Notes in Week 4

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Published 01/27/2025 The layers of the {{c1::epidermis}} from surface to base may be remembered with the mnemonic "Come Let's Get&n…
Published 01/27/2025 Which layer of the epidermis is the regenerative (stem cell) layer?{{c1::Stratum basale}}
Published 01/27/2025 Which layer of the epidermis is characterized by desmosomes between keratinocytes?{{c1::Stratum spinosum}}
Published 01/27/2025 Which layer of the epidermis is characterized by granules in keratinocytes?{{c1::Stratum granulosum}}
Published 01/27/2025 Which layer of the epidermis is characterized by keratin in anucleate cells?{{c1::Stratum corneum}}
Published 01/27/2025 Which skin layers contain nerve endings, blood vessels, lymphatics, and adnexal structures (e.g., ha…
Published 01/27/2025 {{c1::Merocrine}} glands release their watery secretory product via exocytosis
Published 01/27/2025 Salivary glands, eccrine sweat glands, and apocrine sweat glands are all examples of what type of ex…
Published 01/27/2025 {{c1::Apocrine}} glands release membrane-bound vesicles containing the secretory product
Published 01/27/2025 Mammary glands are what type of exocrine gland?{{c1::Apocrine}}
Published 01/27/2025 {{c1::Holocrine}} glands release the entire contents of their cytoplasm and cell membrane via cell lysis
Published 01/27/2025 Sebaceous glands and meibomian glands are what type of exocrine gland?{{c1::Holocrine}}
Published 01/29/2025 Describe a macule:A circumscribed alteration in skin {{c1::color}} {{c1::without::with/without}} change in elevation or depression, texture or thickne…
Published 01/29/2025 Describe a patch:A circumscribed alteration in skin {{c1::color}}{{c1::without::with/without}} change in elevation or depression, texture or thickness…
Published 01/29/2025 Describe a papule:A circumscribed solid {{c1::elevation}} or alteration in skin {{c1::thickness}}, or texture{{c1::Less than}} 1cm. It often implies p…
Published 01/29/2025 Hyperkeratosis is the expansion of stratum {{c1::corneum}} giving rise to {{c1::scaling}}/{{c1::flaking}} skin
Published 01/29/2025 Describe a plaque:A circumscribed solid {{c1::elevation}} or alteration in skin {{c1::thickness}}, or texture {{c1::Greater than}} 1cm. It often impli…
Published 01/30/2025 Acanthosis is the {{c1::thickening}} or {{c1::expansion}} of the stratum {{c1::spinosum}} layer of the skin 
Published 01/29/2025  Flat-topped, acuminate (pointed), dome-shaped, umbilicated, or scaly are descriptive terms for types of {{c1::Papules}}
Published 01/29/2025 Spongiosis is a collection of edema fluid between the {{c1::keratinocytes}} stretching apart the {{c1::intracellular bridges}}
Published 01/29/2025 Scale: Desiccated thin plates of {{c1::cornified}} epithelial cells resulting from altered {{c1::keratinization}}.
Published 01/30/2025 Acantholysis is the dissolution of {{c1::intercellular bridges}} connecting the spinous cells causing roud up of {{c1::keratinocytes}} 
Published 01/29/2025 Erosion - A moist, circumscribed loss of partial or full thickness of {{c1::epidermis}}, used to describe the site of a ruptured {{c1::vesicle}} or {{…
Published 01/29/2025 Intraepidermal vesicles, pustules, and bullae are caused by what pathophysiological processes? {{c1::Spongiosis}} {{c1::Ancantholysis}}
Published 01/29/2025 {{c1::Ulcers}} are deeper than erosion, with loss of some or all of {{c1::dermis}} and subcutaneous tissue.
Published 01/29/2025 Subepidermal vesicles, pustules, and bullae are associated with {{c1::split}} or {{c1::separation}} of the epidermis from dermis within the {{c1:…
Published 01/29/2025  Intraepidermal vesicles and bullae are {{c1::fragile}} and often appear {{c1::flaccid}}
Published 01/29/2025 Subepidermal vesicles and bullae often appear {{c1::tense}} and are less {{c1::fragile}}
Published 01/29/2025 Scar - {{c1::fibrosis}} replacing normal {{c1::dermal}} or subcutaneous tissue resulting from antecedent destructive processes. Scars vary in texture …
Published 01/30/2025 Wheal - {{c1::edematous}} and {{c1::erythematous}} papule or plaque resulting from tense edema of the papillary {{c1::dermis}}.Flat topped, firm and s…
Published 01/29/2025 Nodule - A solid, deeper seated mass in {{c1::dermal}} or subcutaneous tissues, usually producing visible {{c1::elevation}} of the skin. When they inv…
Published 01/29/2025 Lichenification - A dry, {{c1::leathery}} thickening of the skin with {{c1::exaggeration}} of skin markings.All layers of the {{c1::epidermis}} are th…
Published 01/30/2025 Telangiectasia - {{c1::Persistent}}, visible dilation of individual {{c1::venules}} in the skin, usually associated with alterations in the connective…
Published 01/29/2025 Fissure - A deep linear {{c1::split}} in the skin extending through the {{c1::epidermis}} into the {{c1::dermis}} or deeper
Published 01/29/2025 Crust - {{c1::Dried}} serum, blood, or purulent material on the surface of the {{c1::skin}} e.g. impetigo.
Published 01/29/2025 A “cigarette paper” or parchment-like wrinkling of skin describes atrophy of {{c1::epidermis}}
Published 01/29/2025 Dermal atrophy leads to {{c1::striae}}, with prominence of the dermal {{c1::vasculature}}
Published 01/29/2025 Epidermal atrophy: excess {{c1::steroid}} therapy (topical or systemic), chronic {{c1::ultraviolet}} damage, other {{c1::radiation}} damage, cert…
Published 01/29/2025 In general, diseases showing a clear line of demarcation involve the {{c1::epidermis}} and {{c1::superficial dermis}}, Those with gradual transition f…
Published 01/29/2025 Annular and arciform lesions, which are {{c1::ring}} shapes and {{c1::arcuate}} shapes, suggest expansion from a {{c1::central}} point of origin
Published 01/29/2025 The Koebner phenomenon is a subset of {{c1::linear}} lesions initiated by trauma, but representing another skin disease.For example an excoriation ma…
Published 01/29/2025 The {{c1::Koebner}} phenomenon is a subset of linear lesions initiated by trauma, but representing another skin disease 
Published 01/29/2025 {{c1::Linear}} shapes associated with underlying blood vessels, lymphatics or nerves typically have a more organic, less artifactual shape and, follow…
Published 01/29/2025 Diseases that show “Koebnerization”, or isomorphic response, can be useful when examining {{c1::linear}} lesions
Published 01/29/2025 Annular and arciform lesions, which are {{c1::ring}} and {{c1::arcuate}} shapes, suggest expansion from a {{c1::central}} point of origin
Published 01/29/2025 In general, diseases showing a clear line of demarcation involve the {{c1::epidermis}} and {{c1::superficial dermis}}, whereas those with gradual tran…
Published 01/31/2025 The main functions of the tibialis posterior are:{{c1::Inversion}}{{c1::Plantarflexion}}
Published 02/01/2025 The main functions of the tibialis anterior are:{{c1::Inversion}}{{c1::Dorsiflexion}}
Published 01/31/2025 What are the borders of the femoral triangle:Lateral: {{c1::Sartorius}}Medial: {{c1::Adductor longus}}Superior: {{c1::Inguinal ligament}}
Published 01/31/2025 The pes anserinus of the medial knee is made up of what 3 structures?{{c1::Gracilis}}{{c1::Sartorius}}{{c1::Semitendinosus}}
Published 01/31/2025 What are the functions of the semitendinosus:{{c1::Extends}} the hip{{c1::Flexes}} the knee
Published 01/31/2025 What are the functions of the gracilis muscle:{{c1::Adducts}} the thigh{{c1::Flexes}} the knee{{c1::Medially}} rotates the tibia on the femur
Published 01/31/2025 What are the functions of the sartorius muscle:{{c1::Flexes}}, {{c1::abducts}}, and {{c1::laterally}} rotates the hip{{c1::Flexes}} the knee
Published 01/31/2025 The muscles involved with “Golfer’s Elbow” all originate from the medial epicondyle of the humerus. These muscles include:{{c1::Pronator Teres}}{{c1::…
Published 01/31/2025 Gamekeeper's thumb (or skier's thumb) represents an acute or chronic degeneration of the {{c1::ulnar collateral ligament (UCL)}} of the 1st {{c1:…
Published 01/31/2025 Carpal bone dislocation with FOOSH injury most likely involves the {{c1::lunate}}
Published 02/03/2025 Simple drug eruptions present with {{c1::skin}} findings, but do not have concerning {{c1::systemic}} symptoms or {{c1::internal organ}} damage
Published 02/03/2025 Complex drug eruptions, also known as Severe Cutanenous Drug Reaction (SCAR), presentation: {{c1::Skin}} findingsSignificant {{c1::systemic}} sym…
Published 02/04/2025 Leukocystoclastic vasculitis (LCV) is the deposition of {{c1::immune complex}} within a vessel which activates {{c1::complement}} → {{c1::neutrophil}}…
Published 02/04/2025 What is the exam finding in the images? What are some causes?   {{c1::Palpable purpura}}Causes: {{c1::Drugs}} {{c1::Bugs - re…
Published 02/04/2025 Henoch-Schonlein Purpura (HSP or IgA vasculitis) is the most common {{c1::small}} vessel vasculitis in {{c1::children}} Is often triggered by {{c…
Published 02/04/2025 Patients with HSP (IgA vasculitis) will commonly present with: {{c1::Arthritis}}/{{c1::arthralgia}} {{c1::Abdominal pain}}HSP is also associ…
Published 02/04/2025 Which skin disorder is characterized by localized complete loss of skin pigmentation?{{c1::Vitiligo}}
Published 02/04/2025 What skin disorder is caused by autoimmune destruction of melanocytes?{{c1::Vitiligo}}
Published 02/04/2025 Abnormal melanocyte migration and white forelock on the scalp is suggestive of {{c1::piebaldism::diagnosis}} 
Published 02/04/2025 What is the likely diagnosis in an Asian / African-American infant that presents with flat blue-gray patches on the lowe…
Published 02/04/2025 Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder against {{c1::hair follicles::specific}} that presents clinically with {{c1::well-defined, ci…
Published 02/04/2025 What is the diagnosis in a patient with patchy alopecia on the scalp without scarring?{{c1::Alopecia areata}}
Published 02/04/2025 The most common type of hair loss in males and females is {{c1::androgenetic alopecia}}
Published 02/04/2025 What kind of inheritance do patients with androgenetic alopecia exhibit?{{c1::Polygenic}}
Published 02/04/2025 What dermatologic pathology is characterized by widespread thinning, easily pulled out hair with normal appear…
Published 02/04/2025 What is the pathophysiologic cause of postpartum telogen effluvium (hair loss)?{{c1::High estrogen levels during pregnancy}}
Published 02/04/2025 Thinning of the hair as the hair follicles exit growth phase too early:{{c1::Telogen-effluvium::Diagnosis?}}
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