Notes in AJCC Ch 1 - 4

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Published 10/10/2024 What is a key factor at time of diagnosis that defines prognosis and helps determine tx?
Published 09/27/2024 _____________ is necessary to eval results of txs and clinical trials
Published 09/27/2024 Staging - anatomic extent of cancer for tumor
Published 09/27/2024 Staging - LNs
Published 09/27/2024 Staging - distant mets
Published 09/27/2024 _______ is only used to describe aggregate info of TNM, not individual categories
Published 09/27/2024 Based on pt hx, physical examination and imaging done BEFORE tx
Published 09/27/2024 ____&___ are the most commonly used imaging modalities
Published 09/27/2024 Based on clinical stage info supplemented/modified by operative findings and pathological eval of resected specimen
Published 09/27/2024 Applicable when surgery performed BEFORE initiation of adjuvant radiation or systemic therapy
Published 09/27/2024 Stage determined AFTER tx for pts receiving systemic/radiation therapy alone or as component of initial tx
Published 09/27/2024 Staging at time of retx for recurrence or disease progression
Published 09/27/2024 Staging at time of cancers ID'd ONLY at autopsy
Published 09/27/2024 Size and/or extension of primary tumor is designated by _?
Published 09/27/2024 No info about T category for primary tumor, unknown or cannot be assessed
Published 09/27/2024 No evidence of primary tumor
Published 09/27/2024 Carcinoma in situ
Published 09/27/2024 Primary invasive tumor that can be increasing in size and/or extension
Published 09/27/2024 No info about N category for primary tumor, unknown or can't be assessed
Published 09/27/2024 No regional LN involvement w/ cancer
Published 09/27/2024 Evidence of regional LN(s) containing cancer w/ an increasing #, regional nodal group involvement and/or size of nodal mets cancer deposit
Published 09/27/2024 No evidence of distant mets
Published 09/27/2024 Distant mets
Published 10/10/2024 ___ is used if information on a specific T or N category is unknown; such cases usually cannot be assigned a stage
Published 09/27/2024 The anatomic sites for cancer in the AJCC manual are listed by primary site topographical code # according to ____________________________?
Published 09/27/2024 Unless there is clinical or pathological evidence ofdistant metastases, the patient is classified as?
Published 09/27/2024 The term ___ used to denote carcinoma in situ and generally is considered to have no metastatic potential
Published 09/27/2024 The five stage classifications are ?
Published 09/27/2024 What Designation and Classification is used for all patients with cancer identified before treatment?It is composed of diagnostic workup information, …
Published 09/27/2024 What Designation and Classification is used for patients if surgery is the first definitive therapy
Published 09/27/2024 What designation is used for Posttheraty or post neoadjuvant therapy?
Published 09/27/2024 _____ is defined assystemic and/or radiation therapy given before surgery; primary radiation and/or systemic therapy is treatment given as definitive …
Published 09/27/2024 ____is used for staging after primary systemic and/or radiation therapy, orafter neoadjuvant therapy and before planned surgery
Published 09/27/2024 ___is used for staging after neoadjuvant therapy and planned postneoadjuvant therapy surgery.
Published 09/27/2024 Clinical classification is based on 2 periods of time?
Published 10/10/2024 lymph nodes with only ITCs usually are categorized as?
Published 09/27/2024 Lymph node micro-metastases are defined as?
Published 09/27/2024 ___is defined as theextension of a nodal metastasis through thelymph node capsule into adjacent tissues
Published 09/27/2024 A regional node extending into a distantstructure or organ is categorized as ___
Published 09/27/2024 cM__? No distant metastasis
Published 09/27/2024 cM__? Clinical evidence ofdistant metastasis
Published 09/27/2024 pM__? Microscopic (pathologic) evidenceof distant metastasis
Published 09/27/2024 Unknown distant metastasis status
Published 09/27/2024 ___is a regional lymph node that receives direct afferent lymphatic drainage from a primary tumor site may drain to more than one regional nodal basin…
Published 09/27/2024 What does ITC include?
Published 09/27/2024 Patients with clinical evidence of distant metastases by history, physical examination, imaging studies, orinvasive procedures, but without microscopi…
Published 09/27/2024 Patients in whom there is microscopic evidence confirming distant metastaticdisease are categorized as pathologically?
Published 09/27/2024 Patients with• CTCs (circulating tumor cell), or• DTCs (disseminated tumor cell) in organs and micrometastasis in bone marrow, detected by IHC or mole…
Published 09/27/2024 If there is clinical suspicion of distant metastases and a biopsy or excision does not confirm metastatic cancer, M is classified as clinically ?
Published 09/27/2024 ____ is assigned for noninvasive papillary carcinoma in the renal pelvis and ureter, urinary bladder, and urethra.
Published 09/27/2024 An FNA or core needle biopsy is denoted by the ___ suffix
Published 09/27/2024 Cancers occurring in the same organ (including paired organs) that are identified with a diagnosis date ≤4 months apart, or that areidentified at the …
Published 09/27/2024 • are cancers of the same histology• occur in one organ
Published 09/27/2024 Cancers occurring at the same time in each of paired organs are staged as separate cancers
Published 09/27/2024 Timing for metachronous cancers
Published 09/27/2024 _____are primary cancers occurring at different times in the same or different organs
Published 09/27/2024 If physical examination, imaging, endoscopy,and other diagnostic procedures do notidentify a primary tumor:• the T category is assigned as __
Published 09/27/2024 If after surgical resection of a suspected primarytumor no evidence of tumor is identified, and itwas never identified on biopsy:• the T category is a…
Published 10/10/2024 ___ is a qualitative assessment of the degree of differentiation of the tumor. It may reflect the extent to which a tumor resembles the normal tissue …
Published 09/27/2024 Structured report format for cancer is summarized into what general format?
Published 09/27/2024 Two basic survival procedures that enable one to determine overall group survival, taking into account both censored and uncensored observations, are …
Published 09/27/2024 ___method involves dividing the total period duringwhich a group is observed into fixed intervals, usuallymonths or years___is the point on the timeax…
Published 09/27/2024 ____ is the ratio of the observed survival to the expected survival for a group of people in the general population similar to the patient group with …
Published 09/27/2024 The most common statistical test that examines the whole pattern of differences between survival curves is the ___
Published 09/27/2024 Major modality for assessing solid cancers
Published 09/27/2024 Increasingly used for cancers and in pts allergic to iodinated CT contrast media or declined CT scans for the concern of radiation
Published 09/27/2024 Primary modality for certain tumors (i.e. thyroid cancer)
Published 09/27/2024 Commonly used to eval suspicious masses seen on CT or MRI and to survey entire body for mets
Published 09/27/2024 PET scans are performed w/ what dye?
Published 09/27/2024 ______________ scanners are manufactured w/ CT scanners integrated into imaging device
Published 09/27/2024 Modality suitable for evals in certain pts, such as assessing lung mets in pts w/ soft tissue sarcoma of an extremity
Published 09/27/2024 What is the MOST IMPT measurement for assigning T category on imaging studies?
Published 09/27/2024 What is a con of measurements from imaging?
Published 09/27/2024 _____________________ should be used for imaging tumor postoperatively for the extent of resection
Published 09/27/2024 Which modality likely obtained the T category measurement preoperatively?
Published 09/27/2024 Assessing LNs for met dx is difficult in ______________ oncologic imaging
Published 09/27/2024 What is considered the upper limit of normal for LNs?
Published 09/27/2024 Nodes involved w/ tumor may be ______ than cutoff threshold size? Reactive nodes often may be _________
Published 09/27/2024 Secondary criteria for judging malignant nodal involvemnt
Published 09/27/2024 _____________ or ________ can be performed to reduce uncertainty of malignant nodal involvement
Published 09/27/2024 ___________________________ created a library of clear and consistent report templates for many cancers, for free
Published 09/27/2024 Factors w/ _________________ w/ prognosis are included in defining stage groups in the stage table w/ evidence provided
Published 09/27/2024 A stage group based solely on ________________ may be generated for the need to support staging in areas where prognostic factors are not obtained
Published 09/27/2024 Form to record cancer staging data; available for each dx online
Published 09/27/2024 A statistical index that represents a group's probability of surviving at a particular point in time
Published 09/27/2024 A summary display of the pattern of survival probabilities over time
Published 09/27/2024 Time from diagnosis to last known contact date that is valuable in estimating survival
Published 09/27/2024 Subjects observed until they've reached the end point of interest (i.e. recurrence or death)
Published 09/27/2024 Subjects that survive beyond end of follow-up or are lost to follow-up at some point
Published 09/27/2024 Which basic survival table method is most useful when data is available online at specified time intervals (i.e. annually)?
Published 09/27/2024 Which basic survival table method provides a more accurate estimate of the survival curve?
Published 09/27/2024 In most cancer applications, the most impt variable by which survival results should be subdivided is ________________
Published 09/27/2024 What are the other subclasses in survival results other than stage?
Published 09/27/2024 The survival estimates that account for all deaths, regardless of cause (true reflection of total mortality in the patient group,)
Published 09/27/2024 The proportion of the initial pt group that escaped death due to a specific cause (i.e. cancer) if no other COD was operating
Published 09/27/2024 Pts known to have died from another cause; when this is present, an alternative to Kaplan-Meier estimate is used
Published 09/27/2024 Ratio of observed survival to expected survival for a group of ppl in the gen pop similar to the pt group w/ respect to race, sex and age
Published 09/27/2024 Represents likelihood a pt will NOT die from causes associated specifically w/ the cancer at some specified time after diagnosis
Published 09/27/2024 The relative survival estimate is always _________ than the observed survival estimate for the same group of pts
Published 09/27/2024 The difference b/w 2 survival estimates done for the same population results
Published 09/27/2024 The measure of the extent to which sampling variation influences the computed survival estimate
Published 09/27/2024 What is the term used in repeated observations under the same conditions, the true or pop survival probability will lie w/in range of 2 standard error…
Published 09/27/2024 In comparing survival estimates for 2 diff pt groups, what is the essential question? What provides means for answering this question?
Published 09/27/2024 What is the most commonly used statistical method to assess the relationship of survival rates to several variable simulatenously?
Published 09/27/2024 What is the mission of AJCC?
Published 10/10/2024 What defines the anatomic extent of disease at diagnosis and serves as the most accurate indicator of prognosis?
Published 09/27/2024 Represents a range of overall survival for pts based on pop data w/in given stage group (TNM can't predict alone)
Published 09/27/2024 Group of experts that ID and review existing prognostication calculation tools to incorporate mult factors to improve accuracy
Published 09/27/2024 What 5 cancers is the molecular modelers working group used in?
Published 09/27/2024 Members w/ dx-specific knowledge, biostats and prediction models w/ to goal to ID all available non-anatomic models to build on anatomic staging
Published 09/27/2024 Predictors to yield an outcome (multivariable stat regression)
Published 09/27/2024 Combined info from mult pt and tumor characteristics in prognostication
Published 09/27/2024 Probability estimates for experiencing a particular event in prognostication
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