Notes in MIM 14/15- Intro to Medical Virology I&II 2024 FIXED

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Published 09/14/2024 prior to {{c1::1990}} the highest taxonomic rank for viruses was {{c2::family}}
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Chamberland filter::instrument}} is able to filter out {{c2::bacteria but not viruses}}
Published 09/14/2024 The Baltimore classification system is a method used to classify viruses based on their type of nucleic acid and their replication strategy. here are …
Published 09/14/2024 First definition of viruses
Published 09/14/2024 ds DNA requires cellular {{c1::RNA pol II}} to create mRNA which leads to viral proteins 
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::non-filtrable agents}} indicate that viruses are {{c2::smol}}
Published 09/14/2024 In the 1800s some scientists believed viruses were {{c1::particles}} and others believed {{c1::liquids}} such as {{c1::poisons or toxin…
Published 09/14/2024 ssDNA requires cellular {{c1::DNA pol}} to make {{c2::dsDNA}}. {{c2::dsDNA}} then uses cellular {{c3::RNA pol II}} to make mRNA --> viral proteins
Published 09/14/2024 RNA viruses need 1. {{c1::mRNA to make proteins}}2. {{c2::to replicate their genome}}These have to be done by the {{c3::same piece of viral RNA}}…
Published 09/14/2024 viral RNA is {{c1::polar}}
Published 09/14/2024 Viruses {{c1::are not:: are/are not}} self-replicative
Published 09/14/2024 RNA polymerases use {{c1::DNA}} as template for {{c2::RNA transcription}}. RNA viruses only have {{c3::RNA}} as template. As a result, they require {{…
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Virus replication}} depends on the {{c2::host}}
Published 09/14/2024 RdRp is absent in {{c1::host cells}}. It must be carried by the {{c2::virus}} in one of two ways. 1. {{c3::Inside the virion as a structural prot…
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::ssRNA}} + {{c2::RdRp}} = {{c3::polar dsRNA }}{{c4::dsRNA}} is separated into two antiparallel strands {{c5::(one + and one -)}}
Published 09/14/2024 Major takeaways from Mayer's experiments:{{c1::only passed in plants}}{{c1::infected tobacco (Tobacco Mosaic Disease)}}
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::RNA+}} has the {{c2::same polarity}} as the {{c3::mRNA}}
Published 09/14/2024 Ivanovsky and Beijerinck experiment takeaways:{{c1::viruses not restricted by chamberlain filter}}{{c1::dilution recovery}}
Published 09/14/2024 All {{c1::mRNA are (+)}} but not all {{c1::(+) RNA are mRNA}}
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Dilution recovery}} involves diluting a stock solution to determine infection ability
Published 09/14/2024 Ivanovsky and Beijerinck demonstrated that {{c1::virus is not poison}}
Published 09/14/2024 Viruses are {{c1::infectious agents}} indicated by dilution factor
Published 09/14/2024 Why is diluting a sampe indicative of the infective nature of the viruses?
Published 09/14/2024 RNA+ {{c2::is}} recognized as {{c1::mRNA}} --> {{c3::translation by host cell}} --> {{c4::viral protein}}Since it {{c2::is}} recognized, its {{c…
Published 09/14/2024 First animal virus
Published 09/14/2024 First human virus
Published 09/14/2024 (-)RNA {{c1::is never}} recognized as mRNA. (-)RNA viruses MUST carry RdRp {{c2::in virion as structural protein. }}{{c3::ss(-)RNA}} uses Rd…
Published 09/14/2024 Clear spots on bacteriophage assays are indicative of {{c1::bacterial lysis}}
Published 09/14/2024 In order for free RNA to cause an infection, it must be {{c1::RNA(+)}} virus. 
Published 09/14/2024 d'Hérelle worked with {{c1::plaque assays}} with serial dilutions proved viruses were {{c2::particles}}
Published 09/14/2024 In {{c1::dsRNA}} viruses, {{c2::viral RNAse}} is used to degrade {{c3::negative}} strand RNA so it behaves as {{c4::(+)RNA }}
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Susceptible cells}} have a {{c2::functional receptor}} for a given virus to enter the cell. 
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Resistant cells}} do {{c2::not have a receptor}} for a given virus to enter the cell. 
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Permissive}} cells can {{c2::replicate}} a given virus. 
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Non-permissive cells::cells}} {{c2::cannot generate}} virus progeny. 
Published 09/14/2024 An infection can only occur if a cell is {{c1::susceptible}} and {{c1::permissive}}. 
Published 09/14/2024 Why do plaques indicate viruses are particles?
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Entry receptors}}: cell surface molecules that are found to be essential for {{c2::virus binding}}. 
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Coreceptors}} : some viruses may need {{c2::more than one}} receptor to enter the cell
Published 09/14/2024 Aspects of Plaque-Forming Assay:The viral load in the stock is {{c1::initially unquantifiable}}, requiring further analysis.{{c1::Serial dilutions}} o…
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::PFU}}: {{c2::Plaque forming unit}}
Published 09/14/2024 Methods of cell entry:1. {{c1::Endocytosis}}{{c3::virus needs to be released}}For virus that uses {{c1::endocytosis}}, {{c1::membrane fusion}} will ha…
Published 09/14/2024 Viruses use the {{c1::cell translation machinery}} for virus production {{c2::Ribosome}} and {{c2::tRNA}}
Published 09/14/2024 Bacteriophage stock is diluted 10,000 times and added to a bacterial petri dish. The volume added to the petri dish is 1 mL. After two days there were…
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Bacteria}} divide by {{c2::binary fission}}
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Viral burst}}: is the {{c2::yield of virus particles from one cell}}
Published 09/14/2024 Three ways for viral proteins to be released:1. {{c1::Self assembly}}{{c4::Viral lipases and proteases break cell membrane, kill cell, and exit}}2. {{…
Published 09/14/2024 Virology has been greatly impacted by the invention of:{{c1::Electron microscopy}}{{c1::Viral visualization}}{{c1::Cryo-electro tomography}}
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Recombination}}: intramolecular or intermolecular {{c2::genetic exchange}} between {{c3::related viruses or the virus and the host}}. 
Published 09/14/2024 Viral {{c1::reassortment}} occurs when two different viruses with {{c2::segmented genomes}} infect the same cell and exchange segments. This process r…
Published 09/14/2024 1de15241e82d44ca81f3c5300a0ab9a3-ao-1
Published 09/14/2024 1de15241e82d44ca81f3c5300a0ab9a3-ao-2
Published 09/14/2024 1de15241e82d44ca81f3c5300a0ab9a3-ao-3
Published 09/14/2024 1de15241e82d44ca81f3c5300a0ab9a3-ao-4
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Enveloped}} viruses are more {{c2::heat-labile}} than {{c1::non-enveloped}} viruses. 
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Enveloped}} viruses are more sensitive to {{c2::polar solvents}} and {{c2::decontamination solutions}} than {{c1::non-enveloped}} virus. 
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Non-enveloped}} viruses are resistant to {{c2::acidic}} conditions. 
Published 09/14/2024 Hershey-Chase :{{c1::DNA}} is the genetic material of {{c2::phages}}. 
Published 09/14/2024 Virus' genetic material can be {{c1::DNA}} or {{c1::RNA}}, but not {{c1::both}}. 
Published 09/14/2024 Virus particles can be broken down into {{c1::protein}} subunits and {{c1::RNA}} and then be reconstructed. 
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Protomers}} are monomers that make {{c2::capsomeres}}. They {{c3::self-assemble}} to form {{c2::capsomere}}. 
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Capsomeres}} are the basic morphological subunits of {{c2::viral capsid}}. They self-assemble to form a {{c2::capsid}}. 
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Protomers}} --> {{c2::Capsomers}} --> {{c3::Pro-capsid}} --> {{c4::Mature capsid}}
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::Cytopathic effect (CPE)}} is the characteristic change in the {{c2::morphology}} of {{c3::host}} cells caused by the presence and activity of a …
Published 09/14/2024 {{c1::CPEs}} are markers of {{c2::some infections}} (where {{c3::replication}} occurs). 
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