Notes in Asynchronous: Examining and Addressing Bias

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Published 03/13/2024 The maternal mortality rate in the U.S. has been steadily {{c1::increasing}} and is higher than insome developing country
Published 03/13/2024 {{c1::Non-hispanic black::What race?}} women get fewer epidurals, have higher rates of epidural failure, and have increased risk factors for certain c…
Published 03/13/2024 {{c1::Medical error}} is still a leading cause of death in the U.S., even after trying to improve the quality and safety of helathcare over recent dec…
Published 03/13/2024 Factors such as fatigue, burnout, high-pressure, or high-risk clinical situations and increased time and productivity pressures all {{c1::reduce}} the…
Published 03/13/2024 System {{c1::1}} thinking is the fast, efficient, intuitive method of thinking that relies heavily on cognitive shortcutsSystem {{c1::2…
Published 03/13/2024 Excessive reliance on type {{c1::1}} processing can override type {{c1::2}} processing, leading to unexamined decisions
Published 03/13/2024 Patient's {{c1::biases}} towards the clinician may affect the information they provide and their willingness to accept treatment and recommendation
Published 03/13/2024 There are implicit and social {{c1::biases}} that affect the clinician's perception of the patient as a person
Published 03/13/2024 Premature {{c1::closing}} is arriving at a dianosis before it has been made
Published 03/13/2024 {{c1::Diagnostic momentum}} is when a provisional diagnosis is repeated until it becomes certain, and other possibilities are excluded
Published 03/13/2024 Implicit bias affects {{c1::all}} areas of healthcare
Published 03/13/2024 {{c1::Implicit}} biases come from associating certain attributes with certain social groupings 
Published 03/13/2024 Biases are {{c1::malleable}}
Published 03/13/2024 It is difficult to change biased behaviors with a "{{c1::one shot}}" educational approach or awareness campaign. Instead, we need a systematic approac…
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