Notes in 04 Gram Negative Bacteria

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Published 06/01/2024 What color colonies do lactose-fermenting enteric bacteria yield on MacConkey agar?{{c1::Pink}}
Published 06/01/2024 {{c1::Neisseria meningitidis::Which species of Neisseria}} has a polysaccharide capsule, which inhibits {{c2::phagocytosis}}
Published 06/01/2024 {{c1::Neonatal Conjunctivitis}} is an early ({{c3::2}}-{{c3::5}} days) ocular infection seen in neonates due to {{c2::Neisseria gonorrhoeae}} infectio…
Published 06/01/2024 {{c1::Pseudomonas aeruginosa}} is a gram-negative nosocomial bacterial infection that has respiratory therapy equipment as a risk factor
Published 06/01/2024 {{c1::Klebsiella pneumoniae::bug}} is a cause of pneumonia that most commonly affects the elderly, alcoholics, and diabetics (due to aspiration)
Published 06/01/2024 {{c2::Klebsiella pneumoniae}} infection is characterized by a thick mucoid capsule that results in gelatinous, '{{c1::currant jelly}}' sputum
Published 06/01/2024 {{c1::Pseudomonas aeruginosa}} is a common cause of pneumonia in {{c2::cystic fibrosis}} patients
Published 06/01/2024 Ammonium magnesium phosphate kidney stones are caused by {{c1::urease}} positive organisms
Published 06/01/2024 The most common cause of meningitis in teenagers is {{c1::Neisseria meningitidis}} infection
Published 06/01/2024 Neisseria {{c1::gonorrhoeae}} does not have a polysaccharide capsule
Published 06/01/2024 What kind of discharge is seen with Gonorrhea? {{c1::Creamy, white, purulent discharge}}
Published 06/01/2024 Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces {{c1::pyocyanin}}, which generates reactive oxygen species (ROS) to kill competing microbes
Published 06/01/2024 IgA protease is a virulence factor used by Neisseria that allows bacteria to colonize and adhere to {{c1::mucous membranes}}
Published 06/01/2024 Neisseria meningitidis/gonorrhoeae are gram {{c1::negative}} {{c1::diplococci::specific}}
Published 06/01/2024 Moraxella catarrhalis are gram {{c1::negative}} {{c1::diplococci}}
Published 06/01/2024 Which bacteria produces Blue-green pigments? Due to?{{c1::Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Pyocyanin + Pyoverdin}}
Published 06/01/2024 {{c1::Pseudomonas::which gram negative rod}} is {{c2::β}}-hemolytic
Published 06/01/2024 {{c2::Bacteroides fragilis}} is a(n) {{c1::obligate anaerobe::obligate aerobe or anaerobe}} that is typically found in the gut and causes abdominal ab…
Published 06/01/2024 {{c1::Bacteroides fragilis}} is an anaerobe that can enter abdominal abscesses and is resistant to many antibiotics
Published 06/01/2024 {{c1::Meningococcemia}} results from an immune reaction to the endotoxin of {{c2::Neisseria meningitidis}}
Published 06/01/2024 Gram Negative Algorithm:Diplococci {{c1::with::with or without}} maltose metabolism - {{c2::Neisseria meningitidis}}
Published 06/01/2024 Gram Negative Algorithm:Diplococci {{c1::without::with or without}} maltose metabolism - {{c2::Neisseria gonorrhoeae}}, {{c3::Moraxella}}
Published 06/01/2024 Gram {{c1::Negative}} Algorithm:{{c1::Coccobacilli}} includes {{c2::H. influenzae}}, {{c2::Pasteurella}}, {{c2::Brucella}}, {{c2::Bordetella pertussis…
Published 06/01/2024 Gram Negative Algorithm:Bacilli who are fast lactose fermenters include {{c1::Klebsiella}}, {{c1::E. coli}}, {{c1::Enterobacter}}
Published 06/01/2024 Gram Negative Algorithm:Bacilli who are slow lactose fermenters include {{c1::Citrobacter}}, {{c1::Serratia}}
Published 06/01/2024 Gram Negative Algorithm:Bacilli who are not lactose fermenters and are Oxidase {{c1::Positive}} - {{c2::Pseudomonas}}
Published 06/01/2024 Gram Negative Algorithm:Bacilli who are not lactose fermenters and are Oxidase Negative, H2S production on TSI agar {{c1::negative}} - {{c2:…
Published 06/01/2024 Gram Negative Algorithm:Bacilli who are not lactose fermenters and are Oxidase Negative, H2S production on TSI agar {{c1::positive}} - {{c2::salmonell…
Published 06/01/2024 Gram Negative Algorithm:Comma-shaped rod, grows at 42°C - {{c1::Campylobacter jejuni}}
Published 06/01/2024 Gram Negative Algorithm:Comma-shaped rod, grows on alkaline media - {{c1::Vibrio cholerae}}
Published 06/01/2024 Neisseria spp. contains {{c1::lipooligosaccharides (LOS)}} with strong endotoxin activity
Published 06/01/2024 Lipooligosaccharide of {{c1::Neisseria}} spp. causes a massive inflammatory response
Published 06/01/2024 Lipooligosaccharide of Neisseria {{c2::meningitidis}} stimulates {{c1::in}}-creased vascular permeability, resulting in {{c1::thrombocytopenia::platel…
Published 06/01/2024 Capillary leakage seen in Neisseria {{c1::meningitidis}} infection can result in hypovolemia and {{c2::shock}}
Published 06/01/2024 The shock and resulting vasoconstriction from Neisseria {{c1::meningitidis}} results in adrenal hemorrhage and ultimately {{c2::Waterhouse-Friderichse…
Published 06/01/2024 What type of bacteria (gram stain, shape) is Pseudomonas?{{c1::Gram negative rod}}
Published 06/01/2024 Pseudomonas is known to thrive in {{c1::aquatic}} environments
Published 06/01/2024 What is the oxidase expression of Pseudomonas aeruginosa?{{c1::Positive}}
Published 06/01/2024 Pseudomonas aeruginosa is {{c1::catalase}} positive, thus patients with chronic granulomatous disease are susceptible to infection
Published 06/01/2024 What color pigment is associated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa?{{c1::Blue-green}}
Published 06/01/2024 Which bacteria is associated with a fruity, grape-like odor?{{c1::Pseudomonas aeruginosa}}
Published 06/01/2024 What is the oxygen dependency of Pseudomonas aeruginosa?{{c1::Obligate aerobe}}
Published 06/01/2024 Which gram-negative obligate aerobe often causes nosocomial pneumonia?{{c1::Pseudomonas aeruginosa}}
Published 06/01/2024 Which gram-negative bacteria is associated with pneumonia in cystic fibrosis patients?{{c1::Pseudomonas aeruginosa}}
Published 06/01/2024 Pseudomonas causes pneumonia and respiratory failure in {{c1::cystic fibrosis}} patients
Published 06/01/2024 Which gram-negative bacteria is associated with Diabetic Osteomyelitis?{{c1::Pseudomonas aeruginosa}}
Published 06/01/2024 What feature of Pseudomonas is anti-phagocytic?{{c1::Bacterial capsule}}
Published 06/01/2024 Which gram-negative bacteria is associated with wound and burn infections?{{c1::Pseudomonas aeruginosa}}
Published 06/01/2024 {{c1::Ecthyma Gangrenosum}} is a cutaneous disorder caused by Pseudomonas spp. that is described as rapidly progressive, necrotic cutaneous lesions
Published 06/01/2024 Black necrotic skin lesions seen in {{c2::Pseudomonas}} patients are indicative of {{c1::ecthyma gangrenosum}}
Published 06/01/2024 Which gram-negative bacteria is associated with Otitis Externa (swimmer's ear)?{{c1::Pseudomonas aeruginosa}}
Published 06/01/2024 Which exotoxin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa functions to inactivate EF-2 via ADP-Ribosylation?{{c1::Exotoxin A}}
Published 06/01/2024 Which gram-negative rod produces an exotoxin that ADP-ribosylates EF-2?{{c1::Pseudomonas aeruginosa}}
Published 06/01/2024 Exotoxin A causes {{c1::ADP-ribosylation}} of {{c2::EF-2 (elongation factor-2)}}, thus inhibiting protein synthesis
Published 06/01/2024 Which protein found in Pseudomonas aeruginosa functions to generate ROS that kill competing microbes?{{c1::Pyocyanin}}
Published 06/01/2024 What is the gram stain of Yersinia?{{c1::gram negative}}
Published 06/01/2024 What is the shape of Yersinia?{{c1::Coccobacillus}}
Published 06/01/2024 Yersinia pestis is {{c1::encapsulated}}, protecting the bacteria from phagocytosis
Published 06/01/2024 What is the cause of Bubonic Plague?{{c1::Yersinia pestis}}
Published 06/01/2024 How is Bubonic Plague (Yersinia pestis) transmitted?{{c1::Fleas}}
Published 06/01/2024 What animals are the reservoir for Yersinia pestis?{{c1::Rats; Prairie Dogs::2}}
Published 06/01/2024 Yersinia {{c2::pestis (plague)}} first spreads to the {{c1::lymph nodes}}, forming characteristic {{c1::buboes}}
Published 06/01/2024 Yersinia pestis (plague) often escapes the lymph nodes to produce {{c1::septicemia}} and widespread {{c2::necrosis}} of the organs
Published 06/01/2024 The {{c1::YOPS (Yersinia assoc. outer proteins)}} are secreted via a(n) {{c2::type III}} secretion system in Yersinia {{c3::spp.}}
Published 06/01/2024 Yersinia spp. secretes {{c1::YOPS}}, which cause macrophage/neutrophil dysfunction by inhibiting phagocytosis and cytokine production
Published 06/01/2024 The three major causes of nosocomial infections are {{c1::Klebsiella}}, {{c2::Enterobacter}}, and {{c3::Serratia}}
Published 06/01/2024 Klebsiella, Enterobacter, and Serratia commonly cause nosocomial {{c1::pneumonia}} and {{c1::UTIs}}
Published 06/01/2024 {{c2::Klebsiella}}, Enterobacter, and Serratia are all {{c1::lactose}} fermenters
Published 06/01/2024 Klebsiella, Enterobacter, and Serratia stain {{c1::pink}} on {{c2::MacConkey}} agar
Published 06/01/2024 Is Enterobacter motile?{{c1::Yes}}
Published 06/01/2024 Klebsiella can be remembered by its "three A's"; {{c1::alcoholics}}, {{c2::aspiration}} and {{c3::abscesses}}
Published 06/01/2024 Does Klebsiella have a capsule?{{c1::Yes}}
Published 06/01/2024 Patients with Klebsiella pneumoniae will cough up a(n) {{c1::pink, currant jelly}} sputum
Published 06/01/2024 Which of the common gram-negative nosocomial infections (Klebsiella, Serratia, Enterobacter) is urease-positive?{{c1::Klebsiella}}
Published 06/01/2024 What is the oxygen dependency of Klebsiella?{{c1::Facultative anaerobe}}
Published 06/01/2024 Is Salmonella spp. motile?{{c1::Yes}}
Published 06/01/2024 Salmonella spp. produces {{c2::hydrogen sulfide (H2S)}}, which appears as {{c1::black}} colonies on Hektoen enteric agar
Published 06/01/2024 Does Salmonella have a capsule?{{c1::Yes}}
Published 06/01/2024 Does Enterobacter have a capsule?{{c1::No}}
Published 06/01/2024 The reservoir for Salmonella {{c1::enteritidis}} is chicken
Published 06/01/2024 Chronic carriers of Salmonella {{c2::typhi}} carry the infection in their {{c1::gallbladder::organ}} 
Published 06/01/2024 Which strain of Salmonella causes typhoid fever?{{c1::Salmonella typhi}}
Published 06/01/2024 Salmonella {{c2::typhi}} can present with abdominal pain with '{{c1::rose}} spots' cutaneously
Published 06/01/2024 Salmonella {{c2::typhi}} can cause constipation or '{{c1::pea soup}}' diarrhea
Published 06/01/2024 A type {{c1::III}} secretion system detects eukaryotic cells and secretes a protein to help with infectivity
Published 06/01/2024 Salmonella spp. contains a(n) {{c1::type III}} secretion system that acts as a virulence factor
Published 06/01/2024 Humans are the only reservoir for Salmonella {{c1::typhi}}
Published 06/01/2024 Is Shigella motile?{{c1::No}}
Published 06/01/2024 Shigella is acid-{{c1::stable::stable or labile}} 
Published 06/01/2024 Shigella spp. uses host cell {{c1::actin filaments}} to spread from cell to cell
Published 06/01/2024 Shigella causes {{c1::bloody::watery or bloody}} diarrhea 
Published 06/01/2024 Shigella causes a(n) {{c1::inflammatory}} diarrhea, with the presence of {{c2::blood}} and {{c2::leukocytes}}
Published 06/01/2024 Shigella {{c2::dysenteriae}} can produce a shiga toxin that leads to {{c1::hemolytic-uremic}} syndrome
Published 06/01/2024 Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) from Shigella dysenteriae results when shiga toxin damages the {{c1::glomerulus}}, activating {{c1::platelets}}
Published 06/01/2024 Damage to the glomerulus in Shigella-induced HUS results in platelet aggregation, {{c1::decreasing}} the platelet count when {{c1::microthombi}} form
Published 06/01/2024 The microthrombi of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) cause {{c1::red blood}} cell lysis
Published 06/01/2024 Shiga toxin binds to the {{c1::60s subunit of ribosomes}}, inhibiting {{c2::protein}} synthesis
Published 06/01/2024 Shigella secretes effector proteins via a(n) {{c1::type III}} secretion system
Published 06/01/2024 Does E. coli ferment lactose?{{c1::Yes}}
Published 06/01/2024 Does Shigella ferment lactose?{{c1::No}}
Published 06/01/2024 Does Salmonella ferment lactose?{{c1::No}}
Published 06/01/2024 E. coli will stain {{c1::pink}} on MacConkey agar
Published 06/01/2024 Does Shigella have a capsule?{{c1::no}}
Published 06/01/2024 Does E. coli have a capsule?{{c1::Yes}}
Published 06/01/2024 Which gram negative enteric bacteria is catalase positive?{{c1::E. coli}}
Published 06/01/2024 {{c2::Enterohemorrhagic}} E. coli is transmitted by eating {{c1::undercooked beef}}
Published 06/01/2024 Which form of E. coli presents with dysentery (bloody, mucousy diarrhea)?{{c1::Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)}}
Published 06/01/2024 Which bacteria produces Shiga-like toxin (verotoxin)?{{c1::Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)}}
Published 06/01/2024 The shiga-like toxin (SLT) of Enterohemorrhagic E. coli kills {{c1::enterocytes::cell type}} 
Published 06/01/2024 {{c2::Enterohemorrhagic}} E. coli can result in glomerular damage and thus {{c1::hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)}}
Published 06/01/2024 Campylobacter jejuni grows best at {{c1::42°C::temperature}} 
Published 06/01/2024 Campylobacter jejuni is {{c1::microaerophilic}}, meaning it grows best at lower O2 than atmosphere
Published 06/01/2024 The reservoir of Campylobacter jejuni is {{c1::poultry}}, cattle, and dogs
Published 06/01/2024 {{c3::Campylobacter jejuni}} is a curved bacteria that presents with {{c1::inflammatory}} diarrhea that is initially {{c2::watery}} and {{c2::ill…
Published 06/01/2024 What is the shape and stain of Campylobacter jejuni?{{c1::Gram negative curved rod}}
Published 06/01/2024 {{c2::Campylobacter jejuni}}, Vibrio cholerae and Helicobacter pylori are all curved rods that are {{c1::oxidase}} positive
Published 06/01/2024 Which curved gram negative rod is invasive and can thus cause bacteremia?{{c1::Campylobacter jejuni}}
Published 06/01/2024 {{c1::Campylobacteri jejuni}} is a curved bacteria that can cause {{c2::reactive arthritis}}, a spondyloarthropathy
Published 06/01/2024 {{c2::Campylobacter jejuni}} is a curved bacteria that can precede {{c1::Guillain-Barré syndrome}}, characterized by a(n) {{c3::ascending::ascend…
Published 06/01/2024 Treatment for Campylobacter jejuni infection includes erythromycin or {{c1::ciprofloxacin}}
Published 06/01/2024 Which gram-negative enteric bacteria causes rice water stools?{{c1::Vibrio cholerae}}
Published 06/01/2024 Vibrio cholerae causes profuse {{c1::watery}} diarrhea with visible flakes of {{c2::mucous}} and {{c2::epithelial}} cells
Published 06/01/2024 What is the route of transmission of Vibrio cholerae?{{c1::Fecal-oral}}
Published 06/01/2024 {{c1::Vibrio cholerae}} is a curved bacteria that uses {{c2::fimbriae}} to attach to the intestinal mucosa
Published 06/01/2024 Vibrio cholerae produces {{c4::cholera}} toxin, which {{c3::ADP-ribosylates}} and {{c2::activates}} {{c1::Gs}} resulting in a(n) {{c2::increase}} in {…
Published 06/01/2024 An increase in cAMP from cholera toxin opens the CFTR channel, {{c2::increasing}} {{c1::Cl-}} ion secretion into the intestinal lumen
Published 06/01/2024 Increased Cl- secretion from CFTR due to cholera toxin results in decreased {{c1::Na+}} absorption, thus {{c1::H2O}} diffuses into the intestinal lume…
Published 06/01/2024 Vibrio cholerae grows on {{c1::alkaline}} media, as it prefers {{c1::basic}} environments
Published 06/01/2024 {{c1::Vibrio cholerae}} is a bacteria that grows flat, {{c2::yellow}} colonies on {{c3::TCBS}} agar
Published 06/01/2024 Vibrio cholerae also produces {{c1::mucinase}} to digest the protective mucous coat around intestinal cells
Published 06/01/2024 Klebsiella can result in {{c1::abscess}} formation in the lung
Published 06/01/2024 Salmonella enteritidis produces an inflammatory diarrhea, with {{c1::leukocytes}} present in stool
Published 06/01/2024 What RBC morphology is present in hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)?{{c1::Schistocytes (helmet cells)}}
Published 06/01/2024 Does Enterobacter ferment lactose? {{c1::Yes}}
Published 06/01/2024 Does Serratia ferment lactose? {{c1::Yes}}
Published 06/01/2024 What is the gram stain of Haemophilus influenzae?{{c1::Gram negative}}
Published 06/01/2024 What is the shape of Haemophilus influenzae?{{c1::Coccobacillus}}
Published 06/01/2024 What agar is used to grow Haemophilus influenzae?{{c1::Chocolate agar}}
Published 06/01/2024 Factors {{c1::V (NAD+)}} and {{c1::X (hematin)}} are added to chocolate agar to grow Haemophilus influenzae
Published 06/01/2024 What is the primary method of transmission of Haemophilus influenzae?{{c1::Aerosol}}
Published 06/01/2024 Haemophilus influenzae classically causes {{c1::epiglottitis}}, which can be described as '{{c2::cherry-red}}' on gross appearance
Published 06/01/2024 Haemophilus influenzae is a common cause of {{c1::otitis media::ear pathology}} in children
Published 06/01/2024 Meningitis is only caused by {{c2::Haemophilus influenzae}} when the bacteria is in its {{c1::type B capsular}} form
Published 06/01/2024 Haemophilus influenzae infection consequences can be remembered by the mnemonic hAEMOPhilus:A{{c5::rthritis (septic)}}E{{c1::piglottitis (cherry red a…
Published 06/01/2024 What strain of Haemophilus influenzae is a vaccine available for?{{c1::Type B (meningitis causing)}}
Published 06/01/2024 Epiglottitis with a '{{c1::thumb-print}}' sign on imaging is classic for {{c2::Haemophilus influenzae}} infection
Published 06/01/2024 Haemophilus influenzae is able to colonize the {{c2::upper respiratory}} tract due to {{c1::IgA protease::virulence factor}} 
Published 06/01/2024 What is the gram stain of Brucella?{{c1::Gram negative}}
Published 06/01/2024 What is the shape of Brucella?{{c1::Coccobacillus}}
Published 06/01/2024 What are the reservoirs of the Brucella spp. strains?{{c1::Farm animals (cows, pigs, goats, sheep)}}
Published 06/01/2024 Direct transmission of Brucella spp. results from contact with {{c1::farm animals (cows, pigs, goats, sheep are the reservoirs)}}
Published 06/01/2024 Indirect transmission of Brucella spp. results from ingestion of {{c1::unpasteurized dairy products (milk, cheese)}}
Published 06/01/2024 Brucellosis due to Brucella spp. presents with {{c1::undulant fever}}, anorexia, and fatigue
Published 06/01/2024 Which enteric gram negative coccobacillus has a bipolar (safety-pin) staining pattern?{{c1::Yersinia spp.}}
Published 06/01/2024 Which type of necrosis is associated with bacterial (e.g. Klebsiella) lung abscesses?{{c1::Liquefactive}}
Published 06/01/2024 Which cause of sterile urethritis shows up on staining as gram (-) diplococci?{{c1::N. gonorrhoeae}}
Published 06/01/2024 In addition to ingesting undercooked poultry, interacting with {{c1::household pets}} can predipose to Campylobacter
Published 06/01/2024 What is the treatment for Campylobacter gastroenteritis?{{c1::Supportive care (e.g. rehydration)}}
Published 06/01/2024 What is the oxygen dependency of Moraxella catarrhalis?{{c1::obligate aerobe}}
Published 06/01/2024 Moraxella catarrhalis is associated with causing {{c1::COPD}} exacerbations, {{c2::otitis media}} in children, and {{c3::sinusitis}}
Published 06/01/2024 Bacteroides fragilis is part of the normal {{c1::colonic}} flora
Published 06/01/2024 Cholera toxin causes diarrhea by {{c1::activating::activating/inhibiting}} {{c1::CFTR::target}}
Published 06/01/2024 Cholera toxin acts via {{c1::Gs}}-type receptor, so the second messenger is {{c1::cAMP}}
Published 06/01/2024 What is the oxidase expression of Enterobacterales?{{c1::Negative}}
Published 06/01/2024 What color pigment is associated with Serratia marcescens?{{c1::Red}}
Published 06/01/2024 Does enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) typically present with fever?{{c1::No}}
Published 06/01/2024 What is the natural reservoir of enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)?{{c1::GI tract of cattle}}
Published 06/01/2024 If patient has recurrent Salmonella bacteremia, you should suspect that they might have underlying {{c1::AIDS}}
Published 06/01/2024 A subset of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) that also has the LEE pathogenicity island is called {{c1::enterohemorrhagic (EHEC)}} E. coli
Published 06/01/2024 EHEC and other forms of STEC are equally likely to produce {{c1::HUS::sx}}, but EHEC is more likely to produce {{c1::dysentery::sx}}
Published 06/01/2024 Yersinia pestis usually spreads from fleas to people, but when it does spread person-to-person, what is its route of transmission?{{c1::Droplet}}
Published 06/01/2024 What is the most serious presentation of Yersinia pestis infection?{{c1::Pneumonic}}
Published 06/01/2024 What is the most common presentation of Yersinia pestis infection?{{c1::Bubonic}}
Published 06/01/2024 This sputum Gram stain shows {{c1::Moraxella catarrhalis}} infection
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