Notes in Cardiovascular and Hemodynamics

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Published 09/29/2023 Cardiac output = {{c1::HR}} × {{c1::SV}}The units for CO are: {{c1::L/min}}
Published 09/29/2023 The blood pressure equation:{{c1::Mean arterial pressure}} − {{c1::central venous pressure}} = {{c2::cardiac output}} × {{c2::systemic vascu…
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::Arteries}} have {{c2::higher}} pressure and {{c2::lower}} compliance.{{c1::Veins}} have {{c2::lower}} pressure and {{c2::high}} compliance, as w…
Published 09/29/2023 The three layers of blood vessels from interior to exterior:{{c1::Intima}}, {{c1::Media}}, {{c2::Adventitia}}
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::Intima}} layer of blood vessels are made of {{c2::endothelial cells}}.
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::Media}} layer of the blood vessel is made up of {{c1::smooth muscle}}
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::Adventitia}} layer of blood vessels is made up of {{c2::connective tissue}} and {{c3::vaso vasorum (blood vessels that supply blood vessels)}}
Published 09/29/2023 Stroke volume = {{c1::LVEDiastolicV}} − {{c2::LVESystolicV}}
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::Ejection fraction}} = {{c2::stroke volume}} / {{c2::LVEDV}}
Published 09/29/2023 Hypertension effect on blood vessels:{{c2::Increased}} resistance leads to {{c1::hardening}} of systemic arteries/arterioles and lower {{c1::complianc…
Published 09/29/2023 Pulmonary arterial hypertension leads to the {{c1::thickening}}, {{c1::narrowing}}, and {{c1::hyalinization}} of pulmonary arterioles.
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