Notes in 06 Diagnostic Immunology

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Published 01/26/2024 A(n) {{c2::Western}} blot is used to analyze {{c1::protein}}
Published 01/26/2024 What type of probe is used to bind protein when using a Western blot? {{c1::Labeled antibody}}
Published 01/26/2024 The {{c1::Western}} blot *used to be* the confirmatory test for HIV after a positive ELISA
Published 01/26/2024 A(n) {{c1::Southwestern}} blot is used to identify {{c2::DNA-binding}} proteins using labeled oligonucleotide probes
Published 01/26/2024 {{c1::Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)}} is a powerful diagnostic tool used to amplify a desired fragment of DNA
Published 01/26/2024 In the first step of PCR, DNA is {{c1::denatured}} by using {{c2::heat}} to separate the strands
Published 01/26/2024 In the second step of PCR, {{c2::DNA primers}} {{c1::anneal}} to specific sequences on each DNA strand to be amplified
Published 01/26/2024 In the final step of PCR, heat-stable {{c2::Taq DNA polymerase}} {{c1::elongates}} the DNA sequence following each primer
Published 01/26/2024 Which end of the DNA strand does the DNA primer bind to during PCR?{{c1::3' end}}
Published 01/26/2024 PCR requires the addition of all four {{c1::deoxynucleotide triphosphates (dNTPs)}} for DNA synthesis
Published 01/26/2024 {{c1::Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)::not Coombs}} is an immunologic test used to detect the presence of either a specific antigen or antib…
Published 01/26/2024 93ef22e2ac254403b580f63d72b2e5ac-ao-1
Published 01/26/2024 93ef22e2ac254403b580f63d72b2e5ac-ao-2
Published 01/26/2024 93ef22e2ac254403b580f63d72b2e5ac-ao-3
Published 01/26/2024 The insoluble antigen-antibody lattice can form and precipitate if:• {{c1::There are equal amounts of antigen and antibody}}• {{c2::The temperature an…
Published 01/26/2024 What is the most common method to quantify IgG, IgA, IgM{{c1::Nephelometry}}
Published 01/26/2024 What method of measuring immunoglobulin levels uses a detector to measure scattered light{{c1::Nephelometry}}
Published 01/26/2024 What method of measuring immunoglobulin levels uses gel mixed with antibody and antigens placed in wells{{c1::Radial Immunodiffusion}}
Published 01/26/2024 Immunoassay Examples{{c1::Radioimmunoassay (RIA)}} is an example which detects radioactive decay events, the isolated antigen or antibody is labeled w…
Published 01/26/2024 Two Immunological methods of identifying and purifying protein{{c1::Immunoprecipitation}} and {{c2::Immunoaffinity Chromatography}}
Published 01/26/2024 SDS causes protein to become {{c2::linear::shape}} and {{c1::negative::charge}}
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