Notes in Protein and Lipid Metabolism Lecture

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Published 09/18/2023 The last bond (between beta and gamma phosphates) on ATP has the {{c1::greatest energy}} and is used for {{c1::muscle contractions }}The second b…
Published 09/18/2023 how protein Ends up in different compartmentsProteins to be secreted = {{c1::carbohydrate side chain on serine / threonine residues within specific AA…
Published 09/18/2023 How proteins end up in different compartments:TO lysosome = {{c1::more sugars added to protein}} TO cell membrane vesicle = {{c2::termi…
Published 09/18/2023 {{c1::Prion disease}} = mad cow disease (alpha helix ⇒ beta sheet aggregation in brain){{c1::Cystic Fibrosis}} = deficient Cl- channels so n…
Published 09/18/2023 {{c1::Alpha-Antitrypsin disease}} = A1AT protein misfolding leads: 1. {{c2::Polymerization}} and cirrhosis of liver (gain of toxic func…
Published 09/18/2023 Tetanus toxin: Toxin is a {{c1::protease}} that cleaves receptors. So NO release of {{c1::inhibitory NT }
Published 09/18/2023 Botulinum Toxin: {{c1::Inhibits}} release of Ach by exocytosis (paralysis)
Published 09/18/2023 Urea cycel disorder = diet low in {{c1::AA}}
Published 09/18/2023 Treatments for Urea cycle disorders: {{c2::1. Sodium phenylbutyrate}} (metabolized into phenylacetate) = {{c1::conjugates with glutamin…
Published 09/18/2023 Insulin binds to RTK receptors and causes two pathways:1. {{c1::Ras 1/MAPk pathway}}⇒ cell growth (insulin acts as glycogen synthesis and lipogenesis)…
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