Notes in patterns of inheritance

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Published 08/28/2024 A hemizygote only has one {{c1::allele}}
Published 08/28/2024 Genetic heterogeneity consists of mutations in {{c1::different}} genes that cause the {{c1::same}} phenotype
Published 08/28/2024 Pleiotropism is when a mutation occurs in {{c1::one}} gene that results in {{c1::multiple}} phenotypes
Published 08/28/2024 An individual has a disorder than neither of their parents have. It can be equally inherited in males and females. What is the most likely mode of inh…
Published 08/28/2024 An individual inherits a disease that their mother also has. The individuals grandfather also has this disease. What is the most likely mode of inheri…
Published 08/28/2024 A man has a disorder. None of his children have this disorder. One of his daughters marries and has a son and he has the same disorder. One of his son…
Published 08/28/2024 Because of {{c1::X-linked inactivation}}, female carriers of an {{c2::X-linked recessive}} disorder may show disease phenotype, just less severe.&nbsp…
Published 08/28/2024 A man has a disorder and has only daughters who all have the same disorder. One of the daughters has two children, one of which has the disorder. What…
Published 08/28/2024 Why are y-linked genetic mutations generally not transmitted?{{c1::Because they lead to male infertility}}
Published 08/28/2024 If a family wanted to know what percent chance that their child will have a disorder, they may calculate a {{c1::recurrence risk}}
Published 08/28/2024 What is the recurrence risk for an autosomal dominant disorder where the parents are Aa x aa?{{c1::50%}}
Published 08/28/2024 What is the recurrence risk for an autosomal recessive disorder where the parents are Aa x Aa?{{c1::25%}}
Published 08/28/2024 What is the recurrence risk for an X-linked dominant disorder where the man in unaffected but the woman is affected?{{c1::50% for all children}}
Published 08/28/2024 What is the recurrence risk for an X-linked dominant disorder where the father has the disorder but the mother does not?{{c1::100% for daughters, 0% f…
Published 08/28/2024 What is the recurrence risk for an X-linked recessive disorder where neither parent has the disorder by the mother is a carrier?{{c1::0% for daughters…
Published 08/28/2024 What is the recurrence risk for an X-linked recessive disorder where the father is affected and the mother is not and is not a carrier?{{c1::0% for al…
Published 08/28/2024 A pair of twins has the same disease, however it is much more severe for one than the other. This is an example of {{c1::variable expressivity}} of a …
Published 08/28/2024 {{c1::Penetrance}} = {{c2::# of individuals with the phenotype}} / {{c3::# of individuals with genotype}}
Published 08/28/2024 A man inherited a dominant gene for an autosomal dominant disorder, but does not show the disorder phenotype. What is this an example of?{{c1::incompl…
Published 08/28/2024 The AB blood type is an example of which genetic phenomenon?{{c1::codominance}}
Published 08/28/2024 Why are mitochondrial disorders not considered Mendelian genetics?{{c1::The disease only presents when the mitochondria pass the threshold of mutant D…
Published 08/28/2024 What characteristic of mitochondrial DNA causes an affected mother to have children with variable disease expression?{{c1::heteroplasmy - mitchondria …
Published 08/28/2024 If a parents has a premutation of a trinucleotide repeat, will the offspring have increased or decreased number of repeats most likely?{{c1::increased…
Published 08/28/2024 A man has a trinucleotide repeat disorder and shows the disease phenotype at age 40. He has a child who shows the disease phenotype at age 30. What is…
Published 08/28/2024 In {{c1::uniparent disomy}}, the zygote has two silenced genes and the other gene was lost during fertilization
Published 08/28/2024 If a gamete inherits one silenced paternal gene, what must happen to the other gene on the maternal chromosome for disease to occur?{{c1::deletion of …
Published 08/28/2024 An unaffected male has an affected child. The man undergoes genetic testing and finds that the cells in his mouth are unaffected as well, however his …
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