Notes in Ruminant GI

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Published 01/17/2025 Know the distinct features of a ruminant that separates them from non-ruminant species.
Published 01/15/2025 Know the dental formula and outstanding characteristics of a ruminant’s teeth/mouth
Published 01/15/2025 Know the 4 different compartments of the ruminant stomach and the general processes that occur in each compartment.
Published 01/15/2025 Know that the ruminant stomach compartments are {{c1::large}}, take up most of the {{c2::abdominal cavity}} and are primarily found on the {{c3::left}…
Published 01/15/2025 Be able to describe why saliva is important in a ruminant and diet alters saliva production. 
Published 01/15/2025 List the main function of the ruminant esophagus and describe how it is different from the esophagus of a non-ruminant
Published 01/15/2025 Be able to describe the epithelial structure and general function of the reticulum
Published 01/15/2025 Describe hardware disease, where it occurs in a ruminant, and what causes this condition
Published 01/17/2025 Be able to describe the main function of the papillae and the epithelia of the rumen.
Published 01/15/2025 Know the factors that contribute to growth and development of rumen papillae
Published 01/15/2025 Know that the {{c1::rumen}} is not just a vast open space and has many different {{c2::pillars}} and {{c3::sacs}} present – know the general function …
Published 01/15/2025 Be able to describe how the diet impacts the rumen
Published 01/15/2025 Understand and describe how development of the rumen occurs – know the esophageal groove and that factors that maintain it and how diet impacts rumen …
Published 01/15/2025 Know the function of the omasum
Published 01/15/2025 Know the function of the abomasum and any unique features present in the abomasum of a ruminant compared to a non-ruminant
Published 01/15/2025 Be able to describe the function of the small intestine in a ruminant
Published 01/15/2025 Know where carbohydrates, protein and lipids are each digested and absorbed in a Ruminant
Published 01/15/2025 Be able to describe the general function of the large intestine in a ruminant animal
Published 01/15/2025 Explain what it means when you state that you are not feeding the ruminant animal, you are feeding the microbes
Published 01/15/2025 Be able to describe the rumen microbial population
Published 01/15/2025 Know the main two fermentation pathways in the rumen microbiome
Published 01/15/2025 Understand microbe terminology
Published 01/15/2025 Know the 4 main kingdoms in the rumen microbiome and the relative amount of the microbiome comprised by each
Published 01/15/2025 Know where most of the microbes are located in the rumen
Published 01/15/2025 Describe the terms alpha diversity and beta diversity and how they relate to efficiency within the rumen
Published 01/15/2025 Know the difference between primary and secondary bacteria
Published 01/15/2025 Describe the role of fungi in the rumen environment
Published 01/15/2025 Define the role of protozoa in the rumen environment and describe why they can be used as a measure of overall rumen health
Published 01/15/2025 What is the role of archae in the rumen? What happens if we remove archae from the rumen? Know how methane impacts rumen efficiency
Published 01/15/2025 Know the 3 main VFA that are produced in the rumen, how many carbons are present in each, the form these VFA are found at within a typical rumen pH, a…
Published 01/15/2025 Know how diet shifts VFA proportions and total amounts of VFA produced
Published 01/17/2025 Know and describe the 3 stages of fermentation and how diet shifts the production of VFA and methane production
Published 01/15/2025 Describe how VFA are absorbed from the rumen
Published 01/17/2025 Know the factors that affects absorption of VFA from the rumen
Published 01/17/2025 Know what environment rumen microbes need for starch fermentation to occur
Published 01/15/2025 Know the optimal pH and doubling times of amylolytic and cellulolytic bacteria
Published 01/15/2025 Understand how proteins are fermented in the rumen
Published 01/15/2025 Be able to describe how urea is utilized in the rumen and the process of urea recycling
Published 01/15/2025 Describe the terms RDP and RUP
Published 01/15/2025 Describe how lipids are altered in the rumen environment
Published 01/15/2025 Know which type of fatty acid is less toxic to rumen microbes
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