Notes in Enzyme Catalysis

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Published 09/07/2023 What are the two key features of enzymes in general?
Published 09/07/2023 Enzymatic rate of reaction depends on what?
Published 09/07/2023 If concentration of substrate (S) is infinitely high, what is the enzymatic rate of reaction?
Published 09/07/2023 Vmax and Kcat are used to describe the ___ of the enzyme.
Published 09/07/2023 What is Km?
Published 09/07/2023 Km describes the ___ of the enzyme to the substrate, and ___ Km values suggest tighter binding.
Published 09/07/2023 a59e453771ed441c9a98969ea73ffa7f-oa-1
Published 09/07/2023 a59e453771ed441c9a98969ea73ffa7f-oa-2
Published 09/07/2023 2cc18d3c00094057941d473ee7224b1c-oa-1
Published 09/07/2023 2cc18d3c00094057941d473ee7224b1c-oa-2
Published 09/07/2023 Enzymatic rate enhancements are explained by the enzymes' ability to ______
Published 09/07/2023 What is activation energy?
Published 09/07/2023 The ____ the free energy of the transition state relative to the energy of the substrate, the ___ the reaction.
Published 09/07/2023 How do enzymes lower activation energy barriers?
Published 09/07/2023 True or false: enzymes alter the free energy of the substrate and products
Published 09/07/2023 OMP decarbozylase catalyzes OMP to UMP for what metabolic purpose?
Published 09/07/2023 OMP decarboxylase uses which enzyme-substrate interaction to stabilize the transition state of OMP?
Published 09/07/2023 True or false: The interactions between enzymes and substrates are mediated by many transient covalent bonds, which are also used to drive catalysis a…
Published 09/07/2023 What is the induced fit model?
Published 09/07/2023 If substrates can be bound to enzymes with weak interactions like hydrogen bonds, how is the overall interaction strong?
Published 09/07/2023 How does OMP decarboxylase exemplify the close relationship between substrate recognition and catalytic rate enhancement?
Published 09/07/2023 What are the 4 classes of enzyme inhibitors?
Published 09/07/2023 How is the potency of inhibitors quantified?
Published 09/07/2023 Describe competitive inhibitors
Published 09/07/2023 How do competitive inhibitors affect Km and Vmax
Published 09/07/2023 Describe mixed inhibition
Published 09/07/2023 What is noncompetitive inhibition?
Published 09/07/2023 How does noncompetitive inhibition affect Vmax and Km?
Published 09/07/2023 How does mixed inhibition affect Km and Vmax?
Published 09/07/2023 What is uncompetitive inhibition?
Published 09/07/2023 How does uncompetitive inhibition affect Vmax and Km?
Published 09/07/2023 How do mechanism based inhibitors work?
Published 09/07/2023 What kind of inhibitor is DIPF and what does it inhibit?
Published 09/07/2023 Mechanism based inhibition refers to ___ inhibitors.
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