Notes in B)Intro to Anatomy

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Published 08/12/2024 Describe and demonstrate standard anatomical position
Published 08/12/2024 Describe the planes of anatomical section
Published 08/12/2024 Apply the planes of anatomical section to medical imaging 
Published 08/12/2024  Apply the planes of anatomical section to medical imaging 
Published 08/12/2024 -  {{c1::anterior/ventral}} (front) vs. {{c1::posterior/dorsal}} (back) -  {{c1::rostral}} (closer to nose) vs. {{c1::caudal}} …
Published 08/12/2024 Describe the contents of a nerve, including afferent and efferent components 
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Nerves}} are bundle of axons, both sensory and motor, arranged in sequential bundles wrapped in myelin and supportive glial cells - Often a…
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Axons}} can deliver signals to/from brain/spinal cord to/from target - motor (brain to target) vs. sensory (target to brain)
Published 08/12/2024 Explain the clinical relevance of spinal cord segments, dermatome, myotome, peripheral nerve territories, and referred pain. 
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Cranial nerves (12 pairs)}} have specific functions - motor, sensory, or both 
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Spinal nerves (31 pairs)}} are always both motor and sensory 
Published 08/12/2024 Cervical ({{c1::8}}), thoracic ({{c1::12}}), lumbar ({{c1::5}}), sacral/coccygeal ({{c1::6}}) → cervical plexus, brachial plexus, intercostal nerv…
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Dermatome}}: all skin innervated by that spinal nerve on that side 
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Myotome}}: all muscles innervated by that spinal nerve on that side 
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Peripheral}} nerve territories: do not directly match dermatomes/myotomes 
Published 08/12/2024  4 regions where anterior rami (spinal nerve branches) recombine called plexus of nerves: {{c1::cervical, brachial, lumbar, sacral }}
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Referred pain}}: pain on a part of the body wall that refers back to a specific organ b/c of cross-talk between sensory neurons from organs …
Published 08/12/2024 Peripheral nervous system 
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Arteries}}: away from heart, thick smooth muscle and elastic fibers for high pressure 
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Veins}}: towards heart, valves to prevent backflow, thinner smooth muscle for lowerpressures 
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Neurovascular bundles:}} arteries, veins, and nerves run in parallel enclosed by a fascial/vascular sheath 
Published 08/12/2024 Flow of blood: {{c1::IVC/SVC → RA → tricuspid valve → RV → pulmonary valve → pulmonary arteries → lungs → pulmonary veins → LA → mitral valve → LV…
Published 08/12/2024 Explain the clinical relevance of anastomosis, collateral circulation, venous drainage, and lymphatic drainage 
Published 08/12/2024 Fascia:
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Deep}} fascia is tough, mostly tendinous dense regular connective tissue, no fat - Overlies muscles and varies in thickness 
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1:: Bursa}}: sacs of connective tissue with serous fluid around mobile structures to lubricate and protect, e.g. tendons, heart, lungs -{…
Published 08/12/2024 {{c1::Potential space}} from separation of parietal and visceral layers; pathologic or due to clinical intervention, e.g. aortic dissection 
Published 08/12/2024 . Describe how relationships between organ systems can be used to organize knowledge in a somatic example (muscular compartment) and a visceral exampl…
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