Notes in 01 Antibiotic Resistance

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Published 06/01/2024 How does MRSA obtain methicillin resistance? Alters {{c1::PBP (penicillin-binding proteins)}}
Published 05/24/2024 {{c1::Vancomycin}} resistance occurs in Enterococcus spp. (VRE) via amino acid modification of D-Ala-D-{{c2::Ala}} to D-Ala-D-{{c2::Lac}}
Published 05/24/2024 Penicillins are what class of antibiotics?{{c1::β-lactams}}
Published 05/24/2024 What bacterial enzyme hydrolyzes the β-lactam ring of certain penicillins and cephalosporins (β-lactam's), rendering them inactive? {{c1::β-lacta…
Published 05/24/2024 β-lactam antibiotics inhibit what family of enzymes involved in cell wall synthesis? {{c1::Penicillin binding protein transpeptidases}}
Published 05/24/2024 {{c1::Anti-staph penicillins}} are anti-bacterials that have {{c2::bulky R-groups}} that block access of β-lactam ring, making them {{c3::penicillinas…
Published 05/24/2024 Anti-staph penicillins have activity against what organism?{{c1::Staph aureus (except MRSA)}}
Published 05/24/2024 {{c1::MRSA}} has an altered PBP target site and is thus resistant to anti-staph penicillins
Published 05/24/2024 {{c1::Transformation}} is a way that bacteria uptake DNA from their surrounding environment
Published 05/24/2024 Addition of {{c1::DNAase}} will degrade any naked DNA present in a culture medium, inhibiting any bacterial transformation
Published 05/24/2024 {{c1::Conjugation}} involves bacteria extending a sex pilus, allowing exchange of DNA between two different strains
Published 05/24/2024 When high frequency strains of bacteria undergo {{c1::conjugation}}, they transfer their {{c2::bacterial}} genome with the plasmid to the recipient
Published 05/24/2024 In normal conjugation, is there transfer of bacterial chromosomal DNA?{{c1::No - Normal conjugation involves transfer of plasmids only}}
Published 05/24/2024 {{c1::Transformation::which bacterial genetics phenomenon}} is used to amplify DNA
Published 05/24/2024 {{c1::Transduction}} describes the transfer of DNA from one bacteria to another via a bacteriophage
Published 05/24/2024 In Transposition of bacterial DNA, a(n) {{c1::transposon}} can move to a(n) {{c2::plasmid}}, allowing transfer to another bacterium via {{c3::con…
Published 05/24/2024 Mutations in which bacterial enzyme can result in resistance to Rifampin?{{c1::DNA-dependent RNA polymerase}}
Published 05/24/2024 Resistance of penicillins comes from production of {{c1::β-lactamases}} that cleave the β-lactam ring, or changes to {{c1::penicillin binding proteins…
Published 05/24/2024 Vancomycin works by binding {{c2::directly}} to the {{c1::D-alanyl-D-alanine}} of peptidoglycan bacterial cell walls
Published 05/24/2024 Which antibiotic binds directly to the D-ala-D-ala sequence of bacterial cell walls?{{c1::Vancomycin}}
Published 05/24/2024 Vancomycin-intermediate staphylococcus aureus (VISA) has an unusually thickened {{c1::cell wall}}
Published 05/24/2024 Resistance to Tetracyclines includes bacterial production of {{c1::efflux}} pumps
Published 05/24/2024 Daptomycin inserts its lipid tail into the cell wall, causing membrane {{c1::depolarization}}
Published 05/24/2024 Daptomycin can be used to treat {{c1::vancomycin}}-resistant bacterial strains
Published 05/24/2024 Macrolides bind the bacterial {{c3::23s rRNA}} of the {{c2::50s subunit}}, blocking amino-acyl transpeptidation and {{c1::translocation}}
Published 05/24/2024 Which antibiotic class binds the 23S rRNA of the 50S ribosomal subunit of bacteria?{{c1::Macrolides (-thromycin)}}
Published 05/24/2024 Resistance to macrolides (-thromycin) occurs via post-transcriptional methylation of the {{c1::23S bacterial rRNA}}
Published 05/24/2024 Bacterial transferase enzymes can inactivate aminoglycosides via {{c1::acetylation}}
Published 05/24/2024 What are the two starting substrates of folate synthesis (prokaryotes)?{{c1::PABA and pteridine}}
Published 05/24/2024 PABA and Pteridine are combined by {{c1::dihydropteroate synthase}} to form dihydropteroic acid (prokaryotic folate synthesis)
Published 05/24/2024 Dihydropteroic acid is converted to {{c1::dihydrofolic acid}} (prokaryotic folate synthesis)
Published 05/24/2024 Sulfamethoxazole (SMX) is a(n) {{c1::PABA}} analog, thus inhibiting the enzyme {{c2::dihydropteroate synthase}}
Published 05/24/2024 Polymixins work by binding to {{c1::LPS}} on bacterial cell membranes
Published 05/24/2024 Resistance to Colistin (Polymixin E) is encoded via the Mcr-1 gene which alters the structure of {{c1::Lipid A}}
Published 05/24/2024 Vancomycin Resistant Bacteria typically spread resistance to other bacterium via {{c1::Transposition}}
Published 05/24/2024 Resistance to Aminoglycosides is encoded by bacterial {{c1::transferase}} enzymes
Published 05/24/2024 Which step ([A] - [E]) of Bacterial Protein Synthesis do Macrolides inhibit?{{c1::[D]}}
Published 05/24/2024 VISA (vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus) typically arises after patient experiences {{c1::prolonged vancomycin therapy}}
Published 05/24/2024 VISA has {{c1::acquired::intrinsic or acquired}} resistance to vancomycin because of its thick cell wall
Published 05/24/2024 Some strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae acquire genes for beta-lactam resistance by {{c1::gene transfer}} and {{c1::recombination…
Published 05/24/2024 D-Ala-D-Lac slows down growth compared to D-Ala-D-Ala, so Van genes are {{c1::silenced}} unless vancomycin is present
Published 05/24/2024 Resistance to Tetracyclines includes bacterial production of plasmid-encoded {{c1::tetracycline-binding}} proteins
Published 05/24/2024 What specific part of the 50S subunit do macrolides bind to?{{c1::Peptide exit tunnel}}
Published 05/24/2024 Mechanisms of resistance of quinolones include {{c1::mutations in gyrase}}, {{c2::efflux pumps}}, and a plasmid-encoded Qnr that&n…
Published 05/24/2024 Bacteria develop resistance to rifampin by which of the following mechanisms?
Published 05/24/2024 Daptomycin resistance generally occurs by gene mutations that lead to altered {{c1::plasma membrane}}
Published 05/24/2024 Trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole are synergistic when given with each other because {{c1::SMX}} acts to reduce production of DHF,…
Published 05/24/2024 Antibiotic Utilization Metrics:{{c1::Defined Daily Dosing}} = # grams antibiotic per day * # days / # WHO-defined standard
Published 05/24/2024 Antibiotic Utilization Metrics:{{c1::Days of Therapy}} = # days on antibiotics, added up for each drug separately
Published 05/24/2024 Antibiotic Utilization Metrics:{{c1::Length of Therapy}} = # days on any antibiotic, irrespective of number of drugs
Published 05/24/2024 Antibitoic Utilization Metrics:5 days of cefepime and metronidazole counts as DOT of {{c1::10 days}} and LOT of {{c1::5 days}}
Published 05/24/2024 Antibitoic Utilization Metrics:5 days of piperacillin-tazobactam counts as DOT of {{c1::5 days}} and LOT of {{c1::5 days}}
Published 05/24/2024 Antibitoic Utilization Metrics:{{c1::Standardized Antimicrobial Administration Ratio}} = Observed DOT / Expected DOT
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