Notes in 01 Lung Cancer

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Published 11/06/2023 Which is more common in individuals exposed to asbestos: lung (bronchogenic) carcinoma or mesothelioma? {{c1::Lung carcinoma}}
Published 11/06/2023 {{c1::Asbestosis}} presents with "Ivory white", calcified supradiaphragmatic and pleural plaques
Published 11/06/2023 {{c1::Lung}} cancer is the most common cause of cancer mortality in the U.S.
Published 11/06/2023 The average age of presentation for lung cancer is {{c1::60}} years old
Published 11/06/2023 {{c1::Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons::main}} and {{c2::arsenic}} are particularly mutagenic carcinogens found in cigarette smoke
Published 11/06/2023 {{c1::Radon}} is responsible for most of the public exposure to ionizing radiation
Published 11/06/2023 {{c1::Radon}} exposure is the 2nd most frequent cause of lung carcinoma in the U.S.
Published 11/06/2023 Presenting symptoms of lung cancer are non-specific and include cough, hemoptysis, weight {{c2::loss}}, and post-obstructive {{c1::pneumonia}}
Published 11/06/2023 Lung cancer often presents on CXR with a "{{c1::coin}}-lesion" or on CT with a non-calcified nodule
Published 11/06/2023 {{c1::Small}} cell carcinoma of the lung is usually not amenable to surgical resection and is thus treated with {{c2::chemotherapy +/- radiation}}
Published 11/06/2023 {{c1::Non-small}} cell carcinomas of the lung usually do not respond well to chemotherapy and are thus treated upfront with {{c2::surgical resection}}
Published 11/06/2023 What demographic is associated with small (oat) cell carcinoma?{{c1::Male smokers}}
Published 11/06/2023 Small (oat) cell carcinoma is {{c1::centrally}} located
Published 11/06/2023 {{c2::Small (oat) cell}} lung carcinoma may produce the anterior pituitary hormone {{c1::ACTH}} leading to {{c1::Cushing syndrome}}
Published 11/06/2023 {{c2::Small (oat) cell}} lung carcinoma may produce the posterior pituitary hormone {{c1::ADH}} leading to {{c1::SIADH}}
Published 11/06/2023 {{c3::Small (oat) cell}} lung carcinoma may produce antibodies against {{c1::presynaptic Ca2+ channels}}, causing {{c2::Lambert-Eaton myasthenic}} syn…
Published 11/06/2023 Small (oat) cell carcinoma is commonly associated with amplification of the {{c1::myc}} oncogene
Published 11/06/2023 Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung is {{c1::centrally}} located
Published 11/06/2023 {{c1::Squamous cell}} carcinoma of the lung is the most common tumor in {{c2::male smokers}}
Published 11/06/2023 {{c2::Squamous cell}} carcinoma of the lung may produce {{c1::PTHrP}} leading to hyper-{{c1::calcemia}}
Published 11/06/2023 Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung commonly presents as a hilar mass arising from the {{c1::bronchus}}
Published 11/06/2023 {{c2::Adenocarcinoma}} of the lung is associated with {{c1::hypertrophic osteoarthropathy}} (clubbing)
Published 11/06/2023 {{c2::Large cell}} carcinoma of the lung may secrete the hormone {{c1::β-hCG}}
Published 11/06/2023 Large cell carcinoma of the lung is {{c1::peripherally}} located
Published 11/06/2023 What is the prognosis of large cell carcinoma? {{c1::Poor}}
Published 11/06/2023 Is bronchioloalveolar carcinoma related to smoking? {{c1::No}}
Published 11/06/2023 In regards to lung neoplasias; adenocarcinoma in situ is {{c1::peripherally}} located
Published 11/06/2023 {{c2::Adenocarcinoma in situ}} of the lung presents similarly to {{c1::pneumonia}} on CXR (hazy infiltrates, consolidation)
Published 11/06/2023 Lung cancer has a(n) {{c1::low}} 5-year survival rate because the disease often presents {{c1::late}} in its course
Published 11/06/2023 Common sites of metastasis from lung cancer include the {{c1::adrenal gland}}, {{c2::brain}}, {{c3::bone}}, and {{c4::liver}}
Published 11/06/2023 One complication associated with lung cancer is {{c1::pleural effusion}}, which is classically seen with {{c2::adenocarcinoma}}
Published 11/06/2023 {{c1::Superior sulcus}} tumor ({{c3::pancoast}} tumor) is any kind of lung carcinoma that occurs in the {{c2::apex}} of the lung
Published 11/06/2023 Pancoast tumors may cause {{c1::Pancoast}} syndrome, which is characterized by shoulder pain, Horner syndrome, atrophy of hand/arm muscles, and edema …
Published 11/06/2023 One complication associated with lung cancer is {{c1::hoarseness}} due to compression of the recurrent laryngeal nerve
Published 11/06/2023 One complication associated with lung cancer is {{c1::superior vena cava}} syndrome due to compression of the SVC
Published 11/06/2023 {{c2::Horner}} syndrome is a triad of ipsilateral {{c1::ptosis}}, {{c1::miosis}}, and {{c1::anhidrosis}}
Published 11/06/2023 SVC syndrome is characterized by impaired drainage of the upper extremities, resulting in {{c1::edema}} and dilated collateral veins in the {{c2::uppe…
Published 11/06/2023 SVC syndrome is characterized by impaired drainage of the head, resulting in "facial {{c1::plethora}}"
Published 11/06/2023 SVC syndrome is characterized by impaired drainage of the neck, resulting in {{c1::jugular venous distention}}
Published 11/06/2023 SVC syndrome can raise {{c1::intracranial}} pressure (if obstruction is severe), leading to headaches and dizziness
Published 11/06/2023 Mesothelioma presents with recurrent {{c1::pleural effusions}}, dyspnea, and chest pain
Published 11/06/2023 Mesothelioma may result in {{c1::hemorrhagic}} pleural effusion (exudative) and pleural thickening
Published 11/06/2023 {{c1::Adenocarcinoma}} is the most common type of primary lung carcinoma (40%)
Published 11/06/2023 What type of carcinoma are most head and neck cancers?{{c1::Squamous cell carcinoma}}
Published 11/06/2023 The differential diagnosis for an anterior mediastinal mass includes the "4 Ts": {{c1::Thyroid neoplasmThymic neoplasmTeratoma (and other germ cell tu…
Published 11/06/2023 What is the likely diagnosis in a chronic smoker that develops hypertension, hyperglycemia, and weight gain?{{c1::C…
Published 11/06/2023 Lambert Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome is a paraneoplastic syndrome associated with {{c1::Small Cell Lung Cancer}}
Published 11/06/2023 Myasthenia Gravis is a paraneoplastic syndrome associated with {{c1::Thymoma}}
Published 11/06/2023 Grossly, mesothelioma most commonly presents with nodular / smooth pleural {{c1::thickening}}
Published 11/06/2023 Adenocarcinoma of the lung has what characteristics on histology?{{c1::Cuboidal to low columnar cells with hyperchromatic prominent nuclei}}
Published 11/06/2023 Lung cancer, especially central tumors, may present with {{c1::wheezing::lung sound}}
Published 11/06/2023 Radiation to the chest and pulmonary fibrosis are risk factors for {{c1::lung}} cancer
Published 11/06/2023 What is the gold standard for diagnosing lung cancer?
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