Notes in Case 1: Infective Endocarditis

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Published 05/31/2024 When treating immunocompromised patients, patients with {{c1::endocarditis::cardiovascular condition}}, or patients with {{c2::osteomyelitis::musculos…
Published 05/31/2024 The pathophysiology of infective endocarditis requires:{{c1::endocardial damage}}{{c2::bacteremia}}{{c3::microbial adherence}}
Published 05/31/2024 If patient has S. aureus bacteremia, you should order {{c1::echocardiogram}} to check for endocarditis
Published 05/31/2024 Enterococcus {{c1::faecalis}} more commonly causes endocarditis than Enterococcus {{c1::faecium}}
Published 05/31/2024 Endocarditis due to {{c1::Neisseria gonorrhoeae}} presents with twice-a-day fever and most often affects the {{c2::aortic}} valve
Published 05/31/2024 Major Duke Criteria for infective endocarditis:Positive {{c1::blood culture}}Evidence of {{c2::endocardial involvement}}
Published 05/31/2024 Minor Duke Criteria for infective endocarditis:Predisposing {{c1::heart condition/IVDU}}{{c2::Fever}}{{c3::Embolic}} phenomena{{c3::Immunologic}}…
Published 05/31/2024 Definitive diagnosis of infective endocarditis by the Duke criteria require {{c1::2::#}} major criteria, or {{c2::1::#}} major +&n…
Published 06/06/2024 {{c4::Surgical}} treatment of infective endocarditis is indicated if:{{c1::>15 mm vegetation::big}}{{c2::valve dysfunction::bad}} or {{c2::hea…
Published 05/31/2024 {{c1::Transthoracic}} echocardiogram may be used to detect lesions on right-sided heart valves, which aids in the diagnosis of bac…
Published 05/31/2024 {{c2::Endocarditis}}, secondary to rheumatic fever, is characterized by small vegetations along valvular lines of closure, which cause {{c1::regurgita…
Published 05/31/2024 Viridans streptococci cause {{c1::subacute}} endocarditis, which is characterized by {{c2::small::size}} vegetations that do not destroy the valve
Published 05/31/2024 Treatment for Staphylococcus aureus:{{c1::MSSA::MRSA/MSSA}}: nafcillin, oxacillin, dicloxacillin{{c1::MRSA::MRSA/MSSA}}: vancomycin, daptomycin, linez…
Published 05/31/2024 Congenital bicuspid aortic valve increases the risk of infective {{c1::endocarditis::condition}}
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