Notes in GI Malignancies

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Published 03/06/2024 For cancers, {{c1::Stage 1}} can usually be treated by {{c2::surgery}} while {{c1::Stage 4}} is treated with {{c2::chemo alone}} due to metastases. {{…
Published 03/06/2024 What are modifiable risk factors for GI malignancies?
Published 03/06/2024 The Precursor of ~90% of colorectal cancers is the {{c1::adenomatous polyp}}
Published 03/06/2024 The {{c1::APC gene}} is a common mutation leading to colorectal cancer as a consequence of polyps. 
Published 03/06/2024 Non-modifiable risk factors for colorectal cancer
Published 03/06/2024 What are the disease risk factors for colorectal cancer?
Published 03/06/2024 {{c1::Flexible sigmoidoscopy}} can be used to identify lesions in the {{c2::distal 50 cm of the bowel}} and abnormal findings require a {{c3::full col…
Published 03/06/2024 {{c2::Colonoscopy}} requires bowel prep, conscious sedation, and {{c1::lesions}} can be removed during the procedure and visualizes the {{c3::entire c…
Published 03/06/2024 {{c2::CT colonography}} requires aggressive bowel preparation, does not require sedation, and positive findings require {{c1::colonoscopy}} but with t…
Published 03/06/2024 {{c2::Fecal occult blood test (FOBT)}} has a {{c3::low}} sensitivity for polyps, {{c3::low}} specificity for significant disease therefore leading to …
Published 03/06/2024 {{c1::Stool DNA tests}} look for {{c2::abnormal DNA}} from cells that are passed into stool
Published 03/06/2024 Why is there no one preferred colon screening test?
Published 03/06/2024 {{c1::CEA}} tumor marker is used for monitoring/ recurrence but not screening, 
Published 03/06/2024 What are some heritable (autosomal dominat GI syndromes)?
Published 03/06/2024 Disease: {{c7::Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP)}}Inheritance: {{c6::autosomoal dominant}}Gene Mutation: {{c5::APC, chromosome 5}}Progression:…
Published 03/06/2024 Disease: {{c5::Lynch Syndrome}}Inheritance: {{c4::autosomoal dominant}}Gene Mutation: {{c3::MMR genes (mismatch repair)}}Progression: {{c2: 70% l…
Published 03/07/2024 Disease: {{c1::Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome}}Inheritance: {{c2::autosomal dominant}}Progression: {{c3::Polyps occur in small intestine, but can also be…
Published 03/07/2024 Disease: {{c1::Juvenile Polyposis}}Inheritance: {{c2::autosomal dominant}}Progression: {{c3:: Polyps can be present in the large, small intestine…
Published 03/06/2024 {{c1::Gastric adenocarcinoma}} is the most common type of gastric cancer
Published 03/06/2024 {{c2::Intestinal adenocarcinoma}} is {{c3::well}}-differentiated and associated with {{c4::H. pylori, nitrosamine, tobacco, and smoking}}, and can pre…
Published 03/06/2024 {{c2::Diffuse adenocarcinoma}} is {{c3::un}}-differentiated and presents as {{c1::stomach wall thickened and leathery (linitis plastica)}}
Published 03/06/2024 Diagnosis of gastric cancer can be made through {{c1::upper endoscopy}}
Published 03/06/2024 {{c1::Virchow node}} is a {{c2::L supraclavicular node by mets from stomach}}
Published 03/06/2024 {{c1::Krukenberg tumor}} are {{c2::bilateral mets to ovaries}}
Published 03/06/2024 {{c2::Sister Mary Joseph nodule}} is a {{c1::subcutaneous periumbilical metastasis}}
Published 03/06/2024 {{c1::Esophageal Adenocarcinoma}} is caused by {{c3::chronic reflux, Barrett’s esophagus}}, obesity, smoking, achalasia in the {{c2::(lower 1/3) …
Published 03/06/2024 {{c1::Squamous Cell Carcinoma}} is caused by {{c2::smoking, alcohol, caustic strictures}}, hot liquids, achalasia  in the {{c3::(upper 2/3) …
Published 03/06/2024 Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) are going to be commonly found in the {{c1:: upper 2/3 of esophagus & anus}}
Published 03/06/2024 Adenocarcinoma in the esophagus is histologically characterized by {{c1::atypical back-toback glands, may have mucin}}
Published 03/06/2024 {{c2::Squamous cell carcinoma}} in the esophagus is characterized by {{c1::invasive nests of malignant squamous cells with intracellular bridges&…
Published 03/06/2024 What are risk factors for stomach adenocarcinoma?
Published 03/06/2024 How is stomach adenocarcinoma diagnosed?
Published 03/06/2024 The {{c2::intestinal type}} of stomach cancer presents with {{c1::Wnt pathway}} mutations (similar to colon adenocarcinoma) and physically as a {{c3::…
Published 03/07/2024 The {{c2::infiltrative type}} of stomach cancer presents with {{c1::CDH1 (sporadic or familial)}} mutations and physically as a {{c3::Thickened gastri…
Published 03/06/2024 A {{c1::precursor}} lesion on histology will have a {{c2::normal gross morphology but intestinal metaplasia }}
Published 03/06/2024 What is the morphology of MALT?
Published 03/06/2024 What are the gross findings for colorectal carcinoma?
Published 03/06/2024 What are the microscopic findings for colorectal carcinoma?
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