Notes in 1- Tissues

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Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Histology}} means the science of the tissues.
Published 02/10/2024 There are four types of tissues:1. {{c1::Epithelial}} tissue2. {{c1::Connective}} tissue3. {{c1::Muscle}} tissue4. {{c1::Nervous}} tissueTissues are m…
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Epithelial tissue}} is a type of tissue made up of continous sheets of cells that covers exterior surfaces, lines internal closed cavities, keep…
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Connective tissue}} is a type of tissue that connects and supports.The extracellular matrix and the fluid defines their structure and function.e…
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Muscle tissue}} is a type of tissue that contracts and shortens, so they are made up of long and thin cells, packed with contractile apparatus.F…
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Skeletal muscle tissue}} is a type of muscle tissue that is striated with highly ordered arrangement of contractile proteins.
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Cardiac muscle tissue}} is a type of muscle tissue that is striated, branched, and has less highly ordered arrangement of contractile proteins.
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Smooth muscle tissue}} is a type of muscle tissue that is non-striated with randomly ordered arrangement of contractile proteins.
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Nervous tissue}} is a type of tissue that is involved in communication, they receive impulses and generate signals, they also integrate informat…
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Neurons}} are the basic component of nervous tissue that are involved in neuronal function in all animals, they generate action potentials and c…
Published 02/10/2024 How does epithelial tissue maintain coverage of surfaces i.e. there is no contact inhibition, and they are very tightly connected?Through cell-cell ju…
Published 02/10/2024 All epithelial tissue lay on a membrane called {{c1::Basement Membrane}}, which is made up of two lamina:[1] {{c1::Basal Lamina}} - upper layer o…
Published 02/10/2024 Epithelial tissue are connected to the Basement Membrane by means of {{c1::half-desmosomes or hemidesmosomes}}
Published 02/10/2024 Surface Epithelia Classification/Types:How many layers of cells are there?1. {{c1::Simple Epithelium}} - One layer 2. {{c1::Stratified Epithelium…
Published 02/10/2024 Surface Epithelia Classification/Types:What is the cell shape in Simple Epithelium?1. {{c1::Squamous}}2. {{c1::Cuboidal}}3. {{c1::Columnar}}
Published 02/10/2024 The side of an epithelium that faces the lumen of a tube of the external environment is called an {{c1::apical}} surfaceThe side of an epithelium that…
Published 02/10/2024 Epithelia Classification:What is the cell shape in Stratified Epithelium?1. {{c1::Squamous}}2. {{c1::Cuboidal}}3. {{c1::Columnar}}4. {{c1::Transi…
Published 02/10/2024 Surface Epithelia Classification/Types:{{c1::Pseudostratified columnar}} epithelium - looks like stratified but is fake, it is made up of one layer al…
Published 02/10/2024 There are two major types of epithelia:1. {{c1::Covering}} EpitheliaFunctions:A- Selective diffusionB- Absorption/secretionC- Physical Protection2. {{…
Published 02/10/2024 How does the structural property of surface epithelia correlate with its functions?
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Glandular epithelia}} is the type of epithelia made up of glands.Glands are collections of secretory epithelial cells, either single celled…
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Exocrine glands}} are glands that remain connected to the surface during epithelium development and they secrete into tubes/ducts.---------…
Published 02/10/2024 There are three methods of exocrine secretion:A) {{c1::Merocrine}} - gland stays whole, exocytosis of vesicles, most common type.B) {{c1::Apocrine}} -…
Published 02/10/2024 Describe the three types of exocrine secretion
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Myoepithelial cells}} are cells that have contractile functions around acini glands, helping them expel their secretions from the lumen.
Published 02/10/2024 The {{c1::Pancreas}} is an organ that is both an exocrine and an endocrine gland.It is made up of {{c2::Pancreatic Acini}} which are the exocrine glan…
Published 02/10/2024 What could happen when things go wrong in the function of epithelial cells?
Published 02/10/2024 Describe an abnormal function of pituitary glands i.e. in the production of growth hormone (GA).
Published 02/10/2024 Describe an abnormal function in the uterine tube glands i.e. the production of mucus.
Published 02/10/2024 There are many examples of connective tissue, name some:
Published 02/10/2024 Connective tissue is made up of cells and the extracellular matrix (ECM).The extracellular matrix is composed of:1. {{c1::Fibres ( Collagen & Elas…
Published 02/10/2024 A in the bone marrow refers to → {{c1::Fat cells}}
Published 02/10/2024 The fibres that make up the extracellular matrix are {{c1::Collagen}} and {{c1::Elastin}}This image is {{c2::collagen}} in the Tendons - orderedThis i…
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Collagen}} is a fibre in the extracellular matrix that makes up 30% of the body's weight. It is inelastic but flexible and has great tensile str…
Published 02/10/2024 Collagen forms from cells known as {{c1::fibroblasts}} that secrete collagenase and procollagen.A sum of organised procollagen in a triple stranded he…
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Reticulin}} is a Type III collagen fibre that occurs in Lymphatic Organs like the Lymph Nodes, Spleen, Thymus... etc. 
Published 02/10/2024 {{c1::Elastic fibres}} are flexible fibres that can stretch 1.5 times its resting length, made up from microfibrils and amorphous (without a defined f…
Published 02/10/2024 The ground substance (semi-solid gel) that makes up the extracellular matrix is composed of:1. {{c1::Proteoglycan = (Core Protein + Glycosaminogl…
Published 02/10/2024 Connective tissue can be classified into three types:1. {{c1::Loose}} connective tissue in the Papillary layer of the Dermis of the skinWhich contains…
Published 02/10/2024 Explain the difference between Permanent and Transient cells in the Loose connective tissue.
Published 02/10/2024 Abnormal function of connective tissue:In blood / bone marrow → {{c1::Leukaemia}} (overproduction of abnormal WBC)In loose / dense tissue → loss …
Published 02/10/2024 A tumor that doesn't spread or invade other tissues is called {{c1::benign}}A tumor that is metastastic which spreads to other tissues is ca…
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