Notes in 06 Edema

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Published 06/24/2024 Glucocorticoids may have anti-inflammatory effects by inducing the synthesis of {{c1::lipocortin}}, an inhibitor of {{c2::phospholipase A2}}
Published 06/24/2024 {{c1::Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)}} is released from atrial myocytes in response to {{c2::increased}} blood volume and atrial pressure
Published 06/24/2024 Atrial natriuretic peptide generally causes {{c1::dilation}} of arterioles
Published 06/24/2024 Atrial natriuretic peptide dilates afferent renal arterioles and constricts efferent renal arterioles, which {{c1::increases}} excretion of Na+ and wa…
Published 06/24/2024 The effective osmotic pressure contributed by protein is called the {{c1::oncotic}} pressure
Published 06/24/2024 The Starling equation is used to determine fluid flow (Jv) and states that Jv = {{c1::Kf [(Pc - Pi) - σ(πc −πi)]}}   
Published 06/24/2024 What does Pc represent in regards to capillary fluid exchange? {{c1::Capillary hydrostatic pressure}}
Published 06/24/2024 Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure (Pc) pushes fluid {{c1::out of}} the capillary
Published 06/24/2024 What does Pi represent in regards to capillary fluid exchange?{{c1::Interstitial hydrostatic pressure}}
Published 06/24/2024 Increased interstitial hydrostatic pressure (Pi) pushes fluid {{c1::into}} the capillary
Published 06/24/2024 What does πc represent in regards to capillary fluid exchange?{{c1::Capillary oncotic pressure}}
Published 06/24/2024 Increased capillary oncotic pressure (πc) pulls fluid {{c1::into}} the capillary
Published 06/24/2024 What does πi represent in regards to capillary fluid exchange?{{c1::Interstitial oncotic pressure}}
Published 06/24/2024 Increased interstitial oncotic pressure (πi) pulls fluid {{c1::out of}} the capillary
Published 06/24/2024 Edema may be caused by {{c1::increased}} capillary pressure (Pc)
Published 06/24/2024 Edema may be caused by {{c1::increased}} capillary permeability (Kf)
Published 06/24/2024 {{c2::Right}} heart failure is associated with a characteristic "{{c1::nutmeg}}" appearance of the liver
Published 06/24/2024 Heart failure may present with dependent {{c1::pitting}} edema due to increased hydrostatic pressure
Published 06/24/2024 Nephrotic syndrome results in {{c1::hypoalbuminemia}}, which manifests as {{c2::pitting edema}} and {{c3::secondary}} hyperaldosteronism
Published 06/24/2024 {{c1::Minimal change disease (lipoid nephrosis)}} is the most common cause of {{c3::nephrotic}} syndrome in {{c2::children}}
Published 06/24/2024 Minimal change disease is characterized by {{c1::cytokine}}-mediated damage of {{c2::foot processes}} and loss of {{c3::glomerular basement}} anions
Published 06/24/2024 Minimal change disease is characterized by {{c1::normal}} glomeruli on light microscopy
Published 06/24/2024 Minimal change disease is characterized by {{c1::effacement}} of {{c2::foot processes}} on electron microscopy
Published 06/24/2024 Is membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) a nephritic or nephrotic syndrome?{{c1::Can be either or both}}
Published 06/24/2024 Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis is associated with {{c1::basement membrane}} {{c2::thickening}} and {{c2::splitting}} on light microscopy
Published 06/24/2024 {{c2::Membranoproliferative}} glomerulonephritis is associated with a '{{c1::tram-track}}' appearance on PAS and H&E stain
Published 06/24/2024 What immunofluorescence findings are associated with membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis? {{c1::Granular deposits (immune complex deposition)}}
Published 06/24/2024 Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis has a(n) {{c1::poor}} response to corticosteroids
Published 06/24/2024 Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis ultimately progresses to {{c1::chronic renal failure}}
Published 06/24/2024 Mannitol may be used to decrease {{c1::intracranial}} and {{c2::intraocular}} pressure 
Published 06/24/2024 Mannitol may be used to treat {{c1::elevated}} intracranial and/or intraocular pressure
Published 06/24/2024 Mannitol-induced expanded ECF volume can cause pulmonary {{c1::edema}}
Published 06/24/2024 Mannitol-induced expanded ECF volume can exacerbate heart {{c1::failure}}
Published 06/24/2024 Is mannitol associated with hypernatremia or hyponatremia as a possible adverse effect?{{c1::Both :)}}
Published 06/24/2024 Which hormones are released in response to increased volume, and thus act as a "check" on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system? {{c1::ANP, BNP::2}…
Published 06/24/2024 Complications of meningitis are classically seen with {{c1::bacterial}} meningitis and are a result of the massive {{c2::inflammatory}} response in th…
Published 06/24/2024 Bacterial meningitis may cause death due to {{c1::herniation}}, secondary to cerebral edema
Published 06/24/2024 Bacterial meningitis may lead to high pressure hydrocephalus, hearing loss, and seizures, secondary to {{c1::fibrosis}}
Published 06/24/2024 Rapid correction of {{c1::hyper}}-natremia results in {{c2::cerebral edema/herniation}}
Published 06/24/2024 Which prostaglandins mediate vasodilation and increased vascular permeability? {{c1::PGE2, PGD2, and PGI2 (prostacyclin)}}
Published 06/24/2024 In general, prostaglandins cause {{c1::increased}} vascular permeability
Published 06/24/2024 What is the likely diagnosis in a patient with lower extremity edema, 4+ proteinuria, and a kidney biopsy demonstrating dense deposits within the GBM?…
Published 06/24/2024 Edema may be caused by {{c1::lymphatic}} obstruction
Published 06/24/2024 Nephrotic syndrome results in {{c1::hypoalbuminemia}}, which manifests as {{c2::pitting edema}}
Published 06/24/2024 {{c1::Lymphangiosarcoma}} is a lymphatic vascular malignancy associated with persistent lymphedema such as post-radical mastectomy
Published 06/24/2024 This patient likely suffers from {{c1::lymphedema::swelling}} in her left arm.
Published 06/24/2024 Light microscopy of {{c1::membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN)::renal pathology}} shows hyper-cellularity and enlarged, lobular&n…
Published 06/24/2024 Which nephritic syndrome may be caused by infections (viral and bacterial) or autoimmune diseases?{{c1::Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephr…
Published 06/24/2024 What physical exam manuever distinguishes between cardiac disease and liver disease in a patient with bilatera…
Published 06/24/2024 {{c1::Mannitol}} can disrupt the blood-brain barrier which increases the permeability of medications
Published 06/24/2024 What is seen on imaging of cerebral edema?{{c1::Loss of grey-white differentiation}}
Published 06/24/2024 Decrease in lymphatic drainage, such as in {{c1::immobility}} and {{c1::lymphadenectomy}} would lead to {{c2::edema::sx}}
Published 06/24/2024 Mannitol draws water out of ICF into ECF, which can be useful in treating {{c1::cerebral edema::condition with high ICF}}
Published 06/24/2024 Review the CRR Dyspnea and Edema PBL
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