Notes in Cell metabolism and bioenergetics

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Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::Muscle contraction}} uses the energy stored between {{c2::the beta and gamma}} phosphates of ATP.
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::RNA synthesis}} uses the energy stored between {{c2::the alpha and beta}} phosphates of ATP.
Published 09/29/2023 Utilization of {{c1::triglycerides}} for energy requires {{c2::mitochondria}}.{{c1::Triglycerides}} are {{c3::unable::able/unable}} to …
Published 09/29/2023 A {{c1::high-protein}} meal will {{c2::increase}} the release of {{c3::insulin and glucagon.}}
Published 09/29/2023 Liver stores glucose as {{c1::glycogen}}.When blood glucose levels are low, the liver {{c2::exports glucose to other parts of the body}}.
Published 09/29/2023 Skeletal muscle stores glucose as {{c1::glycogen}}.When blood glucose levels are low, the skeletal muscle {{c2::does NOT export glucose; for use in th…
Published 09/29/2023 Adipose tissue stores energy as {{c1::triglycerides}}.Adipose tissue distributes {{c1::triglycerides}} to the rest of the body as {{c2::fatt…
Published 09/29/2023 Fatty acids are insoluble and must be transported {{c1::bound to albumin}}.
Published 09/29/2023 {{c1::Creatine phosphate}} is a high-energy compound abundant in {{c2::muscle::body part}} and {{c2::brain::body part}}. The function o…
Published 09/29/2023 Bioenergetics:Epinephrine promotes {{c1::degradation of glycogen and triglycerides}} and inhibits {{c1::glycogen and TG synthesis}}
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