Notes in Respiratory

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Published 10/02/2024 InsomniaRisk factors?
Published 10/02/2024 Insomnia Definition?
Published 10/02/2024 Insomnia Approach to history (three tiered structure approach)?
Published 10/02/2024 Insomnia Examination?
Published 10/02/2024 Insomnia Laboratory investigations? (5)
Published 10/02/2024 InsomniaNon-laboratory investigations? (2)
Published 10/02/2024 Insomnia causes List three examples where insomnia is actually a symptoms of another disorder
Published 10/02/2024 Insomnia causes List three conditions/symptoms where the physical symptoms can cause insomnia?
Published 10/02/2024 Insomnia causes List three drug which can cause insomnia?
Published 10/02/2024 Insomnia causes What two withdrawal states can cause insomnia?
Published 10/02/2024 Insomnia causes List 3 poor sleep practices that cause insomnia?
Published 10/02/2024 Insomnia Management First line treatment?
Published 10/02/2024 Insomnia Management What are the principles of: Sleep restriction: {{c1::Time in bed is limited to align with sleep duration (reduce time awake in b…
Published 10/02/2024 Insomnia Pharmacological Which population group benefits?
Published 10/02/2024 Insomnia Pharmacological First line agents? (4)
Published 10/02/2024 Insomnia Pharmacological Second line agents? (2)Third line (1)
Published 10/27/2024 List 5 risk factors for lung cancer
Published 10/27/2024 What two signs of lung cancer require immediate ED presentation?
Published 10/27/2024 What 4 features of lung cancer require urgent CT and concurrent resp referral?
Published 10/02/2024 Asthma Risk factors? (2)
Published 10/02/2024 "My child has asthma" What would below finding suggest about alternative cause/action? (list 3) Onset of signs from birth or very early in life
Published 10/02/2024 "My child has asthma"What would below finding suggest about alternative cause/action? (list 3)Crepitations on chest auscultation that do not clear on …
Published 10/02/2024 "My child has asthma"What would below finding suggest about alternative cause/action? (1)Unilateral wheeze
Published 10/02/2024 "My child has asthma"What would below finding suggest about alternative cause/action? (list three)Chronic (>4 weeks) wet or productive cough
Published 10/02/2024 "My child has asthma"What would below finding suggest about alternative cause/action? (1)Nasal polyps in child <5
Published 10/02/2024 How is a provisional diagnosis of asthma made in children 1-5
Published 10/02/2024 How is a diagnosis of asthma made in children 6+ (2)
Published 10/02/2024 list 5 non pharm strategies for asthma in children
Published 10/02/2024 What four clinical measures must be met to define asthma as 'well controlled'?
Published 10/02/2024 Indications (2) for preventer treatment for asthma in ages 1-5
Published 10/02/2024 Stepwise asthma therapy ages 1-5? (3) 
Published 10/02/2024 Stepwise asthma therapy ages 6-11? (3) What differentiates this from 1-5 ages?
Published 10/02/2024 Why might you opt for monteleukast as preventer over ICS as step 2 for children with asthma? (2)
Published 10/02/2024 Side effects/counselling for montelukast
Published 10/02/2024 Two ways to diagnose asthma in adults?
Published 10/02/2024 Adult proclaims "I have asthma" However, their condition is mostly characterised by coughList 5 differentials to consider
Published 10/02/2024 Adult proclaims "I have asthma" However, their condition is mostly characterised by wheezingList 2 differentials to consider
Published 10/02/2024 Adult proclaims "I have asthma" However, their condition is mostly characterised by Difficulty breathing onlyList 5 differentials to consider
Published 10/02/2024 Describe principles of 'SMART' therapy for adults with Asthma?
Published 10/02/2024 What are the stepwise progression in ICS-preventer management pathway of asthma in adults?
Published 10/27/2024 List 5 signs or symptoms that that would prompt initial investigation with CXR for lung cancer
Published 10/02/2024 When booking someone for spirometry, list 3 things patients should avoid (besides bronchodilators)
Published 10/02/2024 Spirometry preparationHow long to withhold:- SABA?- SAMA- LABAs + LAMA?
Published 10/02/2024 Describe this ventilatory patternwhat type of lung disease?
Published 10/02/2024 Describe this ventilatory patternwhat type of lung disease?
Published 10/02/2024 Describe this ventilatory patternwhat type of lung disease?
Published 10/02/2024 List 5 causes for obstructive lung spirometry
Published 10/02/2024 List 5 causes for restrictive lung spirometry
Published 10/02/2024 What are the three steps to interpreting spirometry
Published 10/02/2024 Pnuemothoraxdifference between primray and secondary spontaneous pnuemothorax?
Published 10/02/2024 Primary, spontaneous pnuemothorax confirmed on CXR or CTIf observations are stable and normal and pain is not severe and been monitored for 4 hours wh…
Published 10/02/2024 Shortness of breath and chest pain in young maleWhat is the pathology?
Published 10/02/2024 Life threatening asthmaChildren 1-5Immediate management? (5) 
Published 10/02/2024 Life threatening asthmaChildren 6-11 &Adults + Adolescents?Immediate management? (5) 
Published 10/02/2024 continuous flu like symptoms with cough, shortness of breath and intermittent fevers in a patietn who has recently undergone radiotherapy (esp for bre…
Published 10/27/2024 Community acquired pneumoniaList 4 risk factors
Published 10/27/2024 What is the most common cause of bacterial CAP?
Published 10/27/2024 Community acquired pneumoniaList 4 differentials
Published 10/27/2024 Community acquired pneumonia (adult)List 4 red flags for hospital admission
Published 10/27/2024 CAP in adultsWhat is the management of low-severity? (also list 2nd line and for pen hypersensitivity)
Published 10/27/2024 A non-smoking 33yo M presents with a 5 day hx of cough, headaches, and fever. What is the most likely diagnosis and treatment?
Published 10/27/2024 An 82yo woman in the RACF you are looking after develops a fever and SOB after choking on a piece of sausage. Outline 5 management strategies.
Published 10/27/2024 What signs of moderate severity CAP in children should you look out for?
Published 10/27/2024 CAP in Children What is the pharmacological mangement? Include for hypersensivity to penicillins. 
Published 10/27/2024 How do you diagnose OSA on PSG?
Published 10/27/2024 List 5 risk factors for OSA in adults
Published 10/27/2024 List 5 management strategies for OSA in adults
Published 10/27/2024 List 3 symptoms of bronchiectasis 
Published 10/27/2024 BronchiectasisList 3 findings on HRCT 
Published 10/27/2024 What are the 5 key components of bronchiectasis management in adults?
Published 10/27/2024 Bronchiectasis What 3 clinical features are indicative of a bacterial exacerbation? 
Published 10/27/2024 What are the management principles in a person with non-severe non-Pseudomonas exacerbation of bronchiectasis?
Published 10/27/2024 What are the management principles in a person with non-severe Pseudomonas exacerbation of bronchiectasis?
Published 10/27/2024 When should you refer a patient with bronchiectasis to a respiratory physician? 
Published 10/27/2024 When should an at risk adult recieve pneumococal vaccination?
Published 10/02/2024 What is the LLN of FVC AND FEV1/FVC ratio as a % predicted
Published 10/02/2024 What defines a +ve bronchodilator response on spirometry?
Published 10/02/2024 Differential diagnosis for cavitating pulmonary lesion on CXR
Published 10/02/2024 Ross RiverMethod of spread?
Published 10/02/2024 Ross RiverSymptoms? 
Published 10/02/2024 Patient from rural ausFever, fatigue, headache, light intolerance, swollen glandsmain commplaint is arthralgia and has some swelling in ankles, finger…
Published 10/02/2024 Ross River virusExpectant recovery timeline?
Published 10/02/2024 Can you get ross river twice?
Published 10/02/2024 Acute asthma in kids: Name 4 clinical features of 'severe' acute asthma 
Published 10/02/2024 Name the 3 immediate aspects of management in a 4 year old with severe acute asthma
Published 10/02/2024 1. What should be your first consideration in treating severe or life threatening asthma? 2. And what is the immediate treatment of choice for this di…
Published 10/02/2024 Describe the 4-4-4 of Asthma First Aid to a parent
Published 10/02/2024 If there is a poor response to salbutamol, Ipratropium +/- oxygen in acute asthma what is the next medication as per the asthma guidelines
Published 10/02/2024 Interstitial Lung Disease What gender is IPF more common in?
Published 10/02/2024 Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) List 3 medications which can cause ILD?
Published 10/02/2024 Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) fine ‘velcro-like’ crackles on chest auscultation is most likely which subtype?
Published 10/02/2024 Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) ‘squeaks’ or ‘squawks’ (short duration, high-pitched sounds similar to a wheeze) on chest auscultation may indicate…
Published 10/02/2024 When discharging a child with astham from an Emergency Dept they should not have needed salbutamol for ______ hours
Published 10/02/2024 Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD)‘squeaks’ or ‘squawks’ (short duration, high-pitched sounds similar to a wheeze) on chest auscultation may indicate whi…
Published 10/02/2024 Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis What is the usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) pattern on HRCT is characterised by? (…
Published 10/02/2024 Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Connective tissue associated ILD List three risk factors? (conditions)
Published 10/02/2024 Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Tests to order is suspicious of Connective tissue associated ILD
Published 10/02/2024 Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Occupational lung disease (asbestosis, coal workers pneumoconiosis, mixed dust pneumoconiosis) List three at risk p…
Published 10/02/2024 Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Granulomatous ILD - Pulmonary sarcoid Risk factors?
Published 10/02/2024 Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Granulomatous ILD - Pulmonary sarcoid What will be seen on CXR? What is next test?
Published 10/02/2024 Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Granulomatous ILD - Hypersensitivity pneumonitis aka - extrinsic allergic alveolitis - bird fanciers disease - Hot t…
Published 10/02/2024 Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Granulomatous ILD - Hypersensitivity pneumonitis aka - extrinsic allergic alveolitis - bird fanciers disease - Hot t…
Published 10/02/2024 Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Granulomatous ILD - Hypersensitivity pneumonitis aka - extrinsic allergic alveolitis- bird fanciers disease- Hot t…
Published 10/02/2024 Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Idiopathic interstitial pneumonias Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Management principles / counselling (4)
Published 10/02/2024 List the five common comorbidities in interstitial lung disease
Published 10/02/2024 What 3 conditions of respiratory function must be met before a respiratory patient can fly unconditionally?
Published 10/02/2024 At what FEV1 % cut off must those with COPD or Asthma be reviewed before flying?
Published 10/02/2024 What test should be considered for respiratory patients with baseline Sats <95% prior to flying
Published 10/02/2024 List three conditions which require in flight oxygen therapy assessment prior to airplane travel?
Published 10/02/2024 How are patients who might need in flight oxygen therapy assessed?
Published 10/10/2024 What % of rib fractures are not visible on CXR?
Published 10/10/2024 MyocarditisList 5 different causes
Published 11/09/2024 First line screening tests for suspected active TB? (3)
Published 11/09/2024 Best first line screening test for TB in children <5?
Published 11/09/2024 List 5 features of long term management of patietn with GCA
Published 12/11/2024 What defines (size) a small parapnuemonic effusion on lateral CXR in context of CAP? and what is the management?
Published 12/22/2024 What is shown?What is this a risk factor for?
Published 12/28/2024 COPD Definition of Mild?
Published 12/28/2024 COPD Definition of moderate?
Published 12/28/2024 COPD Definition of severe?
Published 12/28/2024 Stepwise therapy for COPD?
Published 12/28/2024 Which inhaler type is better for a patient with less hand breath coordiation in COPD?
Published 12/28/2024 prevenar dosing for at at risk person (e.g. COPD?)
Published 01/13/2025 What differentiates Chronic cimplicated silicosis from simple silicosis?
Published 01/13/2025 Management actions for Diagnosis of Silicosis (List 5) 
Published 01/13/2025 Differentials for this CXR?Aboriginal woman in FNQ
Published 01/13/2025 LIst three secondary causes of restless legs syndrome?
Published 01/13/2025 ALP mildly elevatedWhat is shown?
Published 01/13/2025 What is shown?
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