Notes in 01b Pediatric Skin Disorders

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Published 01/09/2024 {{c1::Atopic (eczematous)}} dermatitis presents with an intensely pruritic, oozing rash with vesicles and edema due to a type {{c2::I}} HSR
Published 01/09/2024 Atopic (eczematous) dermatitis usually appears on the {{c1::face}} in infancy
Published 01/09/2024 Atopic (eczematous) dermatitis often manifests as lichenification on {{c1::flexor}} surfaces in children and adults
Published 01/09/2024 {{c1::Atopic (eczematous)}} dermatitis is associated with asthma and allergic rhinitis
Published 01/09/2024 Atopic (eczematous) dermatitis is associated with increased serum Ig{{c1::E}}
Published 01/09/2024 Which skin disorder is characterized by localized loss of skin pigmentation? {{c1::Vitiligo}}
Published 01/09/2024 What skin disorder is caused by autoimmune destruction of melanocytes?{{c1::Vitiligo}}
Published 01/09/2024 Dupilumab is a monoclonal antibody against the {{c1::IL4}} receptor alpha subunit
Published 01/09/2024 Dupilumab is indicated for {{c1::atopic dermatitis}}
Published 01/09/2024 Vitiligo is often associated with other {{c1::autoimmune}} conditions
Published 01/09/2024 What is the first-line treatment for atopic dermatitis (eczema)?{{c1::Topical emollients}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in an infant that presents with erythematous plaques with yellow, greasy scale on the scalp, eyelids, nasolabial folds, a…
Published 01/09/2024 Seborrheic dermatitis is a common, chronic inflammatory disease that presents with a flaky, scaling, rash involving the {{c1::scalp}} and {{c1::eyebro…
Published 01/09/2024 When Seborrheic Dermatitis is seen in infants, it is known as "{{c1::Cradle Cap}}"
Published 01/09/2024 When seborrheic dermatitis is seen in adults, this most commonly presents as {{c1::dandruff}}
Published 01/09/2024 Seborrheic dermatitis is caused by oversecretion of the {{c1::sebaceous glands}} due to a hypersensitivity reaction to {{c2::Malassezia}} and {{…
Published 01/09/2024 Seborrheic dermatitis is typically treated with low-potency topical {{c1::steroids}}, topical {{c1::ketoconazole}}, or a(n) {{c2::selenium}}-base…
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in an infant that presents with the lesion below?{{c1::Superficial infantile (strawberry) hemangioma}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the recommended treatment for seborrheic dermatitis in infants?{{c1::Oils and nonmedicated shampoos}}
Published 01/09/2024 Abnormal melanocyte migration and white forelock on the scalp is suggestive of {{c1::piebaldism::diagnosis}}
Published 01/09/2024 Erythematous, non-itchy greasy plaques/scales including nasolabial folds is characteristic of {{c1::seborrheic dermatitis::condition}}
Published 01/09/2024 Rapidly growing with ↑ bleeding, associated trauma and pregnancy?{{c1::Pyogenic granuloma}}
Published 01/09/2024 Oculocutaneous albinism is inherited in a(n) {{c1::autosomal recessive}} fashion
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Seborrheic dermatitis}}img {max-height: 100vh;}
Published 01/09/2024 Atopic dermatitis usually {{c1::spares::affects vs spares}} the diaper region in infancy
Published 01/09/2024 Atopic dermatitis can be diagnosed solely based on the presence of {{c1::pruritus::sx}}  + typical distribution
Published 01/09/2024 {{c1::Pityriasis alba}} is a clinical feature of atopic dermatitis that disrupts melanosome transfer to keratinocytes and results in hypo-pigmented sk…
Published 01/09/2024 {{c3::Acute}} atopic dermatitis occurs due to {{c1::Th2}}-mediated release of cytokines
Published 01/09/2024 {{c3::Chronic}} atopic dermatitis occurs due to {{c1::Th1}}-mediated release of cytokines
Published 01/09/2024 Mutations in {{c1::filaggrin}} cause {{c2::increased}} skin permeability and {{c2::increased}} skin pH, which can lead to inflammation in atopic derma…
Published 01/09/2024 People with {{c1::atopic dermatitis}} are predisposed to {{c2::Staph aureus}} colonization due to low expression of antimicrobial peptides, …
Published 01/09/2024 Rank the 3 moisturizer vehicles used to treat atopic dermatitis, from best to worst:{{c1::Ointment}} > {{c1::cream}} > {{c1::lotion}}
Published 01/09/2024 {{c1::Neutral::pH}} soap is best for atopic dermatitis
Published 01/09/2024 The mainstay of treatment for atopic dermatitis is {{c1::topical steroids}}
Published 01/09/2024 Topical steroid use is limited to {{c1::2}} times per day to prevent {{c2::stretch marks}}, which can arise with steroid overuse
Published 01/09/2024 10% of patients taking dupilumab will experience {{c1::conjunctivitis}} as a side effect
Published 01/09/2024 Seborrheic dermatitis usually {{c1::affects::affects vs spares}} the diaper region in infancy
Published 01/09/2024 {{c1::Seborrheic::Atopic vs Seborrheic}} dermatitis is self-resolving in infants
Published 01/09/2024 Oculocutaneous albinism type {{c1::1A}} presents with absent tyrosinase
Published 01/09/2024 Oculocutaneous albinism type {{c1::1B}} presents with impaired tyrosinase
Published 01/09/2024 Oculocutaneous albinism type {{c1::2}} presents with impaired P gene, which controls processing of tyrosinase
Published 01/09/2024 The most common treatments for vitiligo are topical {{c1::steroids}} or topical {{c1::calcineurin inhibitors}}
Published 01/09/2024 Infantile hemangiomas typically stop growing by age {{c1::5 months}}
Published 01/09/2024 Infantile hemangioma is generally managed with observation, but treatment is indicated if it is located on the {{c1::ear, lip, or nasal tip::3}}
Published 01/09/2024 Infantile hemangioma is generally managed with observation, but treatment is indicated if there is {{c1::ulceration}}, functional {{c1::impairment}}, …
Published 01/09/2024 What is the most common complication of infantile hemangioma?{{c1::Ulceration}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the recommended management for pyogenic granuloma?{{c1::Shave removal}}
Published 01/09/2024 Atopic dermatitis that doesn't respond to moisturizers and low-potency topical steroids = {{c1::mid-potency topical steroids::next step}}
Published 01/09/2024 Seborrheic dermatitis in infants can be treated with emollients, nonmedicated shampoos, and baby {{c1::oil}}, as long as it's not from {{c1:…
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Atopic dermatitis}}img {max-height: 100vh;}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Atopic dermatitis}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Atopic dermatitis}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Atopic dermatitis}}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Pityriasis alba}}img {max-height: 100vh;}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Pityriasis alba}}img {max-height: 100vh;}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Segmental vitiligo}}img {max-height: 100vh;}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Generalized vitiligo}}img {max-height: 100vh;}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Ulcerated infantile hemangioma}}img {max-height: 100vh;}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::Ulcerated infantile hemangioma}}img {max-height: 100vh;}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::(Deep) infantile hemangioma}}img {max-height: 100vh;}
Published 01/09/2024 What is the likely diagnosis?{{c1::(Superficial) infantile hemangioma}}img {max-height: 100vh;}
Published 01/09/2024 Hearing loss + white hair + wide eyes + heterochromia = {{c1::Waardenburg Syndrome}}
Published 01/09/2024 The mainstay of treatment for atopic dermatitis is {{c1::moisturizers}} to prevent outbreaks and {{c1::topical steroids}…
Published 01/09/2024 To treat atopic dermatitis that is refractory to topical medication, you can use {{c1::phototherapy}}, {{c2::targeted immunologic}} therapy or other n…
Published 01/09/2024 Seborrheic dermatitis occurs due to proliferation of the stratum {{c1::corneum}} resulting in thick scale/hyperkeratosisAlso, you can have overactive …
Published 01/09/2024 {{c1::Melanocytes::what cells?}} have tenticles which connect to keratinocytes, passing the melanin up to the higher layers of the skin
Published 01/09/2024 Vitiligo has skin {{c1::de}}pigmentation that is usually acquired and bilateral
Published 01/09/2024 Nevus depigmentosus shows skin that is {{c1::hypo}}pigmented and generally does not cross the midline
Published 01/09/2024 Vitiligo is {{c1::symmetric::symmetric/asymmetric}} and occurs in zones of frequent skin {{c1::friction/trauma}}
Published 01/09/2024 Poliosis is when you have absent pigment of {{c1::hair}}
Published 01/09/2024 Vitiligo is an autoimmune condition where you get destruction of {{c1::melanocytes::what cell?}}, and you treat with {{c2::immunosuppressive}} medicat…
Published 01/09/2024 68a7394b36444feb922c59b28b5e0c6a-oa-1
Published 01/09/2024 Infantile hemangioma starts rapidly proliferating within the {{c1::1st}} month and then naturally over time it involutes and getsbetter by year 4-5
Published 01/09/2024 80250eeecbba42548a1c138c39a79565-oa-1
Published 01/09/2024 80250eeecbba42548a1c138c39a79565-oa-2
Published 01/09/2024 80250eeecbba42548a1c138c39a79565-oa-3
Published 01/09/2024 Infantile hemangioma with a beard distribution carries a risk of {{c1::airway hemangioma(s)}}
Published 01/09/2024 Infantile hemangioma can cause a periocular complication which carries a risk of {{c1::visual compromise}}
Published 01/09/2024 Infantile hemangioma can also be associated with {{c1::internal}} diseases such as PHACE syndrome, LUMBAR/PELVIS syndrome, spinal dysiaphism
Published 01/09/2024 Treatment for infantile hemangioma is {{c1::hemangeol}} (propanolol) in infants > {{c2::5 weeks}} of age
Published 01/09/2024 {{c2::Pyogenic granuloma}} is a red, rapidly growing papule/nodule common on the face of pre-school aged children. It is benign, acquired, and bl…
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