Notes in Chapter_14:_Wound_Healing

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Published 07/07/2024 The {{c4::inflammation}} stage of wound healing takes place around days {{c3::1}}-{{c3::10}} and the main cell types involved are {{c1:…
Published 07/07/2024 The {{c2::proliferation}} stage of wound healing takes place between days {{c1::5 days - 3 weeks}} and the main cell types involved are {{c3…
Published 07/07/2024 The main cytokines invovled in the inflammation stage of wound healing are {{c2::TNF-alpha}}, IL-{{c1::1}}, and PDGF
Published 07/07/2024 The {{c2::proliferation}} stage of inflammation involves formation of type {{c1::III}} collagen with type {{c1::I}} collagen
Published 07/07/2024 The {{c1::remodelling}} stage of wound healing occurs {{c2::3 weeks - 1 year::time frame}} and involves {{c3::decreased vascularity}} changes
Published 07/07/2024 Collagen crosslinking occurs during the {{c1::remodeling}} stage of wound healing
Published 07/07/2024 Peripheral nerves regenerate at {{c1::1}} mm/day
Published 07/07/2024 {{c2::Fibronectin}} is produced by {{c1::fibroblasts::cell}} to anchor them and acts as a chemotactic agent for {{c3::macrophages}}
Published 07/07/2024 {{c3::Provisional}} matrix is composed of mostly {{c2::fibronectin}} and {{c1::hyaluronic acid}}
Published 07/07/2024 {{c3::Fibroblasts::cell}} replace the {{c2::fibronectin}}-{{c2::fibrin}} complex with {{c1::collagen}}
Published 07/07/2024 During wound healing days {{c2::0}}-{{c2::2}}, the predominant cells type is {{c1::neutrophils}}
Published 07/07/2024 During wound healing days {{c2::3}}-{{c2::4}}, the predominant cell type is {{c1::macrophages}}
Published 07/07/2024 During wound healing days {{c1::5}}-{{c1::indefinitely}}, the predominant cell type is {{c2::fibroblasts}}
Published 07/07/2024 A platelet plug is composed of {{c1::platelets}} and {{c1::fibrin}}
Published 07/07/2024 Accelerated wound healing occurs when a wound is {{c2::reopened}} because {{c1::healing cells are already present}}
Published 07/07/2024 When a wound is reopened, healing takes {{c1::less}} time (more or less)
Published 07/07/2024 The most important factor in healing {{c2::open::open or closed}} wounds via {{c2::prim}}ary intention is {{c1::epithelial integri…
Published 07/07/2024 The most important factor in healing {{c2::closed::open or closed}} wounds via {{c2::prim}}ary intention is {{c1::tensile strength}}
Published 07/07/2024 Open wounds regenerate from {{c1::hair follicles::#1}}, {{c2::wound edges}}, and {{c3::sweat glands}}
Published 07/07/2024 The amount of {{c2::granulation}} tissue present is more important for {{c1::second}}ary intention wound healing
Published 07/07/2024 As a general rule, sutures from the {{c2::face}} are removed after {{c1::1 week::time}}
Published 07/07/2024 As a general rule, sutures from {{c2::most areas of the body}} are removed after {{c1::2 weeks::time}}
Published 07/07/2024 Delayed primary closure is thought to prevent {{c2::wound infection}} but has an increased risk of {{c1::abscess formation}}
Published 07/07/2024 Lacerations involving the finger nail bed can be repaired with a {{c1::figure 8 tension banding}} suture technique
Published 07/07/2024 The weakest time point for {{c2::small}} bowel anastomosis is {{c1::3}}-{{c1::5}} days post-op
Published 07/07/2024 The strongest layer of bowel is the {{c1::submucosa}}
Published 07/07/2024 Wound {{c3::contraction}} occurs due to {{c1::myofibroblasts::cell}}, which communicate by {{c2::gap junctions}}
Published 07/07/2024 Bone is mostly composed of type {{c1::I}} collagen
Published 07/07/2024 Cartilage is mostly composed of type {{c1::2}} collagen
Published 07/07/2024 Tendons mostly contain type {{c1::I}} collagen
Published 07/07/2024 Wounds in the early stages of healing have increased type {{c1::III}} collagen
Published 07/07/2024 Blood vessels mostly contain type {{c1::III}} collagen
Published 07/07/2024 Basement membranes mostly consist of type {{c1::IV}} collagen
Published 07/07/2024 {{c2::Corneas}} contain particularly high concentrations of type {{c1::V}} collagen
Published 07/07/2024 {{c1::Alpha-ketoglutarate::Kreb's cycle molecule}} is essential to wound healing
Published 07/07/2024 Vitamin {{c1::C}} is essential for wound healing
Published 07/07/2024 The two metals which are essential for wound healing include iron and {{c1::zinc}} 
Published 07/07/2024 During wound healing, {{c2::hydroxylation}} of {{c1::prolyl}} groups and subsequent {{c2::cross-linking}} of {{c1::proline}} residues occurs
Published 07/07/2024 During wound healing the main reason for {{c3::tensile}} strength comes from {{c2::proline}} {{c1::cross-linking}}
Published 07/07/2024 The tensile strength in scar tissue is {{c1::lower}} than skin prior to the wound(higher or lower)
Published 07/07/2024 Initially during wound healing, tissue proliferation mostly contains type {{c1::III}} collagen
Published 07/07/2024 In later stages of wound healing during tissue remodeling, there is a predominance of type {{c1::III}} collagen
Published 07/07/2024 Wound healing reaches a maximum tensile strength at {{c1::8}} weeks and is roughly {{c1::80}}% of original
Published 07/07/2024 {{c2::Wilson's}} disease patients may have decreased wound healing secondary to inhibition of {{c3::collagen cross-linking}} by {{c1::penicillami…
Published 07/07/2024 During wound healing, the maximum amount of collagen is deposited by {{c1::3}} weeks
Published 07/07/2024 Although maximum collagen is deposited by {{c2::3}} weeks, scar tissue continues to gain strength until {{c3::8}} weeks via continued {{c1::colla…
Published 07/07/2024 Wounds heal better in a {{c1::moist}} environment(moist or dry)
Published 07/07/2024 For optimal wound healing, the {{c2::transcutaneous oxygen}} measurement should be >{{c1::25}} mmHg
Published 07/07/2024 {{c2::Albumin::nutrition marker}} less than {{c1::3.0}} is a risk factor for poor wound healing
Published 07/07/2024 Patients with poor wound healing and an albumin < 3.0 should be transfused {{c1::zero}} grams of albumin
Published 07/07/2024 The inhibitory effect of {{c4::steroids}} on wound healing can be mitigated by administration of high-dose vitamin {{c1::A}} ({{c2::25,000}} IU {{c3::…
Published 07/07/2024 Connective tissue diseases {{c1::decrease}} wound healing(increase or decrease)
Published 07/07/2024 Risk factors for wound {{c5::deshiscence}} include {{c1::deep wound infection (#1)::#1 risk factor}}, poor {{c2::nutrition}}, {{c3::COPD}} (…
Published 07/07/2024 The most common locations of {{c3::diabetic}} foot ulcers include {{c1::2nd metatarsophalangeal joint}} (#1) and {{c2::heel}}
Published 07/07/2024 {{c2::90}}% of leg ulcers are due to {{c1::venous insufficiency}}
Published 07/07/2024 {{c2::Venous stasis}} ulcers are treated with {{c1::Unna boot (elastic wrap)}}
Published 07/07/2024 Scar revision surgery is performed at least {{c1::1 year::time}} after healing is complete
Published 07/07/2024 Denervation {{c1::doesn't affect::increases or decreases}} wound healing
Published 07/07/2024 Chemotherapy {{c1::decreases::increases or decreases}} wound healing within {{c2::14}} days of healing
Published 07/07/2024 Chemotherapy {{c2::has no effect::increases or decreases}} on wound healing after {{c1::14}} days of healing
Published 07/07/2024 Keloid-forming disorders have a(n) {{c2::autosomal}} {{c1::dominant}} pattern of inheritence
Published 07/07/2024 {{c1::Keloids}} form due to {{c2::de}}creased collagen breakdown during the {{c3::remodeling}} phase of wound healing 
Published 07/07/2024 {{c1::Keloids}} can be treated with {{c2::steroid}} injections, {{c3::pressure}} garments, {{c4::radiation}}, or {{c5::silicone}} gel sheets
Published 07/07/2024 {{c2::Hypertrophic}} scars (e.g. {{c3::burn wounds::most common cause}}) are more common on {{c4::flexor::extensor or flexor}} surfaces and can b…
Published 07/07/2024 {{c1::Alpha}} granules of platelets contain platelet factor 4, factors V and VIII, vWF, fibrinogen, and PDGF
Published 07/07/2024 {{c1::Dense}} granules of platelets contain adenosine, serotonin, and calcium
Published 07/07/2024 {{c3::Deep 2nd}} degree and {{c3::3rd}} degree burns are debrided using {{c2::hydrosurgery (e.g. Versajet)}} or a {{c1::Wec dermatome}} blade
Published 07/07/2024 If wound vac sponges are bridged across skin, they should have plastic covering healthy skin, otherwise there is a high risk of a(n) {{c1::n…
Published 07/07/2024 A {{c2::pseudoeschar}} is a surface layer of {{c1::exudate}}, which adheres to the deeper burn wounds due to the use of {{c3::topical antibiotic …
Published 07/07/2024 {{c2::Pseudoeschars}} are important to identify as they can mistakenly indicate burn wound {{c1::conversion}}
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