Notes in 01 Particles and Radiation

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Status Last Update Fields
Published 01/09/2024 nucleons{{c1::protons and neutrons}}
Published 01/09/2024 800a549a2ec04744b83816888ca08ada-oa-1
Published 01/09/2024 800a549a2ec04744b83816888ca08ada-oa-2
Published 01/09/2024 800a549a2ec04744b83816888ca08ada-oa-3
Published 01/09/2024 4cfcf3d6818d4d679a0c9d72608f6d05-oa-1
Published 01/09/2024 4cfcf3d6818d4d679a0c9d72608f6d05-oa-2
Published 01/09/2024 proton number/atomic number{{c1::number of protons}}
Published 01/09/2024 nucleon number{{c1::mass number - total protons and neutrons(nucleons)}}
Published 01/09/2024 Proton number Z, nucleon number A, is the {{c1::nuclide}} notation. 
Published 01/09/2024 7d9d58dd0b464ff8a9a5ca494e2eca71-oa-1
Published 01/09/2024 7d9d58dd0b464ff8a9a5ca494e2eca71-oa-2
Published 01/09/2024 specific charge{{c1::particles ratio of charge to mass - particles charge in relation to mass}}
Published 01/09/2024 "specific"{{c1::per unit of mass}}
Published 01/09/2024 fundamental particle{{c1::cannot be split up - electron}}
Published 01/09/2024 specific charge formula{{c1::charge(C)/mass(kg)}}
Published 01/09/2024 isotopes{{c1::same number of proton, different number of neutron}}
Published 01/09/2024 isotopic data{{c1::relative amounts of different isotopes present in a substance}}
Published 01/09/2024 forces acting in the nucleus{{c1::electromagnetic force}}{{c1::gravitational force}}{{c1::strong nuclear force}}
Published 01/09/2024 electromagnetic force in nucleus causes{{c1::positively charged proton to repel}}
Published 01/09/2024 gravitational force in nucleus causes{{c1::all nucleons to attract eachother due to their mass}}
Published 01/09/2024 role of strong nuclear force{{c1::keep nucleus stable}}
Published 01/09/2024 short-range of attraction of strong nuclear force{{c1::3fm}} 
Published 01/09/2024 very-short range of repulsion of strong nuclear force{{c1::0.5fm}}
Published 01/09/2024 3aab384796a94991882bcdc529b97ecd-oa-1
Published 01/09/2024 3aab384796a94991882bcdc529b97ecd-oa-2
Published 01/09/2024 3aab384796a94991882bcdc529b97ecd-oa-3
Published 01/09/2024 distance between nucleons is called {{c1::nucleon seperation}}
Published 01/09/2024 nuclear decay{{c1::unstable nuclei emit particles to become stable}}
Published 01/09/2024 what happens in alpha decay{{c1::2 protons and 2 neutrons are emitted}}{{c1::atomic number decreases by two, nucleon number decreases by four}}
Published 01/09/2024 symbol of alpha particle{{c1::α2 proton 2 neutron}}
Published 01/09/2024 what happens in beta- decay{{c1::one neutron changes to proton}}{{c1::beta particle/electron ejected + anti-electron neutrino}}{{c1::proton number inc…
Published 01/09/2024 what is emitted in beta decay{{c1::beta particle/electron}}{{c1::electron antineutrino particle}}
Published 01/09/2024 symbol of electron ejected during beta decay{{c1::β}}
Published 01/09/2024 symbol of electron antineutrino{{c1:: ̅νe}}
Published 01/09/2024 observation that changed the thought that electrons were the only particles emitted during beta decay{{c1::energy of particles after decay was less th…
Published 01/09/2024 what did Wolfgang Pauli suggest to explain the observation "energy of particles after beta decay was less than before"{{c1::suggested another particle…
Published 01/09/2024 why was the existence of the antineutrino hypothesised{{c1::account for conservation of energy in beta decay}}{{c1::number of leptons(must note: what …
Published 01/09/2024 describe forces between protons in stable nuclei{{c1::force of attraction by gravity(negligible since nucleons are tiny)}}{{c1::electrostatic/electrom…
Published 01/09/2024 what does the antineutrino carry{{c1::missing rest energy after beta decay}}{{c1::momentum}}
Published 01/09/2024 3a91b29c4665411cae982c9fd96bf6eb-oa-1
Published 01/09/2024 f19182e2447246f2a481996c04c51ec2-ao-1
Published 01/09/2024 higher the electromagnetic radiation, greater its {{c1::energy}}
Published 01/09/2024 photons{{c1::discrete packets of energy that make up electro-magnetic waves}}
Published 01/09/2024 formula for energy of a photon{{c1::E = hf = hc/λE = amount of energy in Photon(J)h = Planck's constant = 6.63 × 10-34 Jsc = speed of light(3 × 1…
Published 01/09/2024 what is different about anti-particles and particles{{c1::same mass different charge}}
Published 01/09/2024 anti-electron is also known as{{c1::positron}}
Published 01/09/2024 how to indicate the symbol of an antiparticle{{c1::letter has a bar on topnote: except an electron which is e+}}
Published 01/09/2024 difference between beta minus decay and beta plus decay{{c1::beta minus decay gives out electron + antineutrinobeta plus decay gives out positron + ne…
Published 01/09/2024 positron(anti-electron) emmision{{c1::beta-plus decay proton → positron + neutrino + neutron}}
Published 01/09/2024 pair production{{c1::when energy is turned into mass, you get equal amount of matter and anti-matter}}
Published 01/09/2024 what results in annihilation{{c1::particle meets its antiparticle}}
Published 01/09/2024 what happens in annihilation{{c1::particles meet antiparticles andall mass of particle gets converted to energyin the form of two gamma ray photons -&…
Published 01/09/2024 exchange particles{{c1::when two particles interact and exert a force on one anotherexchange particles let one particle know that the other one's ther…
Published 01/09/2024 what type of particles are exchange particles{{c1::transient or virtual particles}}
Published 01/09/2024 virtual particles{{c1::exist for very short time "ceases to exist"}}
Published 01/09/2024 four fundamental forces{{c1::electro-magnetic}}{{c1::gravity}}{{c1::strong force}}{{c1::weak force}}
Published 01/09/2024 what are exchange particles called{{c1::gauge bosons}}
Published 01/09/2024 ForceExchange particles//Gauge bosonsymbolsrangeelectro-magnetic{{c1::virtual photon}}{{c1::γ }}{{c4::infinite}}weak {{c2::W bosons}}{{c2::W+, W-…
Published 01/09/2024 why do W bosons have a shorter range than virtual photons{{c1::size of exchange particles determine range of forceW bosons are x100 proton → photons h…
Published 01/09/2024 what do wiggly lines represent in Richard Feynmans diagrams{{c1::exchange particles}}
Published 01/09/2024 what do straight lines represent in Richard Feynmans diagram{{c1::other particles}}
Published 01/09/2024 rules for particle interaction diagrams{{c1::charge must be conserved at each junction}}{{c1::direction of lines does NOT show direction of particles}…
Published 01/09/2024 23aab4ca2c5341638f38f86424f16596-oa-1
Published 01/09/2024 23aab4ca2c5341638f38f86424f16596-oa-3
Published 01/09/2024 23aab4ca2c5341638f38f86424f16596-oa-4
Published 01/09/2024 451d07b26e214ec894fc670c30c27ab0-oa-1
Published 01/09/2024 451d07b26e214ec894fc670c30c27ab0-oa-2
Published 01/09/2024 451d07b26e214ec894fc670c30c27ab0-oa-3
Published 01/09/2024 electron capture{{c1::proton rich nuclei "captures" incoming electron from inside nucleus → changes it into neutronp + e- → n + ve}}
Published 01/09/2024 In electron capture where does the W boson come from{{c1::proton - since proton acts upon electron as it captures it}}
Published 01/09/2024 why is electron neutrino emmited in electron capture{{c1::conserve electron lepton number}}
Published 01/09/2024 ed827377292d4085812015062a70e1a8-oa-1
Published 01/09/2024 ed827377292d4085812015062a70e1a8-oa-2
Published 01/09/2024 ed827377292d4085812015062a70e1a8-oa-3
Published 01/09/2024 draw particle interaction diagram for electro-magnetic repulsion{{c1::}}
Published 01/09/2024 difference between electron-proton collision and electron capture{{c1::electron capture takes place in the nucleus}}{{c1::electron-proton collision is…
Published 01/09/2024 why does W boson come from electron in electron-positron collision and from proton in electron capture{{c1::in electron-proton collision, electron is …
Published 01/09/2024 where does W boson come from in electron-proton collision{{c1::electron - electron is "acting" because its being fired at proton}}
Published 01/09/2024 8f5435a4c54049f5822fe53176d1d5c7-oa-1
Published 01/09/2024 8f5435a4c54049f5822fe53176d1d5c7-oa-2
Published 01/09/2024 8f5435a4c54049f5822fe53176d1d5c7-oa-3
Published 01/09/2024 what forces are hadrons subjected to{{c1::strong nuclear force}}
Published 01/09/2024 what are hadrons made of{{c1::quarks}}
Published 01/09/2024 types of hadrons{{c1::baryons}}{{c1::mesons}}
Published 01/09/2024 only stable baryon{{c1::protonother baryon eventually decay into a proton}}
Published 01/09/2024 antibaryons{{c1::antiparticles of protons and neutrons → antiprotons and antineutrons}}
Published 01/09/2024 baryon number{{c1::quantum number that must be conserved}}
Published 01/09/2024 baryon number of proton and the neutron{{c1::B = +1}}
Published 01/09/2024 baryon number of antibaryons(antiprotons and the antineutron){{c1::B = -1}}
Published 01/09/2024 baryon number of other particles(that are not baryons){{c1::B = 0}}
Published 01/09/2024 conservation of baryon number {{c1::total baryon number in any particle interaction never changes}}
Published 01/09/2024 pions{{c1::lighest meson- its not the exchange particle for strong nuclear force}}
Published 01/09/2024 three versions of pion{{c1::π+}}{{c1::π0}}{{c1::π-}}
Published 01/09/2024 kaons{{c1::heavier/more unstable than pions → short lifetime → decay into pion}}
Published 01/09/2024 leptons{{c1::fundamental particles that not subjected to strong nuclear force}}
Published 01/09/2024 lepton numbers{{c1::quantum number that must be conserved}}
Published 01/09/2024 two types of lepton numbers{{c1::Le}}{{c1::Lμ}}
Published 01/09/2024 {{c1::e-}} and {{c1::ve(electron neutrino)}} have {{c2::Le}} of +1
Published 01/09/2024 {{c1::μ-(muon electron)}} and {{c1::vμ(muon-neutrino)}} have {{c2::Lμ}} of +1
Published 01/09/2024 f2dc703f2e8243f28a74fb3148171d50-ao-1
Published 01/09/2024 f2dc703f2e8243f28a74fb3148171d50-ao-2
Published 01/09/2024 c0b902dc59954c50a94ccde9fb88bdb2-ao-1
Published 01/09/2024 c0b902dc59954c50a94ccde9fb88bdb2-ao-2
Published 01/09/2024 15c9b1296e5f436184107e7b7a86ae9b-oa-1
Published 01/09/2024 15c9b1296e5f436184107e7b7a86ae9b-oa-2
Published 01/09/2024 15c9b1296e5f436184107e7b7a86ae9b-oa-3
Published 01/09/2024 15c9b1296e5f436184107e7b7a86ae9b-oa-4
Published 01/09/2024 15c9b1296e5f436184107e7b7a86ae9b-oa-5
Published 01/09/2024 how are strange particles created{{c1::via strong interaction force → strangeness in conserved}}
Published 01/09/2024 what does conservation of strangeness mean{{c1::strange particles must be created in pairs}}
Published 01/09/2024 strangeness{{c1::quantum number that must be conserved}}
Published 01/09/2024 conservation rule of strangeness in weak interaction{{c1::strangeness can change by +1, 0 or -1}}
Published 01/09/2024 what force is involved in decay of strange particles {{c1::weak interaction e.g. decay of kaons}}
Published 01/09/2024 conservation rules{{c1::energy}}{{c1::momentum}}{{c1::baryon number}}{{c1::lepton number}}{{c1::charge}}{{c1::strangeness(in strong // weak interactio…
Published 01/09/2024 what is energy of a particle made of{{c1::rest mass energy}}{{c1::Ek}}
Published 01/09/2024 hadron stability{{c1::mesons are unstable and decay quickly}}{{c1::proton is only stable baryon}}{{c1::neutrons are unstable outside nucleus - half li…
Published 01/09/2024 three main types of quarks{{c1::up, down, strange}}
Published 01/09/2024 d3d3f29ab6eb4ded95e5b814cc44b7f5-oa-1
Published 01/09/2024 d3d3f29ab6eb4ded95e5b814cc44b7f5-oa-2
Published 01/09/2024 d3d3f29ab6eb4ded95e5b814cc44b7f5-oa-3
Published 01/09/2024 13425ccc01e6497eb6349e99c0df382e-oa-1
Published 01/09/2024 13425ccc01e6497eb6349e99c0df382e-oa-2
Published 01/09/2024 13425ccc01e6497eb6349e99c0df382e-oa-3
Published 01/09/2024 composition of baryons{{c1::three quarks}}
Published 01/09/2024 composition of protons{{c1::uud}}
Published 01/09/2024 composition of neutrons{{c1::udd}}
Published 01/09/2024 composition of mesons{{c1::quark, antiquark}}
Published 01/09/2024 composition of anti baryons{{c1::three anti quarks}}
Published 01/09/2024 {{c1::gluons}} bind quarks together
Published 01/09/2024 quarks are subjects to {{c1::strong}} interaction
Published 01/09/2024 which meson have strangeness{{c1::kaons}}
Published 01/09/2024 What possible quarks can pions be made of{{c1::updownanti-upanti-down quarks}}
Published 01/09/2024 49449e61318b4e5ca3722c1420b4b3bb-oa-4
Published 01/09/2024 49449e61318b4e5ca3722c1420b4b3bb-oa-5
Published 01/09/2024 49449e61318b4e5ca3722c1420b4b3bb-oa-6
Published 01/09/2024 changing a quark to another quark is known as changing a quarks {{c1::character}}
Published 01/09/2024 what force changes a quarks character{{c1::weak interaction force}}
Published 01/09/2024 quark confinement{{c1::not possible to get quark by itself}}
Published 01/09/2024 what happens if lots of energy is blasted at proton{{c1::single quark will NOT be removed → energy would be changed into matter, so two quarks in a pa…
Published 01/09/2024 49449e61318b4e5ca3722c1420b4b3bb-oa-1
Published 01/09/2024 23aab4ca2c5341638f38f86424f16596-oa-2
Published 01/09/2024 c32147727fdc470f816b0b2edaf8d869-ao-1
Published 01/09/2024 c32147727fdc470f816b0b2edaf8d869-ao-2
Published 01/09/2024 c32147727fdc470f816b0b2edaf8d869-ao-3
Published 01/09/2024 c32147727fdc470f816b0b2edaf8d869-ao-4
Published 01/09/2024 rest energy of particle{{c1::amount of energy produced if all its mass was converted into energy}}
Published 01/09/2024 what is the minimum energy needed for pair production{{c1::rest energy of particle produced + rest energy of anti-particle produced}}{{c1::Emin = 2E0}…
Published 01/09/2024 why do gamma rays from annihilation travel in opposite directions{{c1::to conserve momentum}}
Published 01/09/2024 minimum energy of a photon produced during annihilation{{c1::rest energy of particle or antiparticleEmin = E0Where: Emin = minimum energy of phot…
Published 01/09/2024 antiparticle of π+{{c1::π-}}
Published 01/09/2024 contraption used to detect cosmic rays showers{{c1::using two geiger counters placed one above other seperated by absorbing lead}}
Status Last Update Fields