Notes in Introduction

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Published 08/15/2024 Any substance taken into or applied to the body for the purpose of altering the body’s biochemical functions and thus its physiological process.
Published 08/15/2024 Drugs are agents intended for use in the {{c1::diagnosis, mitigation, treatment, cure, or prevention}} of disease in humans or in other animals.
Published 08/15/2024 Facilitates an examination to reach a conclusion
Published 08/15/2024 Lessen/reduce the severity of condition
Published 08/15/2024 Treats condition of disease
Published 08/15/2024 Patients no longer have the disease 
Published 08/15/2024 Prevents illness or disease from occurring
Published 08/15/2024 Sources of Drugs
Published 08/15/2024 Drugs that are naturally occurring biological products that are made or taken from a single-celled called organisms such as plants, animals or humans,…
Published 08/15/2024 Are created artificially to exert a specific pharmacological effect.
Published 08/15/2024 Same with synthetic drugs that are created in the laboratory but an imitation of a naturally occurring drugs.
Published 08/15/2024 Combination of natural and synthetic molecule. The natural molecule is being modified synthetically.
Published 08/15/2024 Examples of Natural sources of drugs are 
Published 08/15/2024 Examples of Synthetic Sources of drugs 
Published 08/15/2024 Classes of Drugs 
Published 08/15/2024 Biochemically reactive component of drug; causes therapeutic pharmacological activity.
Published 08/15/2024 Has little or no physiologic or therapeutic effect. Purpose: to dilute the active ingredient and stabilize drug product; to provide vehicle of the act…
Published 08/15/2024 {{c1::Active Ingredient}}+ {{c1::Inert ingredient}} = Dosage Forms
Published 08/15/2024 Classes of Dosage Forms 
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