Notes in Hruban Ch 1 - 18

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Published 09/27/2024 What are the 3 fundamental issues?
Published 09/27/2024 What are the 5 basic steps of grossing?
Published 09/27/2024 What is the pro of fixation before dissection? Cons?
Published 09/27/2024 What are the 3 goals of grossing?
Published 09/27/2024 Attempts to maximize info that can be obtained from a given diagnosis
Published 09/27/2024 In general, most sections of a tumor should be obtained from _____________
Published 09/27/2024 When sampling a margin, which cut is usually preferred?
Published 09/27/2024 What is the advantage of a perpendicular section?
Published 09/27/2024 What is a pro of a shave section?
Published 09/27/2024 LNs larger than ____mm should be serially sectioned in 2 - 3 intervals
Published 09/27/2024 A comprehensive statement that integrates macroscopic and microscopic findings
Published 09/27/2024 What is central to histologic preparation?
Published 09/27/2024 What are the 4 groups of fixatives based on the MOA?
Published 09/27/2024 Fixative agent like formaldehyde that acts by cross-linking proteins
Published 09/27/2024 Fixative agent like osmium tetroxide and potassium permanganate; possibly cross-link
Published 09/27/2024 Fixative that are all denaturing agents
Published 09/27/2024 Fixative agents that act by forming insoluble metallic precipitates
Published 09/27/2024 Formalin tends to remove glycogen and is therefore not suitable for ___________
Published 09/27/2024 What is the fixation rate of 10% NBF?
Published 09/27/2024 Which fixative is one of the slowest for which tissues should be cut into 1mm cubes and immediately placed in the refrigerated fixative?
Published 09/27/2024 This fixative is rarely used do to its disadvantages of: slow penetration causing excessive hardening, shrinkage and cell distortion, dissolves fats
Published 09/27/2024 Fixative of choice for testicular bx?
Published 09/27/2024 Tissue w/ hollow lumina should be opened and solid tissue partially sectioned at ________mm intervals
Published 09/27/2024 Tissue submitted for processing should NOT be greater than ___mm
Published 09/27/2024 Tissue w/ adipose tissue should NOT be greater than ___mm
Published 09/27/2024 How much space should be b/w the tissue and all cassette edges?
Published 09/27/2024 Employ an unlabeled Ab to a specific tissue Ag followed by treatment in 1+ steps w/ an enzyme-labeled Ab
Published 09/27/2024 What are 3 things that can improve IHC results?
Published 09/27/2024 In IHC, what does overfixation cause?
Published 09/27/2024 Acid decal must be removed so it does NOT ________________
Published 09/27/2024 What are the 3 methods for intraoperative consult?
Published 09/27/2024 What fixative is preferred for molecular genetic analytics?
Published 09/27/2024 What is the focus for molecular genetic analysis?
Published 09/27/2024 What is the most versatile and easy to use system for photography in the gross room?
Published 09/27/2024 If tumor is visualized grossly, what staining is sufficient for LNs
Published 09/27/2024 What structures are included in the supraglottis?
Published 09/27/2024 What structures are included in the glottis?
Published 09/27/2024 What is the region of the subglottis?
Published 09/27/2024 What are the mucosal landmarks of the larynx?
Published 09/27/2024 Triangular space anterior to the base of the epiglottis
Published 09/27/2024 Ill-defined area composed of loose CT b/w thyroid cartilage and 2 membranes that form the structural base for the vocal cords
Published 09/27/2024 Anterior dense ligamentous attachment of true vocal cords to thyroid cartilage
Published 09/27/2024 Which direction does the epiglottis close?
Published 09/27/2024 What is inked in a larynx specimen?
Published 09/27/2024 What MARGINS are sampled and how in a larynx specimen (3)?
Published 09/27/2024 Voice preserving procedure in which only half of the larynx (thyroid cartilage, true & false vocal cords, ventricle) is removed
Published 09/27/2024 Procedure performed for tumors of the supraglottic larynx - supraglottis removed w/ horizontal incision through ventricles
Published 09/27/2024 What is unique of the parotid glands?
Published 09/27/2024 Orientation and spread of the maxilla:Inferior
Published 09/27/2024 Orientation and spread of the maxilla:Superior
Published 09/27/2024 Orientation and spread of the maxilla:Medial
Published 09/27/2024 Orientation and spread of the maxilla:Anterior/lateral
Published 09/27/2024 Orientation and spread of the maxilla:Posterior
Published 09/27/2024 What are the margins in a maxillectomy?
Published 09/27/2024 Does the esophagus have a serosa?
Published 09/27/2024 Esophageal tumors:At GEJ, classified as ______________ if epicenter is in esophagus
Published 09/27/2024 Esophageal tumors:If epicenter is in stomach, classified as _______________
Published 09/27/2024 Esophageal tumors:If epicenter is at junction of tube esophagus and sac stomach, classified as ________
Published 09/27/2024 What are the 2 margins of an esophageal specimen?
Published 09/27/2024 What are the TOTAL sections submitted in an esophageal specimen?
Published 09/27/2024 What are the 4 anatomical regions of the stomach?
Published 09/27/2024 Which region of the stomach displays prominent rugal folds?
Published 09/27/2024 Which region of the stomach has comparatively flat mucosa?
Published 09/27/2024 Does the stomach have an adventitia or serosa?
Published 09/27/2024 In a gastrectomy, what should be measured fresh?
Published 09/27/2024 In a gastrectomy, if the tumor involves ___% of the esophagus, it's classified esophageal
Published 09/27/2024 For a gastrectomy, what are the additional sections submitted for tumor?
Published 09/27/2024 For a gastrectomy, what are the additional sections submitted for peptic ulcer dx?
Published 09/27/2024 For a gastrectomy, what are the standard sections?
Published 09/27/2024 For non-neoplastic intestinal dx, how should the specimen be placed in the cassette?
Published 09/27/2024 For a resection for inflam bowel dx, how should the sm int be opened?
Published 09/27/2024 For a resection for inflam bowel dx, how should the lg int be opened?
Published 09/27/2024 What are the standard sections for non-neoplastic intestinal dx?
Published 09/27/2024 What is the major objective in dissecting a simple appendectomy?
Published 09/27/2024 The inflammatory process in an appendix converts the glistening, smooth, than serosa into a surface that is ____, __________ and ________________
Published 09/27/2024 If storage dx is suspected in a liver bx, what fixative should a sm portion be placed in and for what test?
Published 09/27/2024 For a partial hepatectomy, what serves as the surgical resection margin?
Published 09/27/2024 How is the liver sectioned, according to resection margin?
Published 09/27/2024 What is the aim of liver transplants?
Published 09/27/2024 What is the orientation the porta hepatis (bile duct, artery, vein)?
Published 09/27/2024 Where does the dissection begin on a liver?
Published 09/27/2024 What sections in a liver resection are taken as a shave?
Published 09/27/2024 After taking the vessels, in a liver resection, what is located, probed and searched for?
Published 09/27/2024 What is included in the perpendicular section at the hilum of a liver resection?
Published 09/27/2024 How many sections are taken from the lobes of the liver?
Published 09/27/2024 _______________ forms a conduit where bile produced by hepatocytes is transmitted and concentrated in the _____________ and excreted into the ________…
Published 09/27/2024 Bile secreted into _________ drain into the _________________ bile ducts which join to form larger __________ unto L & R _________ emerging from the l…
Published 09/27/2024 L & R hepatic ducts join to form the _________, then joined by the ___________ of the gallbladder to form the __________________________
Published 09/27/2024 The distal ___________ joins w/ the __________________ w/in the head of the pancreas and empties into the duodenum via the ________________
Published 09/27/2024 What is the smooth side of the gallbladder lined by?
Published 09/27/2024 What is the surgical margin of the gallbladder?
Published 09/27/2024 Do NOT open gallbladder along ________; could dislodge stones
Published 09/27/2024 If a neoplasm is present in the gallbladder (exophytic lsn) what should be inked? Why?
Published 09/27/2024 What are most commonly encountered as a part of pancreaticoduodenectomy, partial or total hepatectomies?
Published 09/27/2024 What is inked in a local or segmental biliary resection?
Published 09/27/2024 Carcinoma of bile ducts can infiltrate diffusely into the bile duct wall and mimic a ____________________________
Published 09/27/2024 Where are choledochal cysts inked?
Published 09/27/2024 How are choledochal cysts opened?
Published 09/27/2024 ____% of choledochal cysts in adults harbor carcinoma; the risk of carcinoma developing in adults ____________ w/ age
Published 09/27/2024 What are the sections taken for a choledochal cyst?
Published 09/27/2024 Procedure for whipple specimen
Published 09/27/2024 What are the 4 structural components in a whipple?
Published 09/27/2024 What is the orientation of the duodenum in a whipple?
Published 09/27/2024 Pancreatic groove enveloping superior mesenteric artery and vein
Published 09/27/2024 What is inked in a whipple?
Published 09/27/2024 In a whipple, how is the duodenum opened?
Published 09/27/2024 What are the shave sections in a whipple?
Published 09/27/2024 What are the perpendicular sections in a whipple?
Published 09/27/2024 If the gallbladder is present in a whipple specimen, how is it opened?
Published 09/27/2024 What is inked in a distal pancreatectomy?
Published 09/27/2024 If a cystic tumor is present in a pancreatectomy, when would it be entirely submitted?
Published 09/27/2024 Do mucinous cystic neoplasms or intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms involve the duct system?
Published 09/27/2024 Formed by the confluence of pancreatic and distal CBDs as they pass through the wall of the duodenum
Published 09/27/2024 What structures are submitted in an ampullectomy?
Published 09/27/2024 What is inked in an ampullectomy?
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