of Hb?
Published 01/07/2025 What effects does hypoxaemic hypoxia have on minute ventilation?
Published 01/07/2025 Describe High Altitude pulmonary oedema-Frequency and severity in comparison to acute mountain sickness-How this happens
Published 01/07/2025 Describe acute mountain sickness-symptoms-why do these symptoms arise?-What does this cause?
Published 01/07/2025 Describe high altitude cerebral oedema-Frequency/severity-Symptoms
Published 01/07/2025 Give one use of opioids
Published 01/07/2025 Why is ph of CSF not directly affected?
Published 01/07/2025 Where are these cells found?Type 1 glomus cells (peripheral chemoreceptors)Type 2 sheath cells
Published 01/07/2025 What are the drugs used to reverse the effects of opioids?
Published 01/07/2025 What is naxolone?
Published 01/07/2025 What are the compensatory responses to:Respiratory acidosis : {{c1::Retain HCO3-}}Respiratory alkalosis : {{c1::Reduce HCO3-}}Metabolic acidosis: {{c1…
Published 01/07/2025 68e0e489e87c4274a217b88dcf280c99-ao-1
Published 01/07/2025 6afca8bbcaf749c38fe3aaea5cedf7e0-ao-1
Published 01/07/2025 bd55a72de86c4d9bb585309dee1e5683-ao-1
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