Notes in PER712 - final

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Published 05/10/2024 Define risk & risk factor
Published 05/10/2024 Risk factors1) how are they identified?2) when will exposure occur?3) when must exposure occur?4) what can help mitigate risk factors?
Published 05/10/2024 Common disease risk factors for periodontitis (5)
Published 05/10/2024 How much more likely are smokers to develop periodontitis?
Published 05/10/2024 Etiological factors that are affected by smoking (3)
Published 05/10/2024 Proposed mechanism of linkage btw periodontal disease & diabetes (4)
Published 05/10/2024 Periodontitis risk factors that cannot be modified (5)
Published 05/10/2024 US, national health & nutrition examination survey, 2009-2012:- what ethnic groups were more likely to have periodontal disease?
Published 05/10/2024 Genetics & periodontal diseases1) genotype =2) phenotypes =3) what is phenotype determined by?4) multifactorial diseases are?
Published 05/10/2024 Etiologic basis of disease can be defined in terms of __ & __ interactions- what is periodontitis?
Published 05/10/2024 Genetics & periodontal diseases1) what is the primary focus on?2) what are some of the current researched areas? (5)
Published 05/10/2024 Hereditary diseases w/ neutrophil dysfunction (2)
Published 05/10/2024 What were the 2 conclusions of the mentioned twin studies?
Published 05/10/2024 What is segregation analysis?
Published 05/10/2024 Formal genetic studies of aggressive periodontitis findings
Published 05/10/2024 What is aggressive periodontitis formerly known as?
Published 05/10/2024 Single nucleotide polymorphism1) what are they?2) what does evidence support?
Published 05/10/2024 What can I do as a clinician today? (4)
Published 05/10/2024 Is there value in commercially available genetic tests?
Published 05/10/2024 Risk indicators vs risk predictors/markers
Published 05/10/2024 Other etiologic risk indicators (4)
Published 05/10/2024 Risk predictors/markers (2)
Published 05/10/2024 Risk assessment is:
Published 05/10/2024 Clinical risk assessment for periodontal disease (4)
Published 05/10/2024 What does analysis of occlusion require attention to?- describe each of those
Published 05/10/2024 What is alveolar bone form?
Published 05/10/2024 Anatomy of TMJ
Published 05/10/2024 Muscles of mastication (4)
Published 05/10/2024 Describe physiologic occlusion
Published 05/10/2024 Occlusion dysfunction1) what causes it?2) what can it produce?3) what kind of forces are applied?4) excessive forces that are applied to __ periodonti…
Published 05/10/2024 Non-axial force generation1) where are occlusal contacts?2) when can this occur? (6)
Published 05/10/2024 Describe malocclusion- does it always lead to dysfunction?
Published 05/10/2024 Factors affecting tissue response (2)
Published 05/10/2024 Effect of missing tooth (2)
Published 05/10/2024 Severe periodontitis related to occlusion
Published 05/10/2024 Traumatic occlusal forces1) describe2) what can it cause damage to?3) what does it not primarily depend on?4) what does it more so depend on?5) what i…
Published 05/10/2024 Controversy regarding clinical significance of traumatic occlusal forces1) describe the 2 studies he talked about2) why is it difficult to conduct hum…
Published 05/10/2024 Type of traumatic occlusal forces (2)- describe
Published 05/10/2024 What can occur w/ injury to PDL? (5)
Published 05/10/2024 Changes w/ trauma from occlusion (4)
Published 05/10/2024 Mobility index (classes)- describe
Published 05/10/2024 Factors affecting mobility (4)
Published 05/10/2024 Fremitus1) what is it?2) can a tooth exhibit mobility w/o fremitus?
Published 05/10/2024 Bruxism1) what is it?2) describe movement3) what is clenching?4) when can it occur?5) what does it produce?6) what can it cause?7) is there an absolut…
Published 05/10/2024 Treatment measures for bruxism1) what is it related to?2) if occlusal dysharmony (3)3) if accompanied by TMD (3)
Published 05/10/2024 Assessment of occlusion1) what is ideal intercuspal position?2) what do you not want in CO?3) from CO to MIP slide, there is ideally no:4) what is ide…
Published 05/10/2024 Treatment for traumatic occlusal forces (4)
Published 05/10/2024 Adjustments by occlusal adjustment (5)
Published 05/10/2024 What is the leading cause of preventable disease & death in US?- how many deaths?
Published 05/10/2024 What % of US adults smoke (2019)?- how many live w/ smoking-related disease?
Published 05/10/2024 Tobacco use prevalence: decreasing or increasing?1) greater in men or women?2) what ages is most common?3) what ethnicities is more common?
Published 05/10/2024 Estimated # of chemical compounds in cigarette smoke- # of compounds w/ carcinogenic activity
Published 05/10/2024 Nicotine addition1) stimulatory effects caused by?2) tranquilizing effects caused by?3) 30-50% of people w/ nicotine addiction have what?4) what is it…
Published 05/10/2024 Nicotine withdrawal (10)
Published 05/10/2024 Smoking history1) what dental patients should be asked about their smoking status?2) what do you ask about (3)3) what do you record?
Published 05/10/2024 1PPD = ___ cigarettes/year1PPD = ___ puffs/year
Published 05/10/2024 What are biochemical tests that can be performed with smokers? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 Why measure cotinine?
Published 05/10/2024 Plasma & saliva cotinine concentrations1) smokers2) non-smokers
Published 05/10/2024 Urine cotinine concentration in smokers
Published 05/10/2024 Why is smoking a major risk factor for periodontitis? (2)
Published 05/10/2024 How much more likely were smokers to have periodontitis?- former smokers?
Published 05/10/2024 Describe dose-response relationship1) for heavy smokers (31 or more cigarettes per day)?2) light smokers (9 or fewer)?
Published 05/10/2024 Odds ratio for periodontitis in current smokers estimated to range from __ to __ depending on:
Published 05/10/2024 What are the effects of cigar & pipe smoking?
Published 05/10/2024 Smoking & oral conditions (8)
Published 05/10/2024 Smoking & oral conditions - pre-malignant & malignant conditions (5)
Published 05/10/2024 Smoking & adverse pregnancy outcomes (2)
Published 05/10/2024 Secondhand smoke & caries1) what % of children had serum levels consistent w/ ETS (environmental tobacco smoke)?2) what were increased cotinine levels…
Published 05/10/2024 Smoking & periodontitis1) smokers may present w/ periodontal disease at an __ age2) are they difficulty to treat w/ conventional therapeutic strategie…
Published 05/10/2024 Non-surgical therapy - who responds better:1) smokers or nonsmokers?2) formers smokers or nonsmokers?
Published 05/10/2024 Outcomes of periodontal surgery for smokers (3)
Published 05/10/2024 Outcomes of guided tissue regeneration for smokers (4)
Published 05/10/2024 Outcomes of open flap debridement for smokers (2)
Published 05/10/2024 Outcomes of periodontal plastic surgery for smokers (3)
Published 05/10/2024 Outcomes of implant therapy for smokers (4)
Published 05/10/2024 Outcomes of periodontal maintenance for smokers (2)
Published 05/10/2024 Smoking & periodontitis - what was bacteria is found in higher levels in smokers?
Published 05/10/2024 Smoking exerts a major effect on the immune system, what does this result in?
Published 05/10/2024 Effects of cigarette smoking on development & function of both __ & __ immune cells
Published 05/10/2024 Smoking & periodontitis1) what antibodies are reduced in smokers w/ periodontitis?2) what does it impair the function of?3) what does it increase the …
Published 05/10/2024 Are clinical signs of inflammation more or less pronounced in smokers vs nonsmokers?- what is the response of microcirculation to plaque in smokers vs…
Published 05/10/2024 Effect of smoking cessation on periodontal treatment outcomes:1) is periodontal status of former smokers closer to current smokers or nonsmokers?2) sm…
Published 05/10/2024 Methods of smoking cessation (8)- include quit rates at 1 year
Published 05/10/2024 Nicotine replacement therapies (4)
Published 05/10/2024 Zyban mechanism
Published 05/10/2024 Chantix (varencline) mechanism
Published 05/10/2024 Other methods of smoking cessation (5)
Published 05/10/2024 5 As brief intervention from
Published 05/10/2024 Primary etiological factors associated w/ periodontal disease (2)
Published 05/10/2024 Role of plaque vs calculus
Published 05/10/2024 Dental plaque/biofilm1) how many bacterial species in oral biofilms?2) % opportunistic putative pathogens?3) % normal oral microbiota or commensals/4)…
Published 05/10/2024 Why are bacteria happy w/in mature biofilm?- how do you get rid of them?
Published 05/10/2024 Periodontitis etiology (4)
Published 05/10/2024 Define risk factor- how many risk factors involved w/ periodontal disease?
Published 05/10/2024 Local risk factors to periodontal disease (7)
Published 05/10/2024 Calculus1) describe2) begins as early as:3) begins as late as:4) does all plaque mineralize?
Published 05/10/2024 Supragingival calculus1) where is it?2) what does it look like?3) is it easily detached?4) where does it rapidly recur?5) localized or generalized?
Published 05/10/2024 Subgingival calculus1) where is it?2) how can it be evaluated?3) what does it look like?4) what happens if there is recession?
Published 05/10/2024 Etiological significance of calculus1) does it contribute directly to gingival inflammation?2) what does it provide?3) subgingival calculus is cause o…
Published 05/10/2024 Anatomic risk factors to periodontal disease (10)
Published 05/10/2024 Prosthetic & restorative factors to periodontal disease (4)
Published 05/10/2024 What is main etiologic factor for periodontitis?
Published 05/10/2024 4 modes of calculus attachment
Published 05/10/2024 Intermediate bifurcational ridges1) what do they interfere with?2) what do they prevent?3) how do you remove plaque?4) what are they not as distinct i…
Published 05/10/2024 External bifurcation ridges1) where are they located?2) where are they found 63% of the time?3) what can their presence result in?4) in 11 of 20 maxil…
Published 05/10/2024 __% of isolated mandibular molar furcation defects related to CEPs
Published 05/10/2024 Is there a significant relationship btw skull furcation lesions & presence of CEPs?
Published 05/10/2024 Restorative factors / iatrogenic factors (8)
Published 05/10/2024 How to calculate supracrestal attachment (biologic width) (2)
Published 05/10/2024 Dental implants:1) who did they revolutionize treatment for?2) why are they so good?3) complications (4)
Published 05/10/2024 Describe osseointergration
Published 05/10/2024 Implant success criteria (5)
Published 05/10/2024 Implant failure terminology - what is the timing of each?1) surgical2) osseous healing failure3) early loading4) intermediate5) late6) long-term
Published 05/10/2024 Early failure due to surgical causes (5)
Published 05/10/2024 Early surgical loading
Published 05/10/2024 Late failure causes (2)
Published 05/10/2024 Define peri-implant mucositis
Published 05/10/2024 Define peri-implantitis
Published 05/10/2024 Peri-implant mucosa1) what kind of epithelium?2) what is the junctional epithelium like?3) describe collagen fibers
Published 05/10/2024 Peri-implant mucositis1) BOP?2) probing depths?3) bone loss?4) analogous to?5) what is it caused by?6) will it progress to peri-implantitis?7) is ther…
Published 05/10/2024 Peri-implantitis1) BOP?2) probing depths?3) bone loss?4) analogous to?5) what is it caused by?6) what will be present?7) is there an altered response …
Published 05/10/2024 Risk factors of peri-implantitis (6)
Published 05/10/2024 Definition of occlusal overload (4)
Published 05/10/2024 Are implants more or less tolerant of non-axial load?- what may this result in?
Published 05/10/2024 Examination & diagnosis of implant disease (4)
Published 05/10/2024 Probing, bleeding, suppuration - implants1) bleeding upon gentle probing indicates?2) what is needed if increasing probing depth & bleeding over time?…
Published 05/10/2024 Radiographs - implants1) what radiographs needed following implant placement & final restoration? 2) what does this provide?3) have to __ to implant b…
Published 05/10/2024 What if there is mobility in an implant?- what does this indicate?
Published 05/10/2024 Treatment of peri-implant mucositis & peri-implantitis
Published 05/10/2024 Treatment goals of implants (3)
Published 05/10/2024 Treatment for the following1) peri-implant mucositis2) peri-implantitis
Published 05/10/2024 Nonsurgical treatment for implants (5)
Published 05/10/2024 Occlusion of implants
Published 05/10/2024 Surgical treatment of implants (2)
Published 05/10/2024 Relative contraindications for patient selection for implants (5)
Published 05/10/2024 Patient selection for implants (4)
Published 05/10/2024 Presurgical evaluation of implants (4)
Published 05/10/2024 Presurgical evaluation of implants - radiographs (4)
Published 05/10/2024 Presurgical evaluations of implants - proximity of complicating surfaces (4)
Published 05/10/2024 To avoid problems while implant treatment planning
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