Notes in Graphs

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Published 05/07/2024 What is a path?
Published 05/07/2024 What is a cycle?
Published 05/07/2024 What is a directed graph
Published 05/07/2024 What is an undirected graph
Published 05/07/2024 What is a simple graph
Published 05/07/2024 What is a spanning sub-graph
Published 05/07/2024 What is an adjacency matrix
Published 05/07/2024 What is the space complexity of an adjacency matrix
Published 05/07/2024 What is an adjacency list
Published 05/07/2024 What is the space complexity of an Adjacency list
Published 05/07/2024 What are the time complexities of an adjacency matrix
Published 05/07/2024 What are the time complexities of an adjacency list
Published 05/07/2024 What is a minimum spanning tree?
Published 05/19/2024 Outline the steps taken in Kruskal's Algorithm
Published 05/07/2024 What is a cut?
Published 05/07/2024 What does it mean for a cut to respect an edge
Published 05/07/2024 What is a light edge
Published 05/19/2024 How can we determine an edge is safe for PRIMS
Published 05/15/2024 How to decrypt a message \((a,b)\) with El Gamal Encryption
Published 05/15/2024 Outline Fast Modular Exponentiation with parameters \((a, p,n)\)
Published 05/15/2024 Outline Euclid's Algorithm to find \(gcd(a,b)\)
Published 05/15/2024 What is the complexity of Fast Modular Exponentiation
Published 05/15/2024 What is the complexity of Euclid's Algorithm
Published 05/19/2024 Outline Prim's Algorithm
Published 05/19/2024 Describe depth first search
Published 05/15/2024 How do you perform breadth first search
Published 05/15/2024 What is a topological sort
Published 05/15/2024 How do you perform cycle detection with DFS
Published 05/15/2024 How to you find the shortest path on an unweighted graph
Published 05/15/2024 Outline the Bellman Ford Algorithm
Published 05/15/2024 What is the complexity of the Bellman Ford algorithm
Published 05/15/2024 How do we detect a negative weight cycle in Bellman Ford
Published 05/15/2024 How can we store a weighted graph
Published 05/15/2024 Outline Dikjstra's Algorithm
Published 05/19/2024 What is the complexity of Dijkstra's algorithm
Published 05/15/2024 How does A* search differe from Dijkstra's
Published 05/19/2024 What is the complexity of Kruskal's algorithm
Published 05/19/2024 When should we use adjacency lists or matrices?
Published 05/19/2024 What is the hamiltonian path problem
Published 05/19/2024 What is the hamiltonian cycle problem
Published 05/19/2024 What is the travelling salesman problem
Published 05/19/2024 What is the loop invariant of the Bellman Ford algorithm?
Published 05/19/2024 What is the complexity of Prim's algorithm
Published 05/19/2024 What are the characteristics of a heuristic for A*
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