Notes in Case 1: Pediatrics: Fever and Rash

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Published 06/06/2024 What is the mode of transmission of Mumps?{{c1::Respiratory droplets}}
Published 06/06/2024 The MMR vaccine produces lifelong immunity to {{c1::measles::m...}} and 10-15 years of immunity to {{c1::mumps::m...}}
Published 06/06/2024 What dermatologic lesion is a small fluid-containing blister < 1 cm?{{c1::Vesicle}}
Published 06/06/2024 {{c1::Smallpox::Smallpox or Chickenpox}} viral lesions are all the same age
Published 06/06/2024 {{c1::Smallpox::Smallpox or Chickenpox}} viral lesions affect the {{c2::face}} and {{c3::palms}}
Published 06/06/2024 The blueberry muffin rash of CMV and Rubella is due to dermal {{c1::erythropoiesis}}
Published 06/06/2024 What type of viruses are paramyxoviruses? {{c1::Negative sense RNA::DNA, RNA (sense), etc.}}
Published 06/06/2024 Which family of viruses does parainfluenza (croup) belong to?{{c1::Paramyxoviridae}}
Published 06/06/2024 Which family of viruses is mumps a member of?{{c1::Paramyxoviridae}}
Published 06/06/2024 Which family of viruses includes measles?{{c1::Paramyxoviridae}}
Published 06/06/2024 Which type of virus is RSV (respiratory syncytial virus)?{{c1::Paramyxovirus (negative sense RNA)}}
Published 06/06/2024 What is the route of transmission of paramyxoviruses?{{c1::Respiratory droplets}}
Published 06/06/2024 Measles is also known as {{c1::rubeola}}
Published 06/06/2024 What are the 4 C's of measles?{{c1::Cough}}{{c1::Coryza}}{{c1::Conjunctivitis}}{{c1::Koplik spots}}
Published 06/06/2024 Koplik spots are bright red spots with a(n) {{c1::blue-white::color}} center on {{c1::buccal}} mucosa
Published 06/06/2024 The measles rash starts on the {{c1::face}} and moves {{c1::down}}wards
Published 06/06/2024 What are the 4 places that mumps is known to replicate?{{c1::Parotid gland, testes, CNS, pancreas}}
Published 06/06/2024 Which viral virulence factors is measles associated with?{{c1::Hemagglutinin, F (fusion) protein::2}}
Published 06/06/2024 Which viral virulence factors is mumps associated with?{{c1::Hemagglutinin, F (fusion) protein, neuraminidase}}
Published 06/06/2024 RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) is typically seen in children {{c1::< 6 months}} of age
Published 06/06/2024 RSV attaches to the {{c1::G protein}} in order to infect respiratory epithelial cells
Published 06/06/2024 What is the most common cause of pneumonia in infants?{{c1::Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)}}
Published 06/06/2024 What is the most common cause of bronchiolitis in infants?{{c1::Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)}}
Published 06/06/2024 RSV contains the virulence factor {{c1::F (fusion) protein}}, which allows the production of multinucleated giant cells
Published 06/06/2024 What is the treatment of RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) in adults?{{c1::Ribavirin}}
Published 06/06/2024 What is used for prevention of RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) in premature infants?{{c1::Palivizumab}}
Published 06/06/2024 Palivizumab is a monoclonal antibody against the {{c1::fusion (F) protein}} of RSV
Published 06/06/2024 Which viral virulence factor causes respiratory cell fusion and multinucleated giant cell production?{{c1::F (fusion) protein}}
Published 06/06/2024 What is the route of transmission of coxsackievirus?{{c1::Fecal-oral}}
Published 06/06/2024 {{c2::Coxsackie A}} is a virus that causes {{c1::hand, foot, and mouth}} disease
Published 06/06/2024 What type of rash is seen in hand-foot-and-mouth disease?{{c1::Maculopapular}} and partially {{c1::vesicular}}
Published 06/06/2024 {{c2::Rubella}} is a positive-sense RNA virus that causes tender {{c1::posterior auricular}} and {{c1::suboccipital}} lymphadenopathy
Published 06/06/2024 Which RNA virus presents with rash of 3-days duration?{{c1::Rubella}}
Published 06/06/2024 The MMR vaccine should be avoided in {{c1::pregnant}} and {{c1::immunocompromised}} patients
Published 06/06/2024 What type of virus is HHV-6?{{c1::Double-stranded DNA::DNA, RNA (sense), etc.}}
Published 06/06/2024 The {{c2::fever}} of Roseola lasts {{c1::3 - 5 days::duration}}
Published 06/06/2024 {{c2::Roseola}} is the most common cause of {{c1::febrile seizures}} in children
Published 06/06/2024 What demographic is at risk of roseola?{{c1::Children 6 - 24 months old::specific}}
Published 06/06/2024 The {{c2::rash}} of roseola infection develops {{c1::after}} the {{c2::fever::fever/rash}} 
Published 06/06/2024 {{c3::Roseola}} is a DNA virus that presents with a rash that starts on the {{c2::neck/trunk}} and moves {{c2::down}}-wards
Published 06/06/2024 What is the treatment for Roseola?{{c1::Supportive (infection is self-limiting)}}
Published 06/06/2024 Which childhood exanthem is known as fifth disease?{{c1::Erythema infectiosum (Parvovirus B19)}}
Published 06/06/2024 The rash of Roseola is said to have a red, "{{c1::lacy}}" appearance
Published 06/06/2024 Which virus causes slapped-cheek fever?{{c1::Parvovirus B19}}
Published 06/06/2024 {{c2::Parvovirus B19 (erythema infectiosum)}} is a DNA virus that presents with a rash that starts on the {{c3::face}} and moves {{c3::down}}wards
Published 06/06/2024 The rash of erythema infectiosum is said to have a red, "{{c1::lacy}}" appearance
Published 06/06/2024 Other names for parvovirus B19 include {{c1::erythema infectiosum}}, slapped cheek fever, and fifth disease
Published 06/06/2024 What is the mode of transmission of measles virus (rubeola)?{{c1::Airborne}}
Published 06/06/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a child with a pruritic rash with clusters of vesicles in different stages of healing?{{c1::Varicella zoster infection…
Published 06/06/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a child that presents with fever, pharyngitis, and gray vesicles/ulcers on the posterior oropharynx? {{c1::Herpangina …
Published 06/06/2024 What is the next step in management for a child that develops a fever and mild rash one week after receiving the MMR vaccine?{{c1::Reassurance}}
Published 06/06/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a child that develops a blanching maculopapular rash after four days of a high fever?{{c1::Roseola}}
Published 06/06/2024 What is a complication of roseola?{{c1::Extreme spiking in the prodrome that may cause febrile seizures}}
Published 06/06/2024 What are the 6 common childhood exanthems?First disease - {{c1::Measles}}Second disease - {{c1::Scarlet fever (S. pyogenes)}}Third dise…
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