Notes in Small cell lung cancer

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Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 1.1 | Epidemiology | Describe the epidemiology of small cell lung cancer
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 1.2 | Risk factors | List the risk factors for small cell lung cancer
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 1.4.1 | Pathology | Decribe the macroscopic, microscopic and IHC features of small cell lung cancer
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 1.3 | Aetiology | Discuss the aetiology of small cell lung cancer
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | | Pathology | Comparisons | Adenocarcinoma | Discuss how you would distinguish on histopathology and IHC b…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | | Pathology | Comparisons | Large cell carcinoma | Discuss how you would distinguish on histopathology and…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | | Pathology | Comparisons | SCC | Discuss how you would distinguish on histopathology and IHC between smal…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | | Pathology | Comparisons | Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma | Discuss how you would distinguish on his…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | | Pathology | Comparisons | Lung carcinoid | Discuss how you would distinguish on histopathology and IHC b…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | | Pathology | Comparisons | Merkel cell carcinoma | Discuss how you would distinguish on histopathology an…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 1.5 | Natural history | Describe the natural history of small cell lung cancer
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 1.6.1 | Clinical presentation | Describe the clinical features of small cell lung cancer
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 1.7.1 | Workup | Describe your workup for small cell lung cancer
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 1.7 | Differential diagnosis | Provide a differential diagnosis for a mediastinal mass
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 1.6.2 | Paraneoplastic syndromes | List and briefly describe the paraneoplastic syndromes associated with small ce…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 1.8.1 | Staging | Limited vs. extensive stage | Define limited and extensive stage SCLC
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 1.8.2 | Staging | TNM stage | Describe the TNM staging of SCLC
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 1.9 | Prognostic factors | List the prognostic factors for SCLC
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 1.7 | Workup | PET | Discuss the role of PET in staging SCLC
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 2.2.1 | Management | Stage I-IIA | Overview | Provide your overview for the management of clinical stage I-IIA sma…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 2.3.1 | Management | Limited stage | Overview | Provide your overview for the management of limited stage small ce…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 2.4.1 | Management | Extensive stage | Overview | Provide your overview for the management of extensive stage SCLC
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 2.5.1 | Management | Recurrent or primary progressive disease | Overview | Provide your overview for the managemen…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | | Management | Limited stage | Chemotherapy | Describe the chemotherapy regimen for limited stage SCLC
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | | Management | Extensive stage | Chemotherapy | Describe the first line chemotherapy regimen for extensive…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | | Management | Limited stage | Radiotherapy (thoracic) | Discuss the role of thoracic radiotherapy in the …
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 2.4.3 | Management | Extensive stage stage | Radiotherapy | Discuss the role of consolidative thoracic radiotherap…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 2.3.4 | Management | Limited stage | PCI | Discuss the role of prophylactic cranial irradiation in the management …
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 2.4.5 | Management | Extensive stage | PCI | Discuss the role of prophylactic cranial irradiation in the managemen…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 2.4.5 | Management | Extensive stage | Brain metastases | Discuss the management of brain metastases in patients w…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 2.6.1 | RT planning | Limited stage | Chemoradiotherapy | Describe your treatment technique for definitive chemora…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 2.6.2 | RT planning | Extensive stage | Consolidative thoracic radiotherapy | Describe your treatment technique fo…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 2.6.3 | RT planning | PCI | Describe your technique for prophylactic cranial irradiation in SCLC
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | | Management | Extensive stage | Chemotherapy | Discuss the role of chemotherapy in the management of exte…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | | Management | Limited stage | Chemotherapy | Discuss the role of chemotherapy in the initial managment of…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | | Management | Overview | Provide your overview for the management of small cell lung cancer in a fit pati…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | | Management | Limited stage | Radiotherapy | Timing  - concurrent vs. sequential | Discuss the evide…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | | Management | Limited stage | Radiotherapy | Target volumes | Discuss the controversies related to target…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | | Management | Limited stage | Radiotherapy | Fractionation | Discuss the controversies regarding the dose…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | | Management | Outcomes | Provide an overview of the outcomes for patients with SCLC
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | | Management | Extensive stage | Immunotherapy | Discuss the role of immunotherapy as part of first line t…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | | Management | Limited stage | Timing - early vs. delayed | Discuss the optimal timing of radiotherapy giv…
Published 02/18/2024 Lu&M | Small cell lung cancer | 2.3.5 | Managment | Limited stage | Surgery | Briefly discuss the role of surgery in limited stage SCLC
Published 02/18/2024 SCLC - controversies chat with DJ
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