Notes in 03 Poor Appetite

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Published 11/02/2024 Anorexia
Published 11/02/2024 What are the important parts of the ROS for anorexia?
Published 11/02/2024 VINDICATE
Published 11/02/2024 What two hormones regulate hunger?
Published 11/02/2024 What are your 5 differential diagnoses when a patient presents with Anorexia?
Published 11/02/2024 Gastroenteritis: {{c1::inflammation of the lining of the stomach, and small and large intestines}}- most cases {{c1::are infectious}}, but may be caus…
Published 11/02/2024 How long does gastroenteritis typically last?
Published 11/02/2024 What other symptoms could accompany anorexia if the cause is CNS pathology?
Published 11/02/2024 How do anticonvulsants cause anorexia?
Published 11/02/2024 {{c1::Cytokine production}} is increased in HIV and inhibits hunger
Published 11/02/2024 What are the BMI classifications for:Underweight: {{c1::< 18.5}}Normal: {{c1::18.5 - 24.9}}Overweight: {{c1::25 - 29.9}}Obesity Class I: {{c1::30-3…
Published 11/02/2024 Anorexia does not equal anorexia nervosa. Anorexia is loss of appetite. Anorexia nervosa is a {{c1::psychiatric condition of purposeful not eatin…
Published 11/02/2024 Bulimia Nervosa
Published 11/02/2024 Purging v.s. Non-Purging Bulimia Nervosa
Published 11/02/2024 What are the steps to promote optimal weight and nutrition?
Published 11/02/2024 Mini Nutritional Assessment and scale scores
Published 11/02/2024 What is the Stages of Change Model for assessing readiness?Precontemplation: {{c1::unaware of problem, no interest in change}}Contemplation: {{c1::awa…
Published 11/02/2024 what is the formula for BMI
Published 11/02/2024 why is a bmi of 20 more concerning for south asian ppl than 30 in european ppl
Published 11/02/2024 how can we adjust for body composition differences of ppl with same bmi
Published 11/02/2024 what are signs of bulimia nervosa
Published 11/02/2024 what are forms of purging in bulimia nervosa
Published 11/02/2024 what are non purging mechanisms of bulimia nervosa
Published 11/02/2024 side effects of eating disorders
Published 11/02/2024 what is a common symptom of obesity that can disrupt normal sleeping patterns
Published 11/02/2024 Differential: Central Nervous System PathologySymptoms: {{c1::Visual disturbance, headaches, or signs of increased intracranial pressure (e.g., papill…
Published 11/02/2024 Differential: medications• {{c1::Appetite Suppressants}} (Purposeful Anorexia/Weight Loss) • {{c1::Narcotics}} (Morphine, Dilaudid) – forget to e…
Published 11/02/2024 Differential: HIV {{c1::Anorexia and cachexia}} are frequent complications of HIV infection{{c1::Nausea and vomiting}} are a frequent complaints-…
Published 11/02/2024 what are some complications of HIV that can play a role in anorexia?{{c1::mechanical impediments such as esophageal candidiasis}} - cannot get food do…
Published 11/02/2024 Differential: depression{{c1::dementia and depression}} may cause significant weight lossfactors that can contribute to significant weight loss and ar…
Published 11/02/2024 Cachexia: {{c1::wasting and weakness due to a chronic disease}} (cancer/HIV), also known as wasting syndrome
Published 11/02/2024 what are some physiologic changes in elderly that can cause anorexia?
Published 11/02/2024 Mini Nutritional Assessment Scores:{{c1::12-14}} points: normal nutritional status{{c1::8-11}} points: at risk of malnutrition{{c1::0-7}} points: maln…
Published 11/02/2024 hypertension is {{c1::2-3x}} more likely if someone is obese
Published 11/02/2024 types of cancer that are more likely to occur when obese:{{c1::2-4x risk of breast cancerGI cancer (colon cancer is 10x likely)uterine cancer}}
Published 11/02/2024 how does obesity cause sexual dysfunction?more fat = more {{c1::estrogen}} and less {{c1::testosterone}}
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