Notes in 03 Reporting Requirements

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Published 01/18/2024 There are 3 major reasons why reporting may be required or permitted despite a duty of confidentiality:To protect vulnerable patients from {{c1::abuse…
Published 01/18/2024 Protected health information is individually identifiable information related to any of the following:Physical or mental health {{c1::status/condition…
Published 01/18/2024 You {{c1::can::can vs. cannot}} deny access to a portion of the medical record if you think it would be harmful to the patient's physical, mental, or …
Published 01/18/2024 A subpoena {{c1::does not::does vs. does not}} overcome the patient's right to confidentiality
Published 01/18/2024 dd929cba462a4d3c9c13637693d7af88-oa-1
Published 01/18/2024 dd929cba462a4d3c9c13637693d7af88-oa-2
Published 01/18/2024 In Texas, physicians have the following required reporting obligations:Suspected {{c1::abuse or neglect}}{{c1::Domestic violence}}{{c1::Gunshot w…
Published 01/18/2024 In Texas, you are permitted to report the following categories:Risk of {{c1::imminent harm}} to the patient or othersPhysical or mental impairment imp…
Published 01/18/2024 Physicians are required to report and suspicion or knowledge of child abuse within {{c1::48}} hours, and the {{c2::physician::who?}} has to do it&nbsp…
Published 01/18/2024 In Texas, if a married person tests positive for HIV, their spouse {{c1::must::must vs. must not vs. can vs. cannot}} be notified of their positive re…
Published 01/18/2024 In Texas, if a patient has HIV, the phyisician {{c1::does not::does vs. does not}} have to be the one to tell their spouse
Published 01/18/2024 In Texas, if a patient has HIV, they {{c1::do NOT::do vs. do not}} have to disclose their condition to their partner
Published 01/18/2024 The {{c1::Partner Notification Program}} is a program that works with patients to identify partners who have been exposed to STIs and confidentially n…
Published 01/18/2024 The physician should encourage the patient to self-disclose their STI status when feasible and safe to do so, but when this is not possible, the physi…
Published 01/18/2024 You {{c1::cannot::can vs. cannot}} disclose your patient's medical condition to their partner without their consent
Published 01/18/2024 You should {{c1::never::when?}} divulge information about a patient's immigration status, even if asked by an officer
Published 01/18/2024 You must report to adult protective services if you have cause to believe that any of the following are being abused, neglected, or exploited:{{c1::El…
Published 01/18/2024 There are significal {{c1::racial}} disparities when it comes to CPS involvement
Published 01/18/2024 47acc2cbde8d4ad881ca6820ee48bea6-oa-1
Published 01/18/2024 47acc2cbde8d4ad881ca6820ee48bea6-oa-2
Published 01/18/2024 47acc2cbde8d4ad881ca6820ee48bea6-oa-3
Published 01/18/2024 47acc2cbde8d4ad881ca6820ee48bea6-oa-4
Published 01/18/2024 If you are suspicious of abuse of a child, it is a good idea to first speak with the child {{c1::1-on-1}}
Published 01/18/2024 Patients with capacity {{c1::can::can vs. cannot}} refuse any treatment, even if it's life-saving
Published 01/18/2024 If a patient lacks capacity, a surrogate must make decision based on {{c1::substituted}} judgement of the patient
Published 01/18/2024 If there is no signed refusal of blood, we would err on the side of {{c1::providing::providing or not providing?}} blood if it's needed to save the pa…
Published 01/18/2024 For children, we generally {{c1::provide::provide vs. don't provide}} blood if it's needed to prevent serious harm or death, even if parents object
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