Notes in PHARM 111-02

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Published 09/15/2023 What is a Gradient?
Published 09/15/2023 A concentration gradient refers to {{c1::how the concentration of a substance varies in space}}
Published 09/15/2023 Why is most of a cell's ATP used to build gradients?
Published 09/15/2023 What is diffusion?
Published 09/15/2023 What 3 factors affect diffusion? How so?
Published 09/15/2023 Fick's laws describe the {{c1::relationship between the flow of particles and their concentration gradient}}
Published 09/15/2023 What is the net flow of diffusing particles between two points in space proportional to?
Published 09/15/2023 In the equation for Fick's Laws of Diffusion (I will not list), D represents the {{c1::diffusion coefficient}}. If D is lower, then diffusion is …
Published 09/15/2023 In the presence of an {{c1::electrical gradient or electric field}}, the movement of ions is biased {{c2::according to their charge.}}
Published 09/15/2023 Sodium-Potassium ATPase uses ATP to {{c1::extrude 3 Na+ ions}}, while {{c2::bringing 2 K+ ions into the cell}}
Published 09/15/2023 What is electrodiffusion?
Published 09/15/2023 Energy can be extracted from {{c1::gradients}}. Explain these examples (balloon, dam)?
Published 09/15/2023 The action of K+/Na+ ATPase is {{c1::not sufficient}} to {{c2::establishing the resting potential}} of a cell
Published 09/15/2023 Explain how the membrane is selectively polarized and what this leads to.{{c1::Integral proteins}} selectively allow K+ to flow across the membraneThe…
Published 09/15/2023 In typical cells, the intracellular concentration of K+ is {{c1::higher}} than their extracellular concentration, while the intracellular concent…
Published 09/15/2023 The cytoplasm and the extracellular fluids surrounding it are {{c1::electroneutral}} in relationship. This means that there is an equal number of…
Published 09/15/2023 Cells use energy to build {{c1::chemical gradients}} across the plasma membrane. {{c2::ATP}} is one of type of “fuel” that provides the energy fo…
Published 09/15/2023 The difference in electrical potential is known as the {{c1::membrane potential}}. This is determined by the {{c2::aggregated contriubution of differe…
Published 09/15/2023 The {{c1::Cl-}} gradient is important in {{c2::aiding the maintenance resting potential in skeletal muscle}}. This ion moves {{c3::into…
Published 09/15/2023 The {{c1::Ca2+}} gradient is important for {{c2::contraction signal in muscles, neurotransmitter release in neuron, insulin release in pancreas, …
Published 09/15/2023 The {{c1::Na+}} gradient is important for {{c2::electrical signaling in muscles, neurons, and other electrically excitable tissue}}. This io…
Published 09/15/2023 The {{c1::K+}} gradient is the {{c2::main determinant of the resting membrane potential in most cells}}. This ion moves {{c3::out}} of …
Published 09/15/2023 The {{c1::H+}} gradient is important for {{c2::immune response}}. This ion moves {{c3::in and out (no net flow)}} of the cell.
Published 09/15/2023 {{c1::Sodium-glucose linked transporters}} are proteins that use the {{c2::Na+ gradient}} to {{c3::transport glucose into the cell}}.They are critical…
Published 09/15/2023 Physiological processes that depend on {{c1::electrodiffusion}} include:{{c2::Transport of molecules across the plasma membraneExcretion and reabsorpt…
Published 09/15/2023 According to the Nernst equation, if the concentration of ions outside the cell is the {{c1::same}} as inside the cell, the log value is {{c2::0}} and…
Published 09/15/2023 The GHK equation differs from the Nernst equation, because it {{c1::considers the concentration and memrbane permeability of multiple ions.}}
Published 09/15/2023 The GHK equation describes the {{c1::relationship between ion concentrations and the membrane potential}}.
Published 09/15/2023 According to the Nernst Equation, if the concentration of an ion outside the cell is {{c1::lower}} than inside the cell, then the log value is {{c2::n…
Published 09/15/2023 According to the Nernst Equation, if the concentration of ions outside the cell is {{c1::higher}} than inside the cell, the log value is {{c2::po…
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