Notes in 02 Cardiac Histology and Imaging

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Published 10/24/2023 Does myocardial infarction cause myocyte necrosis? {{c1::Yes, damage is irreversible}}
Published 10/24/2023 The initial phase of myocardial infarction leads to {{c1::subendocardial}} necrosis involving < 50% of the myocardial thickness
Published 10/24/2023 Reperfusion of irreversibly-damaged cells post-MI may result in {{c1::Ca2+}} influx, leading to {{c2::hypercontraction}} of myofibrils ({{c3::contract…
Published 10/24/2023 What gross changes occur during the first 4 hours of a myocardial infarction? {{c1::None :)}}
Published 10/24/2023 What microscopic changes occur during the first 4 hours of a myocardial infarction? {{c1::None :)}}
Published 10/24/2023 One complication that may occur during the first 4 hours post-MI is {{c1::cardiogenic shock}}, which occurs due to lack of blood flow to vital organs
Published 10/24/2023 One complication that may occur during the first 4 hours post-MI is {{c1::congestive heart failure}}, which occurs due to inefficient pumping of the l…
Published 10/24/2023 What gross changes occur from 4 - 24 hours post-MI? {{c1::Dark discoloration}}
Published 10/24/2023 What microscopic changes occur from 4 - 24 hours post-MI? {{c1::Coagulative necrosis}}
Published 10/24/2023 What gross changes occur from 1 - 3 days post-MI? {{c1::Yellow pallor}}
Published 10/24/2023 What microscopic changes occur from 1 - 3 days post-MI? {{c1::Neutrophils (acute inflammation)}}
Published 10/24/2023 What microscopic changes occur from 3 - 10 days post-MI? {{c1::Macrophage infiltration (acute inflammation)*}}
Published 10/24/2023 One complication that may occur {{c2::3}} - {{c2::5}} days post-MI is {{c1::interventricular septal rupture}}, which causes a ventricular septal defec…
Published 10/24/2023 At 10 - 14 days post-MI, the following gross changes occur: emergence of the {{c1::red border}}; due to {{c2::granulation tissue}} entering from the e…
Published 10/24/2023 What microscopic changes occur from 3 - 14 days post-MI? {{c1::Granulation tissue*}}
Published 10/24/2023 What gross changes occur months after an MI? {{c1::White scar}}
Published 10/24/2023 What microscopic changes occur months after an MI? {{c1::Fibrosis}}
Published 10/24/2023 {{c1::Dilated}} cardiomyopathy is the dilation of all four chambers of the heart
Published 10/24/2023 What is the most common form of cardiomyopathy (90%)? {{c1::Dilated cardiomyopathy}}
Published 10/24/2023 Dilated cardiomyopathy results in {{c1::systolic::systolic or diastolic}} dysfunction
Published 10/24/2023 Systolic dysfunction as a result of dilated cardiomyopathy may lead to biventricular {{c1::congestive heart failure}}
Published 10/24/2023 What type of hypertrophy is seen in dilated cardiomyopathy? {{c1::Eccentric hypertrophy (sarcomeres added in series)}}
Published 10/24/2023 Myocarditis, secondary to coxsackie B infection, is characterized by a(n) {{c1::lymphocytic}} infiltrate in the myocardium
Published 10/24/2023 Chronic alcohol abuse increases risk for {{c1::dilated}} cardiomyopathy
Published 10/24/2023 {{c1::Restrictive}} cardiomyopathy is primarily characterized by decreased compliance of the ventricular endomyocardium
Published 10/24/2023 Causes of {{c1::restrictive}} cardiomyopathy include amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, post-radiation fibrosis, and eosinophilic syndromes of the heart (loeff…
Published 10/24/2023 Restrictive cardiomyopathy causes {{c1::diastolic::systolic or diastolic}} dysfunction
Published 10/24/2023 On biopsy of a heart with myocarditis, a(n) {{c1::lymphocytic}} infiltrate with {{c1::focal}} necrosis is highly indicative of viral myocarditis
Published 10/24/2023 Complications of myocarditis include arrhythmias, heart failure, {{c2::cardiogenic}} shock and {{c1::dilated}} cardiomyopathy
Published 10/24/2023 In regards to myocardial infarction complications, LV hypertrophy and previous MI protect against {{c1::ventricular free wall}} rupture
Published 10/24/2023 The acute form of ventricular free wall rupture usually leads to {{c1::sudden death}}
Published 10/24/2023 Is pulsus paradoxus typically seen in patients with myocarditis?{{c1::No}}
Published 10/24/2023 Dilated cardiomyopathy may present with {{c1::mural thrombi}} due to global hypokinesis and stagnation of blood flow in the l…
Published 10/24/2023 Compensatory mechanisms of heart failure (e.g. RAAS, ADH activation) {{c1::worsen::worsen/improve}} pulmonary and peripheral&…
Published 10/24/2023 The cardiothoracic ratio should be less than {{c1::0.50::decimal}}
Published 10/24/2023 Cardiothoracic ratio needs to be measured on {{c1::PA::view}} CXR, since the heart always looks {{c2::larger}} on {{c1::AP::view}}
Published 10/24/2023 Enlarged cardiac silhouette could signify:- {{c1::cardiomyopathy}}- {{c1::chamber enlargement}}- {{c1::pericardial effusion}}
Published 10/24/2023 The enlarged cardiac silhouette in this CXR is c/w {{c1::pericardial effusion}}
Published 10/24/2023 The double density on the right side and convex opacity on the left side of this CXR are c/w {{c1::left atrial enlargement}}
Published 10/24/2023 3 signs to look for in CXR of left atrial enlargement:- {{c1::prominent LA appendage}}- {{c1::double density on R heart border}}- {{c1:…
Published 10/24/2023 What pathology is shown in the CXR below?
Published 10/24/2023 What pathology is shown in this CXR?
Published 10/24/2023 The right ventricle is best seen in {{c1::lateral}} view CXR
Published 10/24/2023 Filling of the retrosternal space could be {{c1::right ventricular::heart chamber}} enlargement or {{c2::mediastinal mass}}
Published 10/24/2023 6013f2393c424565b0c2bbb726edfb6f-ao-1
Published 10/24/2023 6013f2393c424565b0c2bbb726edfb6f-ao-2
Published 10/24/2023 6013f2393c424565b0c2bbb726edfb6f-ao-3
Published 10/24/2023 6013f2393c424565b0c2bbb726edfb6f-ao-4
Published 10/24/2023 The dense hila in this CXR are c/w {{c1::pulmonary artery hypertension}}
Published 10/24/2023 This lateral CXR shows {{c1::pericardial effusion::pathology}}{{c1::::}}
Published 10/24/2023 This CXR shows {{c1::pericardial calcification::pathology}}
Published 10/24/2023 The {{c2::fat pad}} sign on this chest CT is c/w {{c1::pericardial effusion::pathology}}
Published 10/24/2023 The {{c1::LAD}} artery runs between the RV and LV anteriorly
Published 10/24/2023 The {{c1::circumflex}} artery runs between the LA and LV
Published 10/24/2023 The {{c1::right coronary (RCA)}} artery runs between the RA and RV
Published 10/24/2023 92f3b627961b4d20b01e938db4debdfa-ao-1
Published 10/24/2023 92f3b627961b4d20b01e938db4debdfa-ao-2
Published 10/24/2023 92f3b627961b4d20b01e938db4debdfa-ao-3
Published 10/24/2023 0e16d252fa74410a9d2f07eff50fa96f-oa-1
Published 10/24/2023 These images show {{c1::aortic aneurysm::pathology}}
Published 10/24/2023 Describe the image on the left:{{c2::Lack of striations, more wavy::striated?}}{{c2::Neutrophils present::infiltrate?}}{{c2::No nuclei::nuclei?}}This …
Published 10/24/2023 When do we first see neutrophilic infiltrates following ischemic infarction of the myocardium?{{c1::4hrs - 1 day}}
Published 10/24/2023 Myocardium subceullar changes due to ischemia:{{c1::de::de/in}}crease in ATPIncreases {{c2::osmotic}} pressure leading to {{c2::swelling/vacuolation}}…
Published 10/24/2023 Where is the old infarct located on this image?{{c1::}}
Published 10/24/2023 Where is the area of new infarct on the image?{{c1::}}
Published 10/24/2023 Identify the area of necrosis.{{c1::}}
Published 10/24/2023 The cells outside of the outlined area in purple are {{c1::cardiac myocytes}}. The cells inside the outlined purple area form {{c1::granulation}}…
Published 10/24/2023 Microscopic examination of this heart tissue would likely show {{c1::myofiber disarray}}.
Published 10/24/2023 4e1b73284f274b4bb3977d38d3bfe772-ao-1
Published 10/24/2023 0367fa469b554815af56c1b4f9a78d44-ao-1
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