Notes in Unit_3

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Published 11/05/2024 development of the respiratory system begins around the {{c1::middle of the 4th week}} of embryogenesis
Published 11/05/2024 in the 4th week of embryogenesis the primitive pharynx is the {{c1::cranial most part}} of the foregut
Published 11/05/2024 the respiratory tract is formed form the {{c1::laryngeo-tracheal tube}} and {{c1::splanchnic mesoderm}} (found in embryonic life)
Published 11/05/2024 the laryngeio-tracheal tube is formed from the {{c1::laryngeio-tracheal groove}}
Published 11/05/2024 how does the laryngeio-tracheal groove form? 
Published 11/05/2024 the 2 margins of the laryngeo-tracheal groove start fusing in the {{c1::caudo-cranial}} direction
Published 11/05/2024 fusion of the margins of the laryngeo-tracheal tube forms the {{c1::tracheo-esophageal septum}}
Published 11/05/2024 the tracheo-esophageal septum separates the primitive pharynx into {{c1::dorsal part (pharyx & esophagus)}} and {{c1::ventral part (laryngeo-trach…
Published 11/05/2024 what part of the respiratory tract is formed from the laryngeo-tracheal tube?
Published 11/05/2024 origin of tissue in lung which is NOT lining epithelium
Published 11/05/2024 the laryngeio-tracheal tube doesn't complete fusion at the {{c1::cranial}} (cranial/caudal) end
Published 11/05/2024 the connection between laryngeo-tracheal tube and pharynx is called the {{c1::laryngeal inlet (aditus to the larynx or laryngeal orifice)}}
Published 11/05/2024 the laryngeal inlet (in embryonic life) ends opposite a median elevation in floor of the {{c2::pharynx}} called {{c1::copula}}
Published 11/05/2024 the copula (in embryonic life) later gives the {{c1::epiglottis}}
Published 11/05/2024 how the shape of the laryngeal inlet (in embryonic life) change with development?
Published 11/05/2024 the laryngeal inlet (in embryonic life) is obliterated transiently between the {{c1::8th}} and {{c1::10th}} weeks of development
Published 11/05/2024 after the laryngeal inlet (in embryonic life) is obliterated transiently it's recanalized forming the {{c1::vocal cords (true & false)}}
Published 11/05/2024 the laryngeal epithelium is derived from {{c1::endoderm}} (epiderm / mesoderm / endoderm)
Published 11/05/2024 while the caudal end of the laryngeo-tracheal tube invades the mesoderm it divides into {{c1::2 lung buds}}
Published 11/05/2024 the lung buds form {{c1::main bronchi}}
Published 11/05/2024 the right lung bud is {{c1::wider and more vertical}} than the left
Published 11/05/2024 main bronchi (from lung buds) divide into {{c1::secondary (lobar bronchi)}}
Published 11/05/2024 in embryonic life, there are {{c1::3}} right lobar bronchi and {{c1::2}} left lobar bronchi 
Published 11/05/2024 in embryonic life, each 2ry bronchi divide into {{c1::tertiary (segmental)}} bronchi
Published 11/05/2024 in embryonic life, fate of segmental bronchi
Published 11/05/2024 in embryonic life, repeated dichotomous division in lung forms {{c1::17}} orders of branches (ends with {{c1::terminal bronchioles}}) by the {{c2::6}}…
Published 11/05/2024 the lung keeps dividing  (into smaller branches) for up to {{c1::8}} years after birth
Published 11/05/2024 Total order of division reached in the lung (fully developed)
Published 11/05/2024 the lung buds invade the {{c1::intraembryonic coelom (the pericardio-peritoneal canal)}} (later forms pleura)
Published 11/05/2024 visceral pleura is derived from {{c1::splanchnic}} mesoderm
Published 11/05/2024 parietal pleura is derived from {{c1::somatic}} mesoderm
Published 11/05/2024 anaomalies in lung development
Published 11/05/2024 other rare anomalies in lung development (NOT main anomalies)
Published 11/05/2024 congenital surfactant deficiency is called {{c1::hyaline membrane disease (HMD)}}
Published 11/05/2024 hyaline membrane disease (HMD) is a major cause of {{c1::respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)}}
Published 11/05/2024 surfactant can be induced by {{c1::thyroxin}} and {{c1::cortisone}} (drugs)
Published 11/05/2024 there are {{c1::4}} varients of tracheo-esophagial fistula
Published 11/05/2024 most common varient tracheo-esophagial fistula
Published 11/05/2024 post-natal complications of most common of varient tracheo-esophagial fistula
Published 11/05/2024 pre-natal complications of most common varient tracheo-esophagial fistula
Published 11/05/2024 embryonic sources of diaphragm 
Published 11/05/2024 after embryo folding the septum transversum grows {{c1::dorsally}} (separating heart from liver)
Published 11/05/2024 the septum transversum expands and fuses with {{c1::mesenchyme dorsal to esophagus}} and {{c1::pleuroperitoneal membrane}}
Published 11/05/2024 {{c1::a large part of the liver}} is embedded in the the septum transversum during early development
Published 11/05/2024 during the {{c2::4}}th week the septum transversum lies opposite to {{c1::3rd to 5th cervical}} somites
Published 11/05/2024 during the {{c1::5}}th week, myoblasts from somites migrate into diaphragm bringing nerve innervation
Published 11/05/2024 anomalies of the diaphragm
Published 11/05/2024 Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is usually {{c1::unilateral}} (unilateral/bilateral)
Published 11/05/2024 in Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) herniation from {{c1::abdominal}} cavity into {{c1::thoracic}} cavity occurs
Published 11/05/2024 why is Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) more common on left side
Published 11/05/2024 cause of Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) 
Published 11/05/2024 site of Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH)  (anterior or posterior)? and (lateral or medial)?
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