Notes in POLSC 14 F2F Notes

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Published 02/15/2025 What is the definition of government?The government is an {{c1::ensemble of Political Institutions mandated to make, enforce, and adjudicate rules}} b…
Published 02/15/2025 What are the 3 Basic Types of Political Institutions in a Presidential Democracy? {{c1::Legislative = makes Executive = enforces Judiciary = …
Published 02/15/2025 What is the definition of Philippine Government?{{c1::Current Philippine Presidential Democracy under the 1987 Constitution}}
Published 02/15/2025 What is the website of the National Government Portal?{{}}
Published 02/15/2025 What is the address of the Senate website?{{}}
Published 02/15/2025 What branch of the government is featured in Article 6?{{c1::Legislative}} Department
Published 02/15/2025 What are the two houses of the Congress?{{c1::Upper House (Senators) Lower House (House of Representatives)}}
Published 02/15/2025 In which article does it state that:The Senate shall be composed of twenty-four Senators who shall be elected at large by the qualified voters of the …
Published 02/15/2025 In which article does it state that:The Senate shall be composed of twenty-four Senators who shall be chosen at large by the qualified electors of the…
Published 02/15/2025 In which article does it state that:No person shall be a Member of the National Assembly unless he has been five years a citizen of the Philippines, i…
Published 02/15/2025 What happened in the June 18, 1940 plebiscite?The June 18, 1940 plebiscite ratified the {{c1::shift from unicameral to bicameral}} {{c2::(with the Sen…
Published 02/15/2025 What are the two other constitutional changes in the 1987 Constitution?{{c1::1. Term of President decreased from 6 to 4 years, but President allo…
Published 02/15/2025 What are the two other constitutional changes in the 1987 Constitution?{{c1::1. Term of President decreased from 6 to 4 years, but President allowed i…
Published 02/15/2025 What is the definition of impeachment in Philippine jurisprudence?Impeachment is the {{c1::Power}} of {{c1::Congress}} to {{c1::remove a public offici…
Published 02/15/2025 What is the Article XI of the 1987 Constitution about?Article 11 of the 1987 Consitution is about the {{c1::Accountability of Public Officers}} What a…
Published 02/15/2025 Who are the Impeachable Officials according to Section 2, Article 11, of the 1987 Constitution? (Five){{c1::PresidentVice-PresidentMembers of the Supr…
Published 02/15/2025 What are the impeachable offenses according to Section 2, Article 11, of the 1987 Constitution? (Six) {{c1::Culpable violation of the Constitutio…
Published 02/15/2025 In which article does it state that:The President, the Vice-President, the Members of the Supreme Court, the Members of the Constitutional Commissions…
Published 02/15/2025 What power does the House of Representatives hold in cases of impeachment?According to Paragraph {{c1::1}}, Section {{c1::3}}, Article {{c1::11}}, the…
Published 02/15/2025 What are the two modes of Initiation of Impeachment? Explain each{{c1::"Proper Committee"}} mode {{c1::(Slow-Track}} Mode){{c1::referral}} to the {{c1…
Published 02/15/2025 What is the comparison betweena vote of at least one-third of all the Members of the House neededto the US Constitution? Explain whyA {{c1::low thresh…
Published 02/15/2025 In which article does it state that A verified complaint for impeachment may be filed by any Member of the House of Representatives or by any cit…
Published 02/15/2025 In which article does it state thatThe House of Representatives shall chuse their speaker and other officers; and shall have the sole power of impeach…
Published 02/15/2025 According to the 1935 Philippine Constitution (original, unicameral), how many votes are needed for impeachment?An {{c1::Absolute two-thirds}} vo…
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