Notes in K+ Handling

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Published 10/09/2024 {{c1::3Na+/2K+ ATPase Pump::enzyme}} creates a K+ gradient w/ Really HIGH {{c1::intra}}cellular K+
Published 10/09/2024 Resting membrane potential is maintained by the {{c1::potassium (K+)}} gradientnormal resting memb potential = {{c2::-90}} mV⇒ {{c3::Hyper}}Kalemic ca…
Published 10/09/2024 Normal Serum K+ = {{c1::4}} mEq
Published 10/09/2024 What organ is primarily responsible for K+ balance?{{c1::Kidneys}}
Published 10/09/2024 When you eat lots of K+, the body needs to maintain balance:1. Cellular {{c1::Re-Distribution}}2. {{c1::GI}} Excretion3. Renal Excretion (primary meth…
Published 10/09/2024 What is the main reservoir/buffer for K+?{{c1::Skeletal Msucle}}
Published 10/09/2024 {{c2::Insulin}} shifts K+ {{c1::into::in/out}} cell via: ⇒ {{c1::increasing}} number of {{c3::Na+/K+ ATPase pumps}}⇒ {{c1::increasing}} number of GLUT…
Published 10/09/2024 {{c2::β-2 stim}} shifts K+ {{c1::into::in/out}} cell via:⇒ {{c1::increasing}} activity of {{c3::Na+/K+ ATPase pumps}}
Published 10/09/2024 {{c2::α- stim}} shifts K+ {{c1::out::in/out}} cell via:⇒ {{c1::decreasing}} activity of {{c3::Na+/K+ ATPase pumps}}
Published 10/09/2024 {{c3::Mineral (H+)}} {{c2::acidosis}} shifts K+ {{c1::out}} of cells
Published 10/09/2024 How does {{c2::Organic}} Adcidosis affect K+ levles?{{c1::No effect}}
Published 10/09/2024 Whenever we exercize we have small {{c1::increases::inc/dec}} in extracellular K+⇒ causes vasoDilation
Published 10/09/2024 Where is most K+ reabsorbed?{{c1::PCT}}
Published 10/09/2024 \At the PCTRe-Absoprtion of Na+ causes a large movement of {{c1::Water}} leading to "{{c1::Solvent Drag}}" that helps us re-aborb {{c1::K+}} and lots …
Published 10/09/2024 Thick Ascending Limb uses {{c1::ROMK}} on apical side to keep the {{c2::Na/K/2Cl- CoTrans}} functionalCauses a {{c1::Positive}} Charge tubular lumen
Published 10/09/2024 Where does K+ secretion begin?{{c1::DCT}}
Published 10/09/2024 DCT has lots of {{c1::ROMK}} channels that help secrete K+ along w/ the  {{c1::K/Cl CoTarans}}ncreases intracellular {{c2::Cl-}} drives the {{c1:…
Published 10/09/2024 What part of the Nephron is Reesponsible for K+ secretion? (i.e. control){{c1::CCD-PRINCIPAL CELL}}***make sure no more cards needed for this slide
Published 10/09/2024 {{c2::Increased}} distal delivery of Na → {{c1::inc}} K secretion
Published 10/09/2024 {{c2::Dec}} distal delivery of Na → {{c1::dec}} K secretion
Published 10/09/2024 {{c1::inhibition}} of ENAC → {{c2::dec}} K+ excretion
Published 10/09/2024 {{c1::Inc}} flow rate → {{c2::inc}} K+ secretion
Published 10/09/2024 {{c2::inc}} Aldosterone → {{c1::inc}} K+ secretion
Published 10/09/2024 {{c2::Aldoseteron}} inc K+ secretion via:1. Increases {{c1::Na-K ATPase}} expression/activity2. Increases {{c1::ENaC}} expression/activity3. Activates…
Published 10/09/2024 {{c1::Increased}} ExtraCellular K+ causes inc K+ {{c2::secretion}}
Published 10/09/2024 CCD- α-INTERCALATED CELLfinish listening 11:48 {{c1::}}
Published 10/09/2024 The Symptoms of {{c1::Hypo}}Kalemia are directly proportional to the severity of the imbalance
Published 10/09/2024 {{c1::Hypo}}Kalemia can create {{c2::U}}-wave on EKG
Published 10/09/2024 What Chemo drug can cause HypoKalemia?{{c1::CisPlatin}}
Published 10/09/2024 What electro imbal causes HypoKal{{c1::Dec Mg+}}
Published 10/09/2024 What fungal drug causes HypoKal?{{c1::Amphotericin B}}
Published 10/09/2024 What Diuretics cause HypoKal?{{c1::Thiazide and Loop diuretics}}
Published 10/09/2024 make a card for HypoKal sympt {{c1::}}
Published 10/09/2024 card for hyperKal symp{{c1::}}
Published 10/09/2024 HyperKal EKGmake cards {{c1::}} 11:52
Published 10/09/2024 listen 11:55 for whats important{{c1::}}
Published 10/09/2024 Review RAAS → very important diagram{{c1::}}
Published 10/09/2024 bbb2e5328bf5430f97731c453f76393d-ao-1
Published 10/09/2024 If ptn is HyperKalemic w/ EKG changes give {{c1::Calcium Glutomate}} bc it {{c2::stabalizes Cardiac Membrane}}
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